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Olympic Repression continues in Athens

led | 25.07.2004 14:56 | Globalisation | Repression | World

As if the few thousand cameras, the 80000 police and troops, the hundreds of secret agents (CIA, MI6 and MOSSAD) and the NATO AWACS spyplanes were not enough now they bring the ... surveillance Zeppelin !

Athens is living an Orwellian nightmare sponsored by the multinational corporations and the local and global bosses... As if the few thousand cameras, the 80000 police and troops, the hundreds of secret agents (CIA, MI6 and MOSSAD) and the NATO AWACS spyplanes were not enough now they bring the ... surveillance Zeppelin !

For the last few days a surveillance Zeppelin with high-resolution cameras is hovering over the city of Athens to remind its citizens that they are continuously monitored... for their own safety ...



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  1. another zeppelin... — led