don't build
nick watson | 29.07.2004 15:01 | Liverpool
paste from the Campaign for Racial Equality website:
Revised employment code out for consultation
Questionnaire must be returned to us by Friday 6 August 2004.
The Campaign for Racial Equality (CRE) is now consulting on its revised statutory Code of Practice on Racial Equality in Employment.
The draft code, together with a feedback questionnaire, can be downloaded from this page.
If you wish to take part in the consultation, your completed questionnaire must be returned to us by Friday 6 August 2004.
It is now twenty years since the current statutory code of practice came into force. Since then, there have been a number of important amendments to the Race Relations Act 1976, as well as new EU legislation governing racial equality in the workplace.
To reflect these changes, many important revisions have been made to the new code, including:
* greater accessibility, in terms of language and style;
* an accurate reflection of current legislation and the modern world of work;
* more real-life employment tribunal case studies; and
* detailed guidance on topics such as positive action, ethnic monitoring and racial equality policies.
The code aims to give practical guidance to employers, recruitment agencies, trades unions and individual employees on how to meet their obligations under the Race Relations Act. It will have statutory status; this means that any of its provisions can be referred to in an employment tribunal.
We have prepared this draft code in partnership with a wide range of organisations from the public, private and voluntary sectors. Our aim is to make the final code as clear, comprehensible as possible, and relevant to the needs of all employers. That is why we are now inviting organisations from all sectors to comment on the draft.
To take part in the consultation, download the draft code and the accompanying questionnaire from this page, and email your completed questionnaire to:
by *** Friday 6 August ***
For general queries relating to the code, or to request a hard copy, call Sonny Taank on 020 7939 0225 or email
Download the draft code here:
Statutory Code of Practice on Racial Equality in Employment (903kb)
Consultation questionnaire (52kb)
CRE homepage:
Revised employment code out for consultation
Questionnaire must be returned to us by Friday 6 August 2004.
The Campaign for Racial Equality (CRE) is now consulting on its revised statutory Code of Practice on Racial Equality in Employment.
The draft code, together with a feedback questionnaire, can be downloaded from this page.
If you wish to take part in the consultation, your completed questionnaire must be returned to us by Friday 6 August 2004.
It is now twenty years since the current statutory code of practice came into force. Since then, there have been a number of important amendments to the Race Relations Act 1976, as well as new EU legislation governing racial equality in the workplace.
To reflect these changes, many important revisions have been made to the new code, including:
* greater accessibility, in terms of language and style;
* an accurate reflection of current legislation and the modern world of work;
* more real-life employment tribunal case studies; and
* detailed guidance on topics such as positive action, ethnic monitoring and racial equality policies.
The code aims to give practical guidance to employers, recruitment agencies, trades unions and individual employees on how to meet their obligations under the Race Relations Act. It will have statutory status; this means that any of its provisions can be referred to in an employment tribunal.
We have prepared this draft code in partnership with a wide range of organisations from the public, private and voluntary sectors. Our aim is to make the final code as clear, comprehensible as possible, and relevant to the needs of all employers. That is why we are now inviting organisations from all sectors to comment on the draft.
To take part in the consultation, download the draft code and the accompanying questionnaire from this page, and email your completed questionnaire to:

by *** Friday 6 August ***
For general queries relating to the code, or to request a hard copy, call Sonny Taank on 020 7939 0225 or email

Download the draft code here:
Statutory Code of Practice on Racial Equality in Employment (903kb)

Consultation questionnaire (52kb)

CRE homepage:

nick watson
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