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Palestinians Sell Themselves Out

buzzbee | 27.07.2004 02:30

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Palestinians 'made millions' selling cheap cement for barrier they bitterly oppose

One of the biggest debates regarding the influx of European Jewery into Palestine at the start of the 20th century involves how the Jews actually came into possesion of large tracts of land. The Arab/Islamic world claim that the Jews stole it. The Jews claim that they bought it - at inflated prices - from eager-to-sell Arab land-owners.

Read the article below - regarding Palestinian opportunists today - and see if it doesn't ring with a bit of deja-vu.

Palestinians 'made millions' selling cheap cement for barrier they bitterly oppose

By Inigo Gilmore in Jerusalem
(Filed: 25/07/2004) file:///Mac%20HD/Desktop%20Folder/Telegraph%20|%20News%20|%20%20Palestinian

Palestinian businessmen have made millions of pounds supplying cement for Israel's "security barrier" in the full knowledge of Yasser Arafat, the Palestinian leader and one of the wall's most vocal critics.

A damning report by Palestinian legislators, which has been seen by the Telegraph, concludes that Mr Arafat did nothing to stop the deals although he publicly condemned the structure as a "crime against humanity".

The Israeli wall cuts through the Palestinian town of Baqa el-Gharbiya

The report claims that the cement was sold with the knowledge of senior officials at the Palestinian ministry of national economy, and close advisers to Mr Arafat. It concludes that officials were bribed to issue import licences for the cement to importers and businessmen working for Israelis.

One of the report's three authors, Hassan Khreishe - an independent legislator and long-term critic of Mr Arafat - last night called for the Palestinian cabinet to resign.

"Wealthy Palestinians with connections at the highest levels have been making millions helping Israel build this wall while Arafat and the Palestinian Authority have been urging people to fight against it," said Mr Khreishe, a council member from the West Bank city of Tulkarm.

"Why Arafat did nothing about it, we just don't know. These people are traitors who have brought shame on us, and they should be punished."

An official in Mr Arafat's office said: "We will not comment because this file has been closed and it is now in the hands of the attorney general."

Growing resistance to corruption in the Palestinian Authority is posing the most serious internal challenge to Mr Arafat's leadership. Last week, gunmen staged a number of kidnappings and attacks on security buildings in the Gaza Strip and West Bank.

Thousands of Palestinians demonstrated about high-level corruption and the appointment of Mr Arafat's cousin, Moussa Arafat, as security chief in the Gaza Strip.

The report reveals that the cement originally came from Egyptian companies which supplied it at a huge discount of $22 (£12.50) a ton to help rebuild dilapidated Palestinian houses or buildings bulldozed by the Israelis.

Between September 2003 and March this year, 420,000 tons of cement were allegedly sent to three big Palestinian companies. According to the report, however, only 33,000 tons were sold in the Palestinian market. The vast bulk was transported to Israel on trucks owned by the three firms. According to Mr Khreishe, the cement was then sold with a mark-up of at least $15 a ton - and possibly as high as $100 - making profits of well over $6 million (£3.4 million) for company executives.

The Legislative Council launched an investigation after Egyptian journalists stumbled upon business links between a German Jewish businessman and the Palestinian companies.

According to the report, on November 9 last year a letter was sent to Mr Arafat by the Palestinian Authority comptroller, revealing that open-ended import licences for the cement had been signed by Maher al-Masri, the economy minister.

The Palestinian Authority comptroller asserted in the letter that the cement was destined for the wall.

The letter was allegedly received and seen by Mr Arafat on the same day that he urged people to demonstrate on the first international "Day against the Wall". According to Mr Khreishe, Mr Arafat took no action to stop further imports, which continued for another five months.

Ministry officials said that Mr al-Masri was unavailable for comment. The minister was quoted on a Palestinian news website challenging the claims, although he conceded that some cement had been transported to Israeli businessmen. "There is an exaggeration," he said. "The goal is to distort my reputation."

He said that his own investigative committee found that only 14,500 tons of concrete were transported to Israel. He conceded that two ministry officials carried out some "suspicious administrative violations" in relation to the permits, and that there was not full co-ordination between the economy and finance ministries regarding the cement quota. The ministry had issued permits for 233,000 tons, he said, and had then cancelled permits for 65,000 tons.

The revelations in the report are highly embarrassing for Mr Arafat, who has been pushing the international community to condemn the 425-mile barrier, of which about one quarter has been built. Israel says that the barrier is vital to protect its citizens from suicide bombers and terrorist attacks. Palestinian leaders argue that it is designed to deprive them of a state, and is cutting off Palestinians from their land, schools, doctors and relatives.

