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Deletion of Leicester South by election report with 6 photos

Paul O'Hanlon | 25.07.2004 20:00 | Indymedia | Repression | Social Struggles

Deletion of Report of Leicester South by election with 6 photos

Can anyone help me?
I submitted a short report of the Leicester South by election held on July 15th and included 6 photos (all taken by me). To my surprise the report was apparently deleted by someone on Saturday 24th July and when I resubmitted it on July 25th the same thing happened. My report surely wasn't that bad and I didn't submit it a thousand times. Why on earth was it deleted?
Paul O'Hanlon [Edinburgh]

Paul O'Hanlon
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Hi Paul

25.07.2004 21:06

Your post appears to be showing in the newswire:

If it was hidden at any point it would be visible in the 'view all posts' section anyway (click on 'Editorial Guidelines' at the top of the page then 'view all posts'). Looking at your post, if it was hidden it was probably because of the 'hierarchy' editorial guideline "Hierarchy : The newswire is designed to generate a news resource, not a notice-board for political parties or any other hierarchically structured organizations" - your article is quite clearly a plug for RESPECT and so in breach of the editorial guidelines. However, it *is* currently showing in the newswire.

If you still have a problem with the (alleged) hiding of your post, email the UK-features list at and it will be taken up/explained by others on the list.

This post *will* probably be hidden as non-news and possibly innacurate - the features list is the place to discuss hiding/unhiding posts to avoid clogging the newswire with arguments.


Report was fine, photos were biassed

25.07.2004 21:35

The report looked OK, if a bit on the brief side, but the photos showed a clear pro-RESPECT bias. As the Editorial Guidelines say, "The newswire is designed to generate a news resource, not a notice-board for political parties or any other hierarchically structured organizations".

And you can find your report and photos by scrolling up to the top, clicking "Editorial Guidelines", then "View all posts", (Every post is here, even the hidden ones) or if you're too lazy to do that, one of them is here:

But this sort of query doesn't belong on the newswire - try the UK IMC volunteers' open mailing list - follow "Contact", then "imc-uk list" and "imc-uk Archives" to see what they've been discussing recently, and to raise your query there. Or you could try publishing the photos on a RESPECT or supporting web site, and re-submitting the report without the photos but with a link to where they're published.

BTW I'm not an IMC volunteer, except insofar as I take photos of things happening and post them to Indymedia with a covering note if I think they're worth sharing with the Indymedia community.


no room for a dbate

26.07.2004 08:40

. i tried to do the same thing but my article was taken down.

it is such a shame that there was no debate about these election results. it can be so frustrating when articles are taken down for such petty reasons. i wish indymedia would allow more debates on such important historical my knowledge there was not one article relating to the by election , despite a lot of interest in the euro elections.

a bit of diserection by the high and mighty would not go a miss.

p.s this thursday it is likely that RESPECT will win their first council election in tower hamlets ,i will be testing the waters then.

red letter

Not P(r)etty

26.07.2004 10:35

Moving the stuff you mention isn't petty. They go against the core principals of the indymedia concept.

If you want to advertise hierarchical organisations like respect I suggest you use a mainstream source like urban 75 or the guardian forums.

no names


26.07.2004 21:10

...postings by Respect contravene the editorial gudelines, but postings by the well known heirarchy-free, anarchist ginger group also known as the British National Party don't. I'm sure this is true, but as I am a bit stupid (evidently) I would appreciate an explanation of how this works in practice from one of the mods.

Skyver Bill


26.07.2004 22:01

If you're post isn't about some elitist selfish hippies occupying a run down house with 2 other people, growing there own vegetables, then it won't stay on the newswire for long. Indymedia only keeps 'relevant' articles... ;-)


why this result is historical

28.07.2004 12:26

to put Respect vote in perpective,

The highest vote the green party polled in 22 parlimentary by-elections is 6.19% June 89.

In by election where the 4th party got more than 5% since 79 (ignoring SDP) is.

2004 RESPECT Leicester 12.7%

2004 RESPECT Birmingham 6.3%

2000 Preston Socialist Alliance 5.7%

2000 Tottenham Socialist Alliance 5.4%

1999 UKIP 5.2%

1996 Barnsley SLP 5.3 scargills party

1994 Barking BNP 7%

1989 Vauxhall Green 6.1%

1983 Bermondsey Ind Lab 7.6%

red letter

apparent inconsistency

28.07.2004 16:40

Sorry to say this, but Skyver Bill has a point. When BNP press releases get posted up (minus the website URL) and some of us point out that they're BNP press releases and ask for them to be deleted/hidden, everyone starts quoting Voltaire and saying how important it is to have an open debate.

But when reports from Respect activists (not even Respect press releases, but reports from activists) get posted, they're gone within minutes, seconds sometimes.

Which does seem a bit odd, frankly.
