Resisting ID Cards Gathering, Manchester | 05.08.2004 10:01 | Repression | Social Struggles | Technology
A gathering to organise resistance to the Government's plans to introduce identity cards and a national population database is taking place in Manchester on September 11th 2004.
With ID cards firmly on the cards, and iris scans and a national population database just around the corner, it’s time to get moving for those of us who believe we need to resist these scary and dangerous developments.This is not only the biggest clampdown on our civil liberties we have seen in many years, but is a step towards an Orwellian future where the state constantly monitors the population.
There are individuals, groups and networks all over the country who oppose Blunkett’s plans for ID cards and national population database, some of whom have already started their campaigning. This planning meeting aims to bring together people opposed to the introduction of ID cards to discuss how we can work together in our resistance to the encroaching big brother state.
We will have an update on the current situation with regards to Blunkett’s plans, including trial areas, current technology, and potential corporations involved. There will also be an update on existing campaigns and groups active in opposition to ID cards. After lunch we will have space to suggest and discuss ideas for resistance, potential actions, and how we can move forward as a network.
The gathering will be free but we will be asking for donations to cover the cost of the room. We will not be providing lunch, to keep costs and organisation to a minimum. The venue is wheelchair accessible.
This gathering, organised by Defy-ID is open to everyone interested in or involved in opposition to ID cards. Please email or phone 07980 291478 for details of the venue (so we can keep track on numbers), or for more information.
You can download a gathering flyer (in PDF format) - to print and distribute, from
Hope to see you there!
There are individuals, groups and networks all over the country who oppose Blunkett’s plans for ID cards and national population database, some of whom have already started their campaigning. This planning meeting aims to bring together people opposed to the introduction of ID cards to discuss how we can work together in our resistance to the encroaching big brother state.
We will have an update on the current situation with regards to Blunkett’s plans, including trial areas, current technology, and potential corporations involved. There will also be an update on existing campaigns and groups active in opposition to ID cards. After lunch we will have space to suggest and discuss ideas for resistance, potential actions, and how we can move forward as a network.
The gathering will be free but we will be asking for donations to cover the cost of the room. We will not be providing lunch, to keep costs and organisation to a minimum. The venue is wheelchair accessible.
This gathering, organised by Defy-ID is open to everyone interested in or involved in opposition to ID cards. Please email

You can download a gathering flyer (in PDF format) - to print and distribute, from

Hope to see you there!
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AktiviX II on the same weekend
05.08.2004 15:10
AktiviX II - Another System is Possible!
10-12th September 2004 — Sheffield, England
A weekend for environmental / animal rights / peace / social justice /anti-capitalist campaigners / activists and cultural creatives to get to know GNU/Linux, each other, and to discuss political strategies and actions around Information and Communication Technology
So if people want to come over for the party on Saturday night and Sunday that would be cool :-)
DEFY ID website
05.08.2004 20:35
Brian B
Good good.
18.08.2004 14:04
e-mail knacker
18.08.2004 17:24
Where is the Manchester meeting being held?
Little Brother
Why ID cards are a bad idea
19.08.2004 10:53
ID cards themselves aren't really the problem - we are generally carrying some form of ID anyway, be it driving licenses, passports, bank cards etc. etc.
The real problems lie with:
a) the data that will be stored, and the Government isn't exactly clear on this point - at the moment they're talking about minimal storage (name, address, biotech details), but later they'll add other information they regard as necessary - this type of functional creep is a real danger - who knows where it will end?
b) access to this data - who will be allowed to view this data - definitely the secret services MI5, MI6 etc, but what about other organisations with a vested interest and lots of cash? Already supermarkets collect vast amounts of data on their customers and the government gets access to this. But what about health organisations, insurance companies etc - access to biometric data would be a godsend to them - they'd instantly be able to stop insuring those of us with genetic flaws that might lead to disease, thereby creating an underclass of uninsurable people who therefore cannot afford medical treatment, get jobs (because you may be more likely to be off work ill etc). I'm sure there are lots more undesirable ramifications...
c) linking of this data with other databases - so interested parties could match this data to other databases and be able to track your movements, behaviour etc.
Altogether this just tends towards a complete surveillance of society - very, very Orwellian.
I hope this helps.
The site is working, and here's some useful info.
20.08.2004 12:53
Details of the Manchester venue will be given out to people who contact Defy-ID.
This gathering, organised by Defy-ID is open to everyone interested in or involved in opposition to ID cards. Please email
For more info on UK anti-ID cards campaigning, see the following websites-
Campaign Against ID Cards - This campaign was launched at a public meeting in London in May.
Privacy International - A US/UK human rights group formed in 1990 as a watchdog on surveillance and privacy invasions by governments and corporations.
Stand - From the creators of the Fax Your MP website
Also the Issue 52 (June/July 2004) of Nonviolent Action has a great two page article about ID cards by Helen Steel (of the McLibel case)