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Protest for Naseh Gafor

james oliver | 05.08.2004 10:16 | Anti-racism | Sheffield

URGENT- Naseh Ghafor, a 20 year old Kurdish man in Burngreave, who is on hunger strike for fear of being sent back to Iraq, is in a critical state. Saturday at Chatsworth is our chance to confront David Blunkett, who has given no response to pleas to help Naseh.
Could someone from Indymedia report it?

Campaign to Defend Asylum Seekers PROTEST FOR NASEH GHAFOR
this Saturday
Can you smell the scent of death David Blunkett?

Naseh Ghafor, a 20 year old Kurdish man, who is on hunger strike in Burngreave for fear of being sent back to Iraq, is in a critical state. Apparently Iraq is 'safe' to retrurn to! ALL of his family were killed by the Iraqi regime. He is like many others in Britain who face destitution fleeing war and persecution in their own countries. It is time David Blunkett took notice. He is the one person who has the power to intervene and save Naseh's life. Blunkett's not listening.

This Saturday David Blunkett is opening a scent garden at Chatsworth House. The press will be there. We have a question that we want to ask the home secretary,

'Can you smell the scent of death?'

Sheffield CDAS has called a protest at Chatsworth this Saturday. People are organising to drive from Sheffield (Assemble 1pm at the National Centre for Popular Music Car Park). If you would be able to take other protesters, please call Alan 07830251063.

james oliver
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Burngreave Road blocked

08.08.2004 16:29

Last night a spontaneous protest by friends and supporters of Naseh Jabar Ghafor blocked Burngreave Road for nearly an hour. They were alarmed by his failing health, one said he wanted more people to know what is happening.

An ambulance was called and after an hour or so the protest dispersed peacefully, to the relief of many in the crowd who had gathered. Protestors have been trying to raise his case with David Blunkett, who faced protestors while opening a new garden in Chatsworth House.

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what happened?

10.08.2004 17:51

Did the Chatsworth protest go OK? It would be interesting to read a report.
