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What has David Aaronovitch done for the Left?

Preston Studley (pronounce stooodley!) | 28.07.2004 19:27

Guardian/Observer columist Aaranovitch has been on the left since his youth; my extensive research reveals what has he done for it.

He didn't make Stalinism fashionable. But then who could?

Preston Studley (pronounce stooodley!)


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28.07.2004 19:43

Those that didn't sport the mullet haircut were power-crazed murdering swine.


He's an Attack Dog for the Right.

28.07.2004 20:12

Aaronovitch hates the whole left: especially Stop the War, Animal Rights, SWP, RESPECT Anarchists, Anti-capitalists, George Galloway, John Pilger, Naomi Klein... the more coherent, successful and respected the bigger his scorn.

Why? After years of being on the left, journeying from Stalinism to the ever evolving Neo-Labour project (which will convergence with Neo-conservatism some day)he has not found any political respect or success - not even as yet a safe Labour seat. He may get some thanks from the right for being a stooge or attack dog against the left, but it will only be a "good doggy", and pat on the back.

This boy has form though. Even his colleagues are not imune to his tricks. When he claimed Naomi Klein's reports from Iraq were "bollocks", it was shown he wrote complete bollocks about her; corrections appeared in the Guardian. Klein did some excellent reporting from Iraq in the Guardian, itself.