Last week, the United Nations condemned the barrier and demanded that it should be torn down.



Hide the following 11 comments

Corruption amongst businessmen and politicians......

27.07.2004 07:37

Thanks so much for putting this on the newswire, I never knew such things happened.

I am shocked.

Obviously the wall should now stay up.............

That was the point of putting it up up, wasn't it?



27.07.2004 09:47

The interests of the classes are above race, religion or anything else. So, I cannot find anything strange in the article. When Ariel Sharon was Defence Minister, he was doing bussines (arms trade) with the Argentinian junta, which was an openly Neo Nazi regime and was responsible for the murder of about one thousand Jews Argentinian citizens. It is time for the people to understand that there is only one war, the class war.


find a smaller tar - brush, knucklehead!

27.07.2004 10:13

What's this? Arafat and cohorts caught ripping off the poor? A few wealthy businessmen acting contrary to the interests of millions in their own country? Well shiver me fucking timbers. Who'd've thought?

Clearly the Palestinians, en bloc, have got no one but themselves to blame. All notion of solidarity and sacrifice is obviously nothing but a naive romantic myth supplied by cheating duplicitous arabs and propogated by naive political do-gooders. Just fancy ! "The Palestinians" building their own wall and moaning to the world about it!


Oh come on ...

27.07.2004 12:45

Haven't you noticed that it is Palestinians doing the work as well?

You can't expect them to watch their families starve (and the UN relief program is witness to just such an unfolding spectacle).

During ww11, jews were made to build their own prisons and death camps.

This is nothing new, and like the previous poster said, is just one of the lunacies of class division (the opressed paying and working for their oppression).

Does this make it right?

Does this justify the theft and murder?

israeli society could not exist without daily handouts from american taxpayers and the graft of needy Palestinians.

Does that make their racism and suprecamcist thinking ok?

Does it fuck.

mail e-mail:


27.07.2004 14:33

Just because those at the top appear to be corrupt does not mean all Palestinians are at fault. If anything, it suggests the people deserve even more support from the rest of the world.

Thinking about it, how many Governments in the world (if any) can be said to have the overwhelming support of their people?


Feb 15

28.07.2004 10:40

millions of people in england were against the war. *many* thousands of english people would gladly have assasinated our beloved prime minster, Tony Blair.

many people in england were against the attrocities committed by british troops in northern ireland. some even funded/supported them (for profit or ideology). John Lennon (beatles), Ken Livingstone (mayor london) spring to mind as ideological sympathisers.

during WW2, George Bushes grandfather sold steel to the Nazi's for use against American soliders.

my point. that whenever you are dealing with more than one person, absolute beliefs should be disgarded and only statistical analysis is relevant i.e. most palestinians dont support, finiancial benefit from the wall. during WW2 not ever single american was a traitor who willingly sold his own country for money.

think about it

deja vu

28.07.2004 13:53

The founder and first leader of the Palestinian anti-semitic movement was the Mufti of Jerusalem (appointed by the British Arabist imperialists, later a major instigator of the Holocaust and enthusiastic Nazi). His gangs of murderous thugs slaughtered poor Arab farmers in Palestine who sold their scraps of land to Jews offering good money, but at the same time he and his family (rich landowners) were in fact themselves selling land to Jews. Like the poster said - deja vu.


The Palestinian love of Naziism

28.07.2004 17:06

'Grand Mufti' Haj Amin al-Husseini, whom Arafat idolised and repeatedly claimed was an uncle (another lie, like Arafat's claim that he isn't an Egyptian) wasn't just an enthusiastic Nazi. He was given a personal tour of Auschwitz as the guest of Eichmann, expressed his desire to see the extermination of the Jews continue in the Middle East, and was involved in the creation of Muslim SS units. No wonder neo-nazis groups in Germany march in support of 'Palestinian' fascism!


Just like the auuld days...

29.07.2004 14:19

Well, who built the ghetto walls in the 1940s? Who coshed the jews onto the death trains? And who bombed the jewish community in Iraq to increase immigration to Israel?

Green Bert
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29.07.2004 21:16

Europeans, Europeans and Arabs?

Or are you swallowing the nazi line that 'the Jews brought the holocaust on themselves'?

Either way, your snide, pathetic comments are beneath contempt.


Actually, sonny...

30.07.2004 00:48

...I was referring to the Judenrat of '43 (a temporarily-privileged elite, hmmm), and the Mossad bombings in Iraq in the 1950's (well-documented elsewhere). So, 1 out of 3 then, although part one was a trick question...

Green Bert
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