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Respect win council seat in Tower Hamlets

just saying | 30.07.2004 09:28

Oliur Rahman has won the St Dunstan's and Stepney Green ward by-election to
gain a place on Tower Hamlets Council.

Oliur Rahman, Respect - 878
Jalal Uddin, Liberal Democrats - 754
Shah Habibur Rahman, Labour - 578
Alexander Patrick Story, Conservative - 445
Lynda Miller, National Front - 172

just saying


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proof is in the pudding

30.07.2004 11:57

the true test is if respect can make a difference to the lives of ordinary people. we'll be watching carefully.

desert lover

excellent result: build the resiatnce

30.07.2004 12:03

my i congratulate Oliur rahman for is success.He is not only anti-war but an active trade unionist in the civil servant working in the benefit agency.

Anybody who sick of labour and their abondonment of the working class will be happy with this result.

Unfortunately Tony blair will go on regardless with his attacks on the working class, his announcement to sack 100,000 civil servants, arse licking of bush, his reactionary stance on law and order, fueling the racists bigots, installing the much hated mandelson into europe , his love affair with the bosses and privatisation will continue.

However, this result and the results in leicester will give hope to many of the militants and the oppressed. It will also be a warning to those sell out careerist labour MPs that support the blair project. Pro war, Oona King MP for Tower hamlets and a junior minister to patrica Hewitt will no doubt be shitting her self come the general election. it is likely that george galloway will stand in tower hamlets next year.

there will be many MPs up and down the country who will be looking over their shoulders, they regret that they voted for war and standing by their man blair. it is up to all of us to pile on the pressure.

I urge all progresive people to throw there wieght behind the RESPECT coalition as the best way to make a stand to this rotten system.

red letter

So ?

30.07.2004 12:43

"it is likely that george galloway will stand in tower hamlets next year"

. . . . . and lose.

Respect winning in this seat is frankly no more than what should be expected. The demographics were made for them.

The idea that Gruesome George will find a new sourse of income to pay his wife's extensive account at Chanel is laughable.


RESPECT gets left out of Ghetto

30.07.2004 16:19

Respect's victory should give the left something to cheer at. RESPECT has been formed to take the left out of its ghetto and to bring a movement together to fight for the issues that effect peoples lives without patronising working class people by dropping 'big politics'. Losers like Jo can complain about galloway if they want, but ask yourself this. Will complaining about Galloway make Blair depressed? No. Will being a force that can challenge Blair and the other lot that lord it over us get New Labour a bit nervous. Yes.
RESPECT is an organisation of activists attempting to build a real and vibrant alternative to mainstreem politics by beating the mainstreem on their strongest groud. RESPECTs result will see MORE people coming from Tower Hamlets to the ESF than if Lab/Lib had won. It will give people the confidence to know that THEIR involvement can punch Blair in the face. Its working class credentials is explained in the Guardian today, where Oli Rahman (PCS activist and new RESPECT councillor) was interviewed on his picket line about the vicory. This is the party that RESPECT is becoming. Snipping is good for shitty e-mail freeks but it doesn't challenge Blair, capitalism, war or exploitation in any way.

Doug Morgan

doing the maths...

31.07.2004 05:27

more like a victory for the NF. 172 from an area that is nearly 80% muslim. That's racism surely.