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The Liverpool Kensington £62m New Deal for Communities bandwagon roles on

Mike Lane | 01.08.2004 09:38 | Liverpool

The Liverpool Kensington £62m New Deal for Communities bandwagon roles on. The rich property developers and construction firms get richer and the New deal community gets decimated!

What you must realise about this New Deal regeneration initiative is, it is practically impossible to get any concrete information, especially information which would be construed as being controversial. The service providers, be they in whatever guise, and the hand full of crony residents including the ten resident board members, have shrouded everything in a veil of secrecy and uncertainty. In effect the latter mentioned are the only ones who really know what is going on and even the resident cronies don’t know everything. Only the dominant culture that exists at local government level, i.e. senior council officers, certain Government Office for Merseyside civil servants, the executive director of Riverside’s Community 7 and his operations manager, the chief executive of the Kensington New Deal initiative and her senior staff, the Housing Corporation, Newhaertlands, Bellway Homes, Lovels Construction and lets not forget the ruthless Liverpool Land and Development Company who path the way for the oligarchy elite, such as Grosvenor Developments, which is owned by the oligarch property developer the Duke of Westminster, really know what is going on because they are the ones who will profit from the misery that is being perpetrated on the unsuspecting residents of this so called 4,000 house New Deal for Communities area. What these people are up to is not just happening here in the confines of this New Deal area, it is happening right throughout Merseyside and there are people similar to them in other cities right throughout the UK doing exactly the same thing. These elitists are just using this £62m New Deal for Communities initiative as a smoke screen to hide behind as they decimate a whole community. A community, which just happens to be right on the doorstep of the city centre. Its no secret that at least a quarter of the Liverpool city centre is, or shortly will be, owned by the Duke’s Grosvenor Development, who will receive millions of ERDF funding from the mysterious £800m Objective One money that was given to Liverpool by the corrupt European Commission a couple of years ago. This means that the Duke will
get at least one pound back from Objective One funding for every two pounds that he spends. This is why he, along with all the other rich property developers, has jumped on the regeneration bandwagon..

Its not really difficult to guess what all the above are up to because they always use, near enough, the same oppressive tactics when they are trying to push their agendas onto communities. These tactics involve a certain methodology that incorporates an insidious gradualist oppressive approach, which always involves, gradualism and community training programmes, which lead to subordination, lethargy, demoralisation and eventual domestication of the hand full of decent well intentioned community members who bother to get involved. You see, the less people who are involved the easier it is for all the above to impose their agendas unopposed on to the wider community.


There is a lot of uncertainty about this key for a key thing. No one really knows what is going on in relation to this issue, especially the housing association tenants. It was believed that certain homeowners in the area that covers: Half of Marmaduke St, Royston St, Gladstone Rd, Martensen St, Cicely St, Winifred St, Janet St, Dorothy St, Plimsoll St, and Peet St, which is due for mass demolition, were secretly meeting with senior New Deal administrators, Community 7 and council officer from the housing department. They are supposed to have discussed proposals not to demolish some 200 houses in Thorburn St, Milroy St and Nutall St. It has been proposed that the RSL tenants in these streets (about 100 tenants) who leave through natural migration will not be replaced and that these former RSL houses will be refurbished at a cost of approximately £12,000 and sold to homeowners who’s houses will be demolished in the same area. It is also believed, but no one is really certain, that the latter arrangement is now being called, especially by homeowners, a “key for a key” arrangement. In simple language what the service providers intend to do is steal former tenants houses and sell them to homeowners in spite of the fact that there are now over 200 homeless families who are waiting for housing association properties living in miserable hostels in Liverpool. Most housing association tenants in the New Deal area now know about these plans and are not happy because they feel that the housing associations main priority and intended remit is to house the most vulnerable in society not in effect appropriate tenants houses and sell them to homeowners at a knock down price. The latter issue is now causing much resentment from tenants towards homeowners. Tenants are now asking questions amongst themselves as to why nearly all the structures that have been put into place by the service providers do not adequately reflect the situation of tenure within the community. i.e. out of the ten resident board members only one is a tenant and this majority homeowner presence is reflected in all the community structures that have been put into place by the service providers. Before this NDC funding came into the area the tenants were in a 60% majority and are still in a majority, yet structures were never put into place to encourage tenant participation. Some tenants believe that this was a deliberate ploy by the service providers so as to use the homeowners as yet another tool to subjugate the tenants with. Also the main housing associations Riverside deliberately avoided putting simple structures into place to address the issue of antisocial tenants thus allowing many of these tenants into the area so as to further encourage homeowners and tenants to leave the area. There is no stone left unturned when the dominant culture wants to impose its agendas onto a community. It will stop at nothing to achieve it goals. Bringing in antisocial tenants, creating inter-area rivalry for funding, turning tenants against homeowners and vice versa, dividing the community up into many different areas and keeping them divided, continually conniving and using the negative aspects of the communities cultural perspective as a tool to subjugate them with are all oppressive aspects used by the dominant culture that exists at local government level.

The situation of tenure in the Edge Hill area due for mass demolition is about 440 tenants and 200 homeowners. Over 100 tenants have already been moved out of the area, but there are still about 340 left. Most of these tenants will be moved out of the New Deal area altogether and ghettoised in areas which are not important to the city centre regeneration. This is disgraceful behaviour by the service providers because these people are supposed to be stakeholders in the New Deal initiative, in other words the £62m New Deal funding belongs to them, yet the service providers, with the full support of Government Office, intend to move hundreds of tenants out of the New Deal area thus disenfranchising them from the initiative.

