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Anomaly in 9/11 check-in 'security video'

Dave Westwood | 22.07.2004 10:20 | Analysis

Serious anomaly in 9/11 Commissions' video release.

9/11 Commission releases a video claiming to be
a security video showing some 'hijackers' boarding
one of the flights.

The serious anomaly here is that this security video
has no date & time stamp on it. We're being asked to
believe this on the 9/11 Commissions' word alone?

Draw your own conclusions.

Dave Westwood


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23.07.2004 10:15

The video does have a time and date stamp it just depends on what format you view it. UKTV is broadcast in in HDTV (widescreen) but the native resolution of the original video was SXGA because of the cheaper cameras used in CCTV hence some was parts of the screen were chopped off. If you take a look at the CNN website the video can be viewed in the original screen size.


Au contraire

23.07.2004 13:56

So CNN ride to the rescue once again do they?
How very convenient.

There are other anomalies though that even CNN can't
mask. Check this analyis..

See ya...

Dave Westwood

I looked

23.07.2004 15:39


I took a look at the site as you suggested and it's mostly nonsense. If you were hoping it would in some way reinforce the idea that the pictures are faked it has the reverse effect. There are so many holes in the arguments put forward that I can't even think where to start. I presume the individual who wrote the piece is either in need of medical help or is a con artist after money (did you see the bank details at the end?) I used CNN only as an example there are other sites that show the film in its original native resolution, there the camera details are time dated and visible.

The Bush administration made numerous and inexcusable errors leading up to 9/11 but some facts are known:

Aircraft were hijacked by Muslim extremists of Saudi background.

Their training was paid for by Al Quida (sic) an organisation run by Osama Bin Laden.

These people flew the aircraft into the World Trade Centre and Pentagon

Saddam Hussain had nothing to do with it.


Other sites with video in native resolution

31.08.2004 18:36

CNN require registration (with credit card details) before they will let you have access to the video, if you can spare the time, it would be very helpful to know some of the other sites referred to.

