Islamofascists attack Communists in Pakistan
Perth | 02.08.2004 13:10 | Social Struggles
After the brutal attack of islamofascists on communist comrades in Pakistan I would ask you to send this email to protest to the authorities for their complicity in allowing it.
The undersigned want to express:
Our deepest indignation by the brutal assaults suffered by the Pakistani movement: Berozgar Naujawan Tehrek (Unemployed Youth Movement), carried out by more than a hundred of fundamentalists belonging to Islami Jamiat Tulba, in the Anarkali Street of the provincial capital of Lahore.
In spite of having the proper authorization, the local police was present at all times during this criminal attack and did nothing to prevent it, something which demonstrates the clear link of the fundamentalist groups, acting as force of shock against the organizations of leaves, and the appliance of the State of General Pervaiz Musharraf.
We demand the immediate imprisonment and the taking down of these fundamentalist reactionary groups.
Of course, we join in solidarity with the assaulted comrades and with the exemplary struggle that they are carrying out with the campaign Undemployed Youth Movement.
(Name) (Group)
Send the protest letters to:
President of Pakistán General Pervaiz Musharraf
Punjab Governor
Solidarity copies to PTUDC:
Our deepest indignation by the brutal assaults suffered by the Pakistani movement: Berozgar Naujawan Tehrek (Unemployed Youth Movement), carried out by more than a hundred of fundamentalists belonging to Islami Jamiat Tulba, in the Anarkali Street of the provincial capital of Lahore.
In spite of having the proper authorization, the local police was present at all times during this criminal attack and did nothing to prevent it, something which demonstrates the clear link of the fundamentalist groups, acting as force of shock against the organizations of leaves, and the appliance of the State of General Pervaiz Musharraf.
We demand the immediate imprisonment and the taking down of these fundamentalist reactionary groups.
Of course, we join in solidarity with the assaulted comrades and with the exemplary struggle that they are carrying out with the campaign Undemployed Youth Movement.
(Name) (Group)
Send the protest letters to:
President of Pakistán General Pervaiz Musharraf

Punjab Governor

Solidarity copies to PTUDC:
