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'Marxist' Grouplet Launches Homophobic Tirade at Gay Activists, Feminists

AnarchoRadio | 23.07.2004 11:41 | Gender

EPSR hark back to the 'gays are sick' days of the Stalinist 70's.

Advance apologies to those activists who don't follow the interminable squabbles of the ultra-left. If you're interested in the left's debates though, you might be interested in a new row that has broken out over the Marxist treatment of gay people - the first for many years. The Economic,Philosophic and Science Review (EPSR), a tiny ultra-Stalinist grouping and newspaper have been accused of having a history of hatred of homosexuals, women and 'single-issue' campaigns over the years. This week their paper (EPSR issue dated 20 July 2004) launched an attack on most of the rest of what they term 'the fake left'. Feminists, anarchists, Trotskyists anti-racists and even other state communists are all dismissed as reformist diversionaries and the leftist groups as 'PC liberals'. Most of all though, the article attacks gay rights campaigners, stating that an international homosexual network is trying to run the world. Whilst the group claims not to support homophobic abuse, they proceed to claim that gays are 'disordered' and a risk to children.

Such arguments are not uncommon - indeed, Indymedia readers will recognise common themes here from various right wing trolls - but the EPSR is the last bastion of naked homo-hatred on the ultraleft. As society has become more tolerant, even the political right has had to tone down its previous rhetoric against gay people. Supreme in its isolation though, and at war with almost every other leftist political current, the EPSR sticks to a Stalinist interpretation of human sexuality that most other groups have either long since abandoned, or else never adhered to in the first place.

The EPSR has previously been criticised for its refusal to condemn international acts of terrorism, which has lead to charges of heartlessness and of applauding reactionary elements of anti-imperialism. Unqualified support for suicide bombers, backing of Robert Mugabe's regime in Zimbabwe and indifference to the innocent who have suffered from terrorism are also common themes in the sect's writings. It is understood that some of London's radical bookstores refuse to stock the EPSR paper on these grounds.

This grouping are not particularly important. Another left wing group reports that they have a core of only three regular activists (Weekly Worker, 9.7.04). But if we are to build an inclusive movement and a free society, we are going to have to challenge the remnants of the authoritarian left in our meetings, demo's and actions.



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stalinist future

23.07.2004 17:57

"EPSR hark back to the 'gays are sick' days of the Stalinist 70's."

Hark back?

This is the future! Faux-Islamic Stalinism is the product of collaboration with groups affiliated to the Muslim Brotherhood and sympathetic religious fascists.

Like it or convert.

p.s. you trolls and troublemakers might like to paint this as anti-religious propaganda, but as the majority of politically active Muslim groups openly state that the total Islamisation of the West is their ultimate goal, there's nothing 'anti-Muslim' about it - just the naked facts. If you don't like it, stop pretending there's nothing to discuss.


More Background Info

26.07.2004 12:30

I agree, the EPSR is not a very important faction: it hardly even qualifies as a group. However it does tell you something about the mental health of some people involved in the left (specifically Stalinist) milieu. It produces a weekly screeching, abusive newsletter edited by one Roy Bull. As noted above, it reserves most of its venom for the rest of the left, anarchists and other activists of assorted types. The grouplet was originally in the bonkers first edition of the Workers Revolutionary Party which imploded in 1985 after revelations of sexual abuse of young women by its leader, and dubious funding from unpleasant regimes came to light. (A version of the WRP still exists, but no-one knows who the hell is paying for that). The EPSR cabal came out of the WRP wreckage, floated around a bit formed the International Leninist Workers Party and eventually found its way into Arthur Scargill's Socialist Labour Party in the later 1990's. Scargill eventually expelled the gang as part of a series of purges of the SLP, leaving the EPSR an embittered sect with no allies, even amongst the Stalinist left.

I don't think gay activists, feminists or anyone else should be too concerned if they're getting a slagging from this bunch, as you wouldn't really want 'em to be your mates anyway.


Independent Left

On the term "ultra-left"

26.07.2004 17:15

I once had a run-in with a nutter selling EPRS. After an disagreement he became very agressive, calling me an anarchist -- I'm not as it happens -- anarchists in his view being "fascists". Strickly a care in the community case. I'm supprised there are as many as three of them to be honest.

The original post refers to the "interminable squabbles of the ultra-left" in reference to these Stalinist nutters. It is wrong to use the lable "ultra-left" with regard to Stalinists and Trotskyists. In fact the term ultra-left is a term of abuse within these traditions derived from Lenin (I'm sure it's used as a term of abuse in the SPRS). The true ultra-left is an honorable communist tradition that has historically opposed Leninism and its Stalinist and Trot mutations. For more information, see:-

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