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Worldwide mainstream media campaign against Greek anarchists!

international solidarity | 25.07.2004 21:17 | Globalisation | Repression | World

Worldwide mainstream media campaign against Greek anarchists... a quick look on the recent capitalist propaganda.

In the recent months the international mainstream media have launched a campaign of vilifying and criminalizing the Anarchist movement in Greece. A year ago all media were speaking about how Al Qaida or other Islamic extremists might pose a threat to the Olympic Games, but on the recent months all media coverage are speaking of anarchists as the main threat.

The US State Department in its annual report on "Patterns of Global Terrorism" is referring to Greek Anarchists as a terrorist threat. The report states:

"Anarchists and leftwing terrorists continued to conduct arson attacks and some low-level bombings against an array of perceived establishment and so-called imperialist targets, such as banks, courts, and personal vehicles. Between September and late December, more than 50 anarchist attacks took place -- mainly conducted in solidarity with imprisoned anarchists and 17N trial defendants. Overall, there were 10 low-level attacks against US businesses and vehicles in 2003, compared to a total of eight such attacks the previous year. Anarchists also were responsible for a “barrage” of low-level bombings of banks in November on the eve of the visit of FBI Director Mueller and claimed them as a “warm welcome” to the US official. These attacks only caused property damage but underscore the lingering nature of leftwing terrorism in Greece. "

Here is a list of recent mainstream articles about anti-anarchist propaganda and the Olympic Corporate Games:,1406,KNS_937_3063086,00.html
"Leave anarchists and firebombs to Athens; I'll take Sydney"
"Anarchists called terror threat at Athens Olympics",5478,10221244%255E1702,00.html,4057,10221244%255E1702,00.html
"Anarchists 'biggest Games risk'"
"Greek extremist group claims attacks, warns Olympic visitors"
"U.S. warns against disrupting Olympics"!nationworld&s=1037645509161
"Large Olympics security network finally in place"
"Fourth bomb blast"!NEWSROOM/sportstoryS0720OLYTERROR.htm
"Guarding the Games "
"Special Forces will make games safer for all"
"Hidden pleasures found in Athens"

These are only a few of the recent articles from the mainstream press...

international solidarity


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the real terrorists

26.07.2004 06:53

how far the US terrorist state and its puppets (like UK government) will go to ensure global dominance??????????


A spokesman for the US Department of Defense indicated on Wednesday that US troops might intervene unilaterally if Americans were at risk during the Athens Olympics. Public Order Minister Giorgos Voulgarakis declared that security of the Games was Greece’s responsibility and the Communist Party voiced outrage at the “unprecedented provocation.”

Responding to a question during a briefing, spokesman Lawrence Di Rita said: “Let’s be very clear. You know, terrorists have indicated that they wish to disrupt any number of activities around the world. I’m not prepared to speak [of] specific intelligence regarding the Greek Olympics, but I know that the Greek government takes seriously its responsibilities in an international environment such as they’re facing.”

Brig. Gen. David Rodriguez, deputy director for operations, added: “Right now, NATO is coordinating with the government of Greece on how they’re going to do that, and the US is supporting NATO as the coordinations go on. But there have not been a lot of specific agreements and specific force contributions at this point in time because the negotiations are still going on between NATO and the government of Greece.”

Asked if it remained US policy to act unilaterally, Di Rita said: “Well, we’ll always act to defend our national interests and to defend US citizens around the world.”

Kathimerini reported last Saturday that under the deal with NATO, some 300-500 armed US anti-terrorist troops will be stationed near Athens during the Games.

Voulgarakis commented, saying, “It is absolutely clear to all that the Greek authorities have sole responsibility for the Olympic Games’ security and have been working on this systematically.”




Did they do it or not?

26.07.2004 12:48

Well either the bombings happened or they didn't. And if they did it's hardly surprising that they're reported in the press. And if anarchists claimed responsibility then reporting that can hardly be called a campaign against them. It's an integral part of the stories.

However any bombings anywhere are likely to be slated by the mainstream - unless they're orchestrated by the ruling elites of course. Then it's called "self defence" and those responsible get given medals, nominated for the Peace Prize etc..


more info

28.07.2004 09:04

more information on repression against Athens IMC, left and anarchist organisations in the Greek Olympic regime:


olympic emergency state of war...

31.07.2004 15:20

...with deploymend of patriot missiles:


more links

01.08.2004 20:31