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Bomb Explodes Near Power Station Outside Athens

AP Reports | 05.08.2004 09:34

another bomb attack in athens

Aug. 4 (Bloomberg) -- A homemade bomb exploded near an electrical substation outside Athens, nine days before the Olympic Games open in the Greek capital, Associated Press reported, citing unidentified officials.

Authorities couldn't say whether there was a link between the blast and the Olympics, AP said. The device, which was made with a cooking gas canister and a triggering fuse, exploded in the bathroom of a building near an electrical substation in Metamorphosi, six miles north of Athens, AP reported.

There were no injuries reported, the news agency said.

The Olympic Games start on Aug. 13.

AP Reports


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Link ?

05.08.2004 09:47

You seem to be trying to link this bomb with the Olympics. What evidence do you have for this ?



05.08.2004 11:20

Thanks for that it confirms what I thought - there are no links between the Olympics and the bomb just a lot of media organisations suggesting that there 'might' be.

In other news there were no links between the bombs and Big Brother but then again various bored journos with nothing to do during the holiday season think there 'might' be.


some official statistics

06.08.2004 17:17

From 1986 to 2004 in Athens only there were 1556 successful bomb/arson attacks without any person ever got injured, as all the bombs were planted in empty buildings late at night.

1997 was the hottest year in Athens with 318 attacks... The most common method of these bombings is the use of camping gas canisters as explosive material.

98% of the targets are banks.

(that’s the official numbers from Greek newspapers... the real numbers are a lot bigger)
