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WAG Film Expose - Greek Animals And The Olympics

Marijo Gillis | 26.07.2004 04:13 | Animal Liberation


Welfare for Animals in Greece, under the umbrella of Welfare for Animals Global, Inc. (an organization granted charitable status by the state of New York) has produced a dramatic 5 minute documentary video detailing the pervasive problem of animal abuse and neglect in Greece. Approximately 20 hours of film were condensed to 5 minutes to produce a film vehicle accessible through the internet as well as television.

Greek officials and Greek government press officers, worldwide, including the press arm of the 2004 Athens Olympic Organizing Committee are making a last ditch effort to deny allegations of maltreatment of companion animals and the continuing mass poisoning of abandoned dogs especially in light of the upcoming Olympic Games.

Those of us who have lived in Greece and travel there regularly and those animal advocates in Greece who deal with the inhumanity towards both companion and farmed animals on a daily basis should be the gold standard by which the international community judges Greece; not by the Greek governments desperate attempts to conceal reality and the sad truth of the Greek animals tortured existence.

You will, within the next week, be receiving instructions for a mass mailing to Greek officials and the 2004 Athens Olympic Committee, should you wish to express your outrage and intent to avoid Greece as a tourist avenue.

Kindly access the link below which features the short film "Greece In All Her Glory".

[You must have a broadband connection and QuickTime installed on your computer to view the film . Access free download for Mac or Windows at ]

Marijo Anne Gillis - Founder
Welfare for Animals Global, Inc.
Welfare for Animals in Greece
1775 York Avenue # 7H
New York, New York 10128
Telephone (212) 427-0587
Fax (212) 427-6381

Marijo Gillis


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very true!

26.07.2004 11:21

Local councils under the orders of the Greek Olympic Comittee and the Greek government were trying to mass sterilize animals. Some "friends" of animals groups even supported this barbarity. After a few events that locals tried to defend the animals from being taken and sterilised, the greek authorities thought of a new tactic... MASS POISONING of cats, dogs and pigeons is taking place all over the major cities of Greece the last few months.


PS: don't forget to mention the cruelties against human beings as well... 20 killed workers in the olympic village construction site... another 40 or so in construction sites all over greece this year... 1 young boy murdered while driving in Crete because he didn't stop in a police blockade (the policemen used burst fire against him)... 1 refuggee beaten to death in a police station... several political activists harrased and beaten by the police mainly after or during demonstrations against the olympics...
