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Resist Eviction Tues 3rd Chalk Farm Rd

anul | 29.07.2004 14:03

the "Autonomüs :Lab Resistance and Rebellion" (formerly known as "art v oil" and more even formerly as "Greenwash or Us, Exibition of Resistance Against BP and Big OIL" is , erm, facing eviction next TUESDAY the 3RD of August from 9AM.



and throwing some fun and games to go along... starting SUNDAY with a 3 day non stop bike protest running along a circuit around Camden Town.

Appart from the inevitable kaos that resistance to the eviction will bring, thuout the day, we will be carring out random ID checks on the local population in a solidarity action with the palestinian people. the "Camden Town Apartheid Wall" will be erected by the Zapatista Palestine Solidarity Group ( NOT to be confused with the moronic west essex zapatista shitstirring gang ).

as well as rebel zapatista coffee and not so rebellious tea but also autonomus squat made refreshments will be provided as well as food and music. there will be sleeping space for everyone (bring sleeping bags, etc tho) ,so please come along on monday night, help barricade the building and make sure that you dont miss the early eviction fun and the day's games.


the address is 50 - five o - Chalk Farm Road, NW1...

take kare




Hide the following 13 comments

Between the Lines

29.07.2004 14:12

For the above read,

"Hippies pretend day spent fucking around is political protest"


Get a life!

29.07.2004 14:35

You lot are just using this as an excuse.

Let me spell it out clearly: you are dirty, disshevelled and lacking in self-pride.

Why else would you be living (without paying and illegally) in someone else's property? Now that the law finally catches up with you, you encourage others to make life more difficult for the authorities, who WORK ON BEHALF of most normal individuals living in the community.

And we are 'enticed' to join in with your generous offer of coffee and tea?!?

And then you think you'll even add more appeal by performing 'random ID checks' on innocent individuals walking around innocuously (in some sort of harmony with the 'Palestinian's)?!?


What makes me happy is now I know where you are. I live in the middle of the neighbourhood... And if I even smell an attempt by you to bother someone in MY hood, you can be sure that you won't be cycling anymore.

Remember, no matter what your mama taught you, there is NEVER such a thing as 'a free lunch'.

'Nuff Said.

The Right Enforcer


29.07.2004 14:48

Yeah you fucking scroungers, get a house like everyone else. We all have to pay our dues in this world like it or not, you have no right to steal someone elses property and pitch up and expect to stay there rent free and bill free while everyone else has to pay and earn their wages!

Get out and go and live on some island away from the rest of sane humanity.

London Area Paramilitary Policing Unit

who they?

29.07.2004 15:08

"( NOT to be confused with the moronic west essex zapatista shitstirring gang )." I've never heard of them, what did their"shit-stirring" involve?

Essex boy

Nobody in the world cares about leeches like them - they CHOOSE to be like this

29.07.2004 15:21

They probably threw their nappies in to the street - hard men...

On the other hand, these guys have got principles - they feed off our tax money and try to fool us into believing they have a cause. I noticed on their banner they are against oil, war and pollution. Does noise and dirt pollution that they themselves emit every day fit into this category? Filthy scum.

The Right Enforcer

Nice poster though...

29.07.2004 15:54

Very sexy.

Red Ted
mail e-mail:

good luck anul and you others at the squat

29.07.2004 19:54


(and to the rest of you moaning lot.. do you ever say anything that isn't totally predictably slagging other people off and completely uninteresting?)


Camden populace need the space

30.07.2004 08:48

We feel very touched by the eviction and all the support to resist the bailifs and their local pimps will be given in a generous way. Today, this is the only place in UK that allows people from all backgrounds to come and participate. For ignorant idiots that think this is a game, why not come-over to the autonomous place and see for your self what has been achieved than just squart on indymedia and spread your little ignorant minds!!


Idiots making silly comments

30.07.2004 11:28

'Yeah you fucking scroungers, get a house like everyone else.' hang on a minute, surely your house or anyone's house is not a place where anyone can come in at any time. If they were a bunch of scroungers looking for a free home then they wouldn't tell anyone, this is an autonomous zone which is free for everyone, it is NOT the same as a house, it is for the community you ignorant fuck



30.07.2004 11:49

Don't worry, those people who live in houses paying impossible mortgages and getting nowhere - they're just bitter....which is made even worse when they see that other people have found an alternative. The idea that squatting an empty property is scrounging is farcical - and goes to show how very bitter they are about their own lives.


Squatting is no crime

30.07.2004 18:21

In Britain we have a) homeless people and b) empty houses. To look at squatting as the problem with our society rather than the fact that thousands have to live on the streets because 'its not fair' is a pretty warped view on society. If you want to change places, go live in a shop door front and sell the big issue and see if the guy on the street feels worse off sleeping in your house worrying about your fucking mortgage then I'm sure you'd get plenty of people to switch places. It's not fair, oh poor fucking you, you obviously have it so hard up that a bit of empaphy is beyond you


Dudes right

31.07.2004 16:32

I agree completely with (the) dude.

Essex boy

good luck

31.07.2004 22:04

I can't believe some of the replies to this - perhaps the above respondents were looking for the "daily hate mail" website so they could find out how this might effect property prices in the area?

The right to shelter is clearly protected in the UN charter on social and economic rights for one; the notion that some should have a right to property while others shouldn't is seriously flawed - you have support in your struggle from me.
