Town and Country
Henry | 02.08.2004 16:41
Countryside to Town event in Leeds
Stalwart countryside campaigner Julie Nelson from the Claro Beagles and her team of enthusiasts from Yorkshire organised a 'Countryside Stand' in Leeds city centre on Wednesday 28th July.
Stalwart countryside campaigner Julie Nelson from the Claro Beagles and her team of enthusiasts from Yorkshire organised a 'Countryside Stand' in Leeds city centre on Wednesday 28th July.
This is the first of many in town events being organised accross the UK, so far we have over 30 confirmed venues across England and Wales
As part of our ongoing campaign to promote hunting and country sports to the wider public, supporters are being encouraged to support National Countryside to Town Week from 7th - 14th August and organise a countryside stand in their local town centre.
Over 20 events took place last year, with supporters organising countryside stands in Shrewsbury, Cheltehnam, Worcester, Hull, York, Ryhl, Yeovil and more recently in Barrow in Furness a few months ago.
Feedback from previous events has been extremely positive and supporters have found the days to be most rewarding. the Countryside Alliance website has further details.
As part of our ongoing campaign to promote hunting and country sports to the wider public, supporters are being encouraged to support National Countryside to Town Week from 7th - 14th August and organise a countryside stand in their local town centre.
Over 20 events took place last year, with supporters organising countryside stands in Shrewsbury, Cheltehnam, Worcester, Hull, York, Ryhl, Yeovil and more recently in Barrow in Furness a few months ago.
Feedback from previous events has been extremely positive and supporters have found the days to be most rewarding. the Countryside Alliance website has further details.
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fuck off twat
02.08.2004 17:13
reclaim the Land from redneck twats and country gents by any means necessary
02.08.2004 17:24
Perhaps this will further ruin your day. As a result of events like the one above hunting attracted 9000 new participents last year.
Come Hunting - Learn the truth
Go Sabbing - Live in ignorance
fuck off twat
02.08.2004 17:26
I don't even get it!
02.08.2004 17:42
Jack Hargreaves
Hooray for Henry(!?)
02.08.2004 18:12
I see the hunt and what a bunch of toffs or inbred ignorant bumpkins they are, i've seen a fox ripped apart by hounds, i've seen a horse break its leg and have to be "put down" cos the rider pushed it too hard. I;ve been nicked by the over zealous cops who are chummy with the cops.
I'd rather be "ignorant" than be a cruel scumbag like you.
02.08.2004 21:26
There are very serious issues concerning the countryside - the closing of rural services, out-of-town big box stores destroying local jobs, corporate industrial farming putting small farmers to the wire, supermarkets doing likewise. The interesting thing is, the supposed voice of the countryside - the Countryside Alliance - is essentially a single-issue pro-hunting front group run by a group of capitalists who are heavily responsible for the afforementioned real countryside problems - see corporate watch's report:
What are you doing
03.08.2004 11:42
D Horton
For those who haven't read the Corporate Watch link . . .
03.08.2004 17:41
"The Countryside Alliance should be opposed for several reasons:
• Its staff have several conflicts of interest (see below) including links with corporations involved in accelerating rural decay.
• Obviously, it supports hunting and other cruel sports.
• It claims to care about all aspects of rural life, yet its structure, origins, membership and staff suggest otherwise: It remains an organization to defend field sports. (See below)
• It claims to speak for ‘the countryside’. In fact, it speaks for the leisure interests of the landed gentry and assorted business people.
• Its proclamations about how hard times are for rural people are fairly shameless considering the role that landowners and business people have played in making sure that times stay as hard as possible for the peasantry.
• Its funding and investments show a high degree of hypocrisy (see below)"
Shock !
03.08.2004 18:54
Really, are you sure ? Well bless me you're right. Investigative journalism at its most incisive. Of course the CA supports Hunting, but it is much more than that as even a quick look at the website makes clear.
Can you actually read Henry?
03.08.2004 22:52
• It claims to speak for ‘the countryside’. In fact, it speaks for the leisure interests of the landed gentry and assorted business people.
• Its proclamations about how hard times are for rural people are fairly shameless considering the role that landowners and business people have played in making sure that times stay as hard as possible for the peasantry.
• Its funding and investments show a high degree of hypocrisy (see below)
"Of course the CA supports Hunting, but it is much more than that as even a quick look at the website makes clear."
Read the Corporate Watch report (linke to above). The Countryside Alliance is SOLELY a pro-bloodsports group - the majority of key members are *actively involved* in accelerating rural decay. The Countryside Alliance is an active enemy of the countryside, except for the tiny minority who kill for fun. Its pretension to speak up for genuine rural issues is shameless Machieavellian realpolitk. As I said before, hunting is not a 'rural way of life' or similar nonsense, it is the bloody pastime of a well-funded minority who seek to co-opt the support of the very people who's livelehoods they are actively destroying.