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Local Paper capitalising on York murders

Rebel W | 27.07.2004 21:14

Perhaps readers across York didn't realise just how low their local paper could sink, but with yesterday's edition came the lowest of the low: an 8-page supplement telling the story of the hunt for a Double-double-murderer near York. The evening press must surely realise this is nothing but an attempt to capitalise on grief and horror.

Of course, all this might raise the question for some of why the paper shouldn't produce an 8-page supplement with a killer's mugshot on the front detailing exactly what happened over the previous week, since the time two young people and an older couple were found dead near York.

The suspect, who's appearance within the paper has always been one of mad man, is believed to suffer from mental illness. This image cannot be good for those fighting to restore what little dignity we used to have in the mental health service of this country. There are plenty of none-violent people around who suffer mental illnesses, but this stereotypying must make them all feel pretty crap and unwanted.

On the other hand, the victims families and friends; how must they feel? Their tradgedy is being squeezed by the local press for every last penny they can make on sales. There are some things I can put up with from the corporate media (as long as I can ignore them), but what amounts to a souvenir supplement on a personal tradgedy and a person who needs serious help beggars belief.

This seems only the last in a series of similar attempts to capitalise on "this and that". The press does, to its credit, seem to be getting somewhere with its campaign to lower parking charges in the city. But such an image of altruism must surely go out of the window when such a story is milked by fat cats. The paper itself, while appearing to be independant, is of course another front for NewsQuest.

(Apologies for tardiness in getting this written!)

Rebel W


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Bring on the Judge

28.07.2004 10:16

Has this guy has been found guilty? I wasn't aware there had been a trial... Or does the press just condemn people nowadays because; "he looks mad, so he did it." Won't this souvenier supplement jeopardise legal proceedings? So much for 'Care in the Community' the suspect is lucky he wasn't shot dead on the spot.

End of...

Mad Pride.

28.07.2004 12:29

For a radical perspective on mental health as well as advice and resources for organising, see

mad ted
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Looks like he had a bit of an accident

28.07.2004 13:40

>the suspect is lucky he wasn't shot dead on the spot.

He wasns't shot, but he did "fall down stairs". Unless there was some other reason why he was in hospital for two days with abdominal injuries.
