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Iraq Occupation Focus Public Meeting

Ewa's secretary | 29.07.2004 13:15 | Anti-militarism | World

Iraq Occupation Focus

Media release, 28 July 2004

Organising the UK and US Labour Movements Against War and Occupation

Public Meeting with US Labor Against the War Co-Convenor Gene Bruskin

Welcomed by Greg Tucker, RMT, National Train Crew Secretary

Thursday 5th August, 7pm

Friends Meeting House

173 Euston Road, London NW1

(opposite Euston Station)

Entrance Free/Donation #2

All welcome

US Labor Against the War has played a key role in promoting opposition
to war and occupation among US trades unionists. USLAW has more than 80
affiliated national and local unions, regional labour bodies and allied
labour organisations representing more than three million US workers.

On 13 July the California Federation of Labor, representing more than
two million members, voted overwhelmingly to "demand an immediate end
the US occupation of Iraq" and to affiliate to USLAW. On 25 June, the
annual convention of the 1.4 million member American Federation of
State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME) called on Bush to "bring
our troops home from Iraq now" by near unanimous vote. On 22 June, the
1.6 million-member Service Employees International Union (SEIU)
unanimously passed a resolution backing USLAW.

Gene Bruskin's visit offers people in Britain a unique chance to learn
about anti-war opposition within US trades unions. Gene will also talk
about USLAW's efforts to support Iraqi trade unions.

The meeting, organised by Iraq Occupation Focus, will be a chance to
forge closer links between British and US trade unionists who oppose
continuing war and occupation in Iraq.

There will also be a slide show by US Labour journalist and
David Bacon on USLAW's fact-finding mission to Iraq and a video speech
from Stewart Acuff, National Organising Director AFL-CIO, on supporting
workers rights in Iraq.

Gene is visiting the UK from August 4-7 in order to meet with anti-war
trade union leaders and activists and to build links between US and UK
trades unionists opposed to the ongoing war and occupation in Iraq. If
you would like to set up an interview or a meeting, please use the
contacts below.


Gene Bruskin

Mobile 001 202 297 0198

Ewa Jasiewicz, Iraq Occupation Focus

07749 421 576

Iraq Occupation Focus

Ewa's secretary
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