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The Fascist State is Now

dh | 04.08.2004 23:14

Gangland style busting of people in the street
People hauled from their cars and faced down in the gutter at the butt of a cop’s gun
All tied in to years old terrorist threats from ISI computer sources in Pakistan
550 –619 people arrested but only 15 fit-ups resulting
Pics of CBW –protected police going into people’s flats and houses

Sorry - these are perfectly orthodox media reports
It's the interpretation that matters
We know by now,perfectly well, that a few criminal charges on non-terrorist matters may result from these broad daylight spectacular assaults
We only too well understand the thinking behind them
The future authoritarian state is being played out right here, right now,12780,1275928,00.html



Hide the following 14 comments

wake up

05.08.2004 00:08

HoW MuCh LoNgEr Will You TaKe TheIr Shit And EaT iT?



05.08.2004 07:16

Clearly the ratio of arrests to convictions has been very poor, but could you provide evidence that those convictions are the result of a 'fit-up'. You must have some inside information or have been directly involved in the investigations to have made such a statement. Have you thought of making your evidence more widely available rather than just publishing it here?

Paul Edwards


05.08.2004 09:52

Thanks to everyone who objects to the arrest of my terrorist brothers. You make our job so much easier. We look forward to thanking you with bombs, death, maiming and misery.

A terrorist

Why, thank you!

05.08.2004 11:00

We appreciate it, "A Terrorist". It's nice to think that you would repay our kindness for bombing the hell out of your brothers in Afghanistan and Iraq.

UK Terrorist


05.08.2004 12:14

Well done, that's exactly the sort of thing we need. Keep it up.

A Terrorist


05.08.2004 12:14

Well done, that's exactly the sort of thing we need. Keep it up.

A Terrorist

UK terrorist TWAT

05.08.2004 15:41

yeah innit ? the 4 year old info that the U.S government used to help crank up oil prices to a record high.
two days later the cat is magiacally out the bag, so fast ? yeah it's election time and it seems that maybe
Bush might be on his way out fellow skull an bones man Kerry ready to take over.
In the midst of ever more anti islamic Propaganda, yeah sure the ever present Israeli students/mossad contingent now use anti islamic crap to defend themselves and distract attention from taking over the holy lands and probably most of the middle east and on into the sunset.
Terrorists are sponsored by governments in much the same way that Ollie North and co' ran cocaine into Costa Rica and onto the U.S Once a clandestine drug running operation is up and running the proceeds can be diverted to just about anyone(any groups) any where in the world. The guys who are driving the trucks and planes think they are just involved with ordinary criminals. of course it does depend on what you have got lined up as "ordinary criminals" because the links between organized crime gangsters, banks and corporations is pretty much normal. Reality is that there is no such thing as a terrorist who don't work for some western intelligence agency if you believe that you'll believe that Bin Laden planned the 9/11 from his secret island cave.
or was that Blofeld in err goldfinger just more fiction ..



05.08.2004 18:23

"Reality is that there is no such thing as a terrorist who don't work for some western intelligence agency"

Always nice to see that old favourite, a man who thinks the CIA did it. Now let me guess was Mossad involved ?

Why do you find it so difficult to see the truth ?


Man! Paul Edwards

05.08.2004 23:29

I personally find it amazing that at this late stage anyone should have to start explaining the Al-CIAda sham. I can get you hundreds of links if you really need them, but surely anyone with any insight can grasp the manipulation, the scapegoating, the compulsive and controlled drift towards a tyrannical globalised state. Picking the Muslims off like this is just the start. Eventually they'll come for you



06.08.2004 15:38

" I personally find it amazing that at this late stage anyone should have to start explaining the Al-CIAda sham. I can get you hundreds of links if you really need them, but surely anyone with any insight can grasp the manipulation, the scapegoating, the compulsive and controlled drift towards a tyrannical globalised state. Picking the Muslims off like this is just the start. Eventually they'll come for you "

What are you on ?

Waste of a keyboard

You dont need to be on anything, waste

06.08.2004 23:52

You just keep yourself open to the lies


Islam is fascism

07.08.2004 06:49

"Picking the Muslims off like this is just the start. Eventually they'll come for you"

All too true - we're picking the Islamonazis off, rather than dealing with them properly. They're coming for us already.


an amazing amount

08.08.2004 17:57

of crap thinking follows anything the wonderful dh writes ...

But of course it is the usual candidates that are responsible - you know, the stupid, the terminally gullible and, most importantly, the spooks.

A total over-reaction, hysterical armed police doing their take on a starsky & hutch number in the streets of the uk, meanwhile in amerika they like to do it bigger (and more hysterical) and close down whole sections of cities, cage protestors and generally run amok in the streets while looking hard and cool (in a fascist chic kind of way - tooled up to the max and all in black).

But wait - what's this we hear - the info that lead to the reaction was years old? The recently arrested al-ciada 'top operative' was actually a deep mole for 'our' own intelligence agents? The arrests won't stick?

What a joke. At least it gave bush the chance to look macho coincidently whilst kerry sat back and hoped for the post conference 'boost'

And those intelligence agents who are in the front line get shafted again - years of hard work gone up in a few senseational headlines. Now they really had the chance to get to some of the lower level operatives (you know, the ones who actually do the bombing and shooting and who think that they are doing it for some generic anti-western groups!!!) - but not now.

Thanks guys.

A clearer mesage to aid true understanding of the bullshit war on terror could not have been made. Still you know what they say - you can lead a horse to water ...

mail e-mail:

interesting news clipping

08.08.2004 19:40

Monday 9th August, 2004

U.S. Thwarts al-Qaeda Sting Operation

Big News Sunday 8th August, 2004

Pakistan complained Saturday that the United States blew the cover of an al-Qaida suspect, putting an end to a sting operation against the terror network.

Mohammed Naeem Noor Khan, an al-Qaida computer expert, had agreed to work for Pakistani intelligence agencies after his arrest early last month in the Pakistani city of Lahore.

After an arrangement with Pakistani agencies, he agreed to send coded e-mail messages to other al-Qaida operatives. Pakistani intelligence agents had hoped that with his cooperation they would be able to net other al-Qaida suspects as well.

But in an effort to justify the high security alert in three American cities declared last Sunday, U.S. officials told The New York Times that the decision was based on the information received from Khan.

The revelation exposed Khan and forced Pakistanis to move him to a secret location.

During the last two weeks Pakistan arrested more than 20 al-Qaida operatives, including Ahmad Khalfan Ghailani, the man suspected of orchestrated the 1998 bombing of U.S. embassies in East Africa that killed 224 people.


coded e-mails?
undercover operations?

are these reports of Pakistani sting operations
a cover for the new orders being issued to the
Al CIAda?

Is it a bluff and cover operation
pakistan pretends to be annoyed at the CIA
and in the meantime
another set of instructions go out

is the next 911 in the planning?

captain wardrobe