A Call to anti-militarists and pacifists to come to the ESF in London
War Resisters' International | 23.07.2004 13:22 | European Social Forum | Anti-militarism | Social Struggles
“We have to become the global resistance to the occupation.”
“Our resistance has to begin with a refusal to accept the legitimacy of the U.S. occupation of Iraq. It means acting to make it materially impossible for Empire to achieve its aims. It means soldiers should refuse to fight, reservists should refuse to serve, workers should refuse to load ships and aircraft with weapons.”
“I suggest ... we choose, by some means, two of the major corporations that are profiting from the destruction of Iraq. We could then list every project they are involved in. We could locate their offices in every city and every country across the world. We could go after them. We could shut them down. It's a question of bringing our collective wisdom and experience of past struggles to bear on a single target. It's a question of the desire to win.”
Arundhati Roy at the World Social Forum, Mumbai, 16 January 2004 [1]
War Resisters' International, the international network of pacifist and antimilitarist organisations with 80 affiliates in 40 countries, calls on all its European members, and other peace organisations:
* to participate in the European Social Forum in London from 14-17 October 2004;
* to mobilise as pacifists and antimilitarists for the European Social Forum;
* to engage actively in discussion at and prior to the European Social Forum, through active participation, through offering of workshops and seminars within the framework of the European Social Forum or parallel to it; and in many other ways.
At the World Social Forum in Mumbai in January 2004 Arundhati Roy made a very concrete proposal for nonviolent resistance to war and imperialism. Half a year later these proposals are more valid than ever – and not acted upon on a broad scale. War Resisters' International hopes that the European Social Forum, which will take place in London from 14-17 October 2004, provides an opportunity to pick up the thread from Mumbai – to develop our nonviolent resistance to “Empire” (Arundhati Roy). The WRI network of antimilitarist and pacifist organisations have much to offer here – a rich experience of nonviolent resistance and nonviolent strategies. War Resisters' International is presently discussing how to take up the call of Arundhati Roy, and is developing a campaign on war profiteers, which it will present at the ESF 2004.
The European Social Forum 2002 in Firence initiated the most important demonstrations of the anti-Iraq war movement – the global demonstrations on 15 February 2003, with more than 10 million participants world-wide. The ESF 2003 stated “We march for a Europe that refuses war” - and called “on the peoples of Europe to mobilise against neoliberalism and war” [2]. However, so far contributions by antimilitarists and pacifists and are not very visible within the European Social Forum.
In August 2001, following the violent repression of protests at the G8 summit in Genoa, War Resisters' International stated that it “sees the economic injustice, which is a result of globalisation, as one of the causes of war and armed conflict” [3]. Especially after September 11th 2001, the anti-war movements and the movements for social justice need to work much more closely together, to fight against war and violence. The Social Forum process is one important place where these movements can meet and discuss their experiences and strategies. It is on us as antimilitarists and pacifists to use the opportunity provided and offered by the European Social Forum, and to engage as pacifists in the struggle “for another Europe”.
War Resisters' International itself aims to coordinate antimilitarist and pacifist activities at the European Social Forum, organised by its affiliates and other friendly groups. War Resisters' International will also offer workshops by itself, and in cooperation with its affiliates [4], and will provide resources and publicity for antimilitarist and pacifist contributions to the ESF process.
Come to London! Make the ESF 2004 an important event for the European pacifist and antimilitarist movement!
War Resisters' International, July 2004
[2] ESF 2003: Declaration of the assembly of movements, (Saint-Denis) 16 November 2003
[3] War Resisters' International: Facing the Challenges of the Anti-Globalisation Struggle. August 2001,
[4] A list of workshops will be available on WRI's website.
“Our resistance has to begin with a refusal to accept the legitimacy of the U.S. occupation of Iraq. It means acting to make it materially impossible for Empire to achieve its aims. It means soldiers should refuse to fight, reservists should refuse to serve, workers should refuse to load ships and aircraft with weapons.”
“I suggest ... we choose, by some means, two of the major corporations that are profiting from the destruction of Iraq. We could then list every project they are involved in. We could locate their offices in every city and every country across the world. We could go after them. We could shut them down. It's a question of bringing our collective wisdom and experience of past struggles to bear on a single target. It's a question of the desire to win.”
Arundhati Roy at the World Social Forum, Mumbai, 16 January 2004 [1]
War Resisters' International, the international network of pacifist and antimilitarist organisations with 80 affiliates in 40 countries, calls on all its European members, and other peace organisations:
* to participate in the European Social Forum in London from 14-17 October 2004;
* to mobilise as pacifists and antimilitarists for the European Social Forum;
* to engage actively in discussion at and prior to the European Social Forum, through active participation, through offering of workshops and seminars within the framework of the European Social Forum or parallel to it; and in many other ways.
At the World Social Forum in Mumbai in January 2004 Arundhati Roy made a very concrete proposal for nonviolent resistance to war and imperialism. Half a year later these proposals are more valid than ever – and not acted upon on a broad scale. War Resisters' International hopes that the European Social Forum, which will take place in London from 14-17 October 2004, provides an opportunity to pick up the thread from Mumbai – to develop our nonviolent resistance to “Empire” (Arundhati Roy). The WRI network of antimilitarist and pacifist organisations have much to offer here – a rich experience of nonviolent resistance and nonviolent strategies. War Resisters' International is presently discussing how to take up the call of Arundhati Roy, and is developing a campaign on war profiteers, which it will present at the ESF 2004.
The European Social Forum 2002 in Firence initiated the most important demonstrations of the anti-Iraq war movement – the global demonstrations on 15 February 2003, with more than 10 million participants world-wide. The ESF 2003 stated “We march for a Europe that refuses war” - and called “on the peoples of Europe to mobilise against neoliberalism and war” [2]. However, so far contributions by antimilitarists and pacifists and are not very visible within the European Social Forum.
In August 2001, following the violent repression of protests at the G8 summit in Genoa, War Resisters' International stated that it “sees the economic injustice, which is a result of globalisation, as one of the causes of war and armed conflict” [3]. Especially after September 11th 2001, the anti-war movements and the movements for social justice need to work much more closely together, to fight against war and violence. The Social Forum process is one important place where these movements can meet and discuss their experiences and strategies. It is on us as antimilitarists and pacifists to use the opportunity provided and offered by the European Social Forum, and to engage as pacifists in the struggle “for another Europe”.
War Resisters' International itself aims to coordinate antimilitarist and pacifist activities at the European Social Forum, organised by its affiliates and other friendly groups. War Resisters' International will also offer workshops by itself, and in cooperation with its affiliates [4], and will provide resources and publicity for antimilitarist and pacifist contributions to the ESF process.
Come to London! Make the ESF 2004 an important event for the European pacifist and antimilitarist movement!
War Resisters' International, July 2004

[2] ESF 2003: Declaration of the assembly of movements, (Saint-Denis) 16 November 2003
[3] War Resisters' International: Facing the Challenges of the Anti-Globalisation Struggle. August 2001,

[4] A list of workshops will be available on WRI's website.
War Resisters' International