Mike Lane
- e-mail: -
- Homepage: http://-


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kensington map

01.08.2004 20:43

purple area = demolition ---- green area = possible demolition
purple area = demolition ---- green area = possible demolition

not sure how much the NDC area covers so took in some surrounding area also. are there other confirmed demolition streets? i thought hall lane and the streets behind it were in the way of a road expansion?

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Kensington NDC - a summary

01.08.2004 23:19

Kensington, Liverpool

One of the top ten poorest wards in the UK

13 000 residents
4 000 properties
majority of residents are tenants

£62m New Deal for Communities (NDC) grant for regeneration

£62m administered by NDC in partnership with Liverpool City Council (LCC)

+ NDC structure

- 36 NDC staff

- 10 member community board
(2 members for each of 5 zones in Kensington NDC area. 9 out of 10 members are homeowners, 1 is a tenant)

- C7 representation
(a subsidiary of Riverside Housing which is attempting to become the single social housing landlord [RSL] in the KNDC area by amalgamating several existing RSLs)

- Local Government civil servants

- Liverpool City Council officers

- Public Meetings
(active community residents who attend public meetings estimated to be 25, including the 10 community board members)

- Informal Influence:
a) the NDC agenda which is dressed up as a ‘consultation process’ when in fact it is fixed and non negotiable
b) the regeneration industry lobby (building contractors, property developers, consultants etc looking to maximise profits with no interest in social issues and who lobby the city council and NDC staff)
c) lack of accountability in decision making process which is effectively closed and because of unrepresentative make-up of community board

+ Issues the NDC money is supposed to address and action taken

- crime
alley gates, CCTV, community wardens, ASBOs

- housing
600 planned demolitions in Edge Hill





this is a summary of recent information posted by Mike Lane.

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You got it in one!

02.08.2004 19:42

Yer that's right you got it in one! Are you a Labour Party moderate right winger? You may know what is going on here but a lot of people don't. See that map above. The streets which have been coloured green are the streets where the demolition homeowners are planing to steal over a hundred RSL houses from us tenants. They just sit back and wait untill the RSl tenants leave or are persuaded to leave then the RSL does the houses up. £12,000 is going to be spent on each one of these RSL houses, then they will be given to the demolition homeowners for what they get for their old house after it has been CPO'd.

There are now over 200 homless families living in hostels in Liverpool alone as well as loads of single men an women living in misorable no hope places such as the YMCA and Mildmmay house and all of these homeless people have got their names on RSL lists. But what do the powers that be aided by the useless Lib Dem and Labour coucillors do. Fucking nothing. All the councillors and the middle class loving Labour Party right wing pricks I ran against in the local ellections just sit by and watch these corrupt RSL's who are supposed to be accountable to New Labours fucking corrupt middle class run Housing Corporation just sell done up former RSL houses at a knock down price to home owners. It's absolutly fucking disgcracefull.

Mike Lane
- Homepage: http://-

Council information on KNDC

04.08.2004 12:28

>>The council website has a section called:

Kensington NDC Delivery Plan 2004-2005

>>It has 4 sections:

* Details
* History
* Decisions
* Agenda Items

>>Here is the information from each section:

* Details

"The report outlines the Kensington Delivery Plan 2004-05. This plan contains a detailed programme for 2004/5.

Decision Type: Key
Decision Status: Outstanding

Decision to be taken by Executive Board on the recommendation of Councillor Peter Millea, Executive Member for Regeneration
Decision Due: June 2004

Contact: Lynn Spencer Interim Chief Executive, Kensington Regeneration. Email: Tel: 233 6137

Consultation Process
The Kensington NDC 2004-2005 Delivery Plan proposals need to be acceptable to local people. A key premise of the NDC programme is to involve local people in the neighbourhood in the design and implementation of the programme to ensure it addresses the problems they face. The Kensington Regeneration Board which includes a majority of local residents will be fully consulted on the 2004-2005 programme and agree to the final version. Government Office agreement must also be obtained.

In writing by 28 May 2004 to:
1. ? Lynn Spencer, Interim Chief Executive, Kensington Regeneration, The Job Bank, 4. Tunnel Road, Liverpool.
2. ? Charlie Parker Executive Director Regeneration
1. ? Executive Member for Regeneration
3. ? Members of the City Council


Documents will be available from 30th June 2004.”

* History

>> there are 3 links to the council Forward Plan for 2004 which is a city-wide plan not specifically to do with KNDC. Hence there is one reference to Kensington in all the text, and that is about an initiative to, "provide district boundary signs for all of the various districts within the Liverpool Boundary"

* Decisions

“No decisions have been published”

* Agenda Items

“No agenda items have been published”

>>so there is no online information from liverpool city council about KNDC decisions, history or agenda although documents (a report) are supposed to have been available since 30 june.

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Tenants Action Group

10.11.2004 21:26

And I suppose setting up a Tenant's Action Group in direct opposition and ignoring those people who want to see a healthy mix of social housing and owner occupier homes is a great way of helping everyone work better for a common end? No, it will only create divides.


Not only in Liverpool

28.09.2006 12:43

It is not only happening in Liverpool. The Government Quangoes are putting up the high density slums everywhere, wrecking communities, causing traffic and crowding problems. It is premediated and it abusive bully-boy tactics by thoroughly nasty Government employees for the regional planning boards. Deliberate Government policy to reward the landowners and make life hell for ordinary people.

Andy Horton
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