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Sharon says all jews must return to israel from France.

george soilis | 19.07.2004 12:53 | Anti-racism | Globalisation | Social Struggles | World

Sharon said that all french jews should go to israel as fast as possible ,starting today .
This open invitation to the french jewish citizens,totaly shows the way these perverts like sharon see the world.

Jews seem not to be able to understand what citizen of a country means.they are racist ,they clasify humans from whether or not they are jews.
This is what we are up against today.the justification of racism by some who pretend they are themselves sufferers ,only to abuse the good will and the kindness of the world to realise their own secret perverted plans about how this world should be ,and how and by who it should be run.
and to keep the balance we try to play it politically correct ,and not seem antisemetic.
I say whoever says things like what sharon said and spreads racist hate and discrimination should be trialled as a criminal and put away for ever.Not to mention the attempt to start a fire in a foreign country ,something the jews have been doing directly or through the USA secret services for ages(and dont anyone dare tell me about proof.More then the fact they have Nuclear weapons and they dont admit it?more than that i dont need to understand they are liers ,prerverts,violent,and that i would do away with them as fast as i can if it was up to me.Not in a way similar to their way to deal with the "enemy" the palestinian kids....
I wouldnt get down to the jews level to defend freedom and stop this violence.I would only call for the people of earth to stand up ,in a practical way,to stop the jews from doing all they do and the same i would do with americans ,muslim fanatics,anyone who wants to have his way on others.
I would teach people to see when someone is lying to them ,teach them not to hide ,not to be afraid to talk ,i would make the citzens to trust the system,and use this system to fight anything tht is against us humans.
the only real truth for all humans is that we all want to survive and we all want to have a nice time doing it.
So i would show and offer as return to all who would follow me eternal happiness,and i would quarantee for them that their life will be free of any annoyance,violence war,etc.
i would remind the people their own power ,i would remind them that they are the boss and politicians the servants,and i would ask every human to say his her opinion about the way things should be.
Ten i would use these sugestions to make reality the life the people realy want to have,not underthe influence of advartisments and TV ,but in their own time and privacy and with consideration for the earth ,the nature and the human race.
bye now and good luck to whatever you are doing ,as long as it will make you happy and your life joyfull andyour friends happy too.
Spend your time smiliong,not crying.spend your life happy not miserable.
The jews are thinking they can al get in this castle they have been building for ages ion Palestnians stolen land,and now they want to lock in themselves and start defending their maybe NUKING the rest of us.
We must act today.stop the israelli nukes.stop them from poluting our earth,our society and stop them from killing us at the end.
they must stop and if they dont get it we must al get together and attack the israelli state,dismantle it,and give them 100 years of jail for each one of them who illed a human being at some point in his life.same with the muslim fanatics who try to overtake the palestinian problem and p[retending they help the palestinians when they only care for their own agendas ,not always same like the benefit of the people they pretend to defend.
we must stop the USA from doing the same in all over the world.we must do something.What ?if you work forthe rich,quit.Stop spending money on the products of the rich ,stop making them richer.stop abusing your earth and stop others from doing the same.stop wasting time in front of a TV ,start talking with the others around you.then you will descover freedom is not that far away as you thought.
then we will take over ,and save our own asses from death ,the death te rich have condemned us ,when we become a nuisance to their happy rich life style on the back of the poor.

george soilis
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Hide the following 12 comments

Join The Psychopath of Sabra?

19.07.2004 13:47

The French Jews are too smart and kind to join a psychopathic killer like Sharon.

In fact, they oppose everything The Psychopath stands for.

Tom Paine

Tom Paine
mail e-mail:

ban this

19.07.2004 15:30

fuck off you anti-semetic piece of shit

no war but the class war

Torah forbids the existence of a "Jewish state"

19.07.2004 15:54

Jewish holy law under the Torah specifically forbids the existence of any state calling itself "Jewish" until Yaweh(God) determines that all sins have been atoned for and the Jewish people would then no longer be in exile.

Translation: Zionism is heresy and itself anti-Semitic! A growing number in the Jewish community are recognizing this fact and turning against Sharon and Israel! See link for details-

- Homepage:


19.07.2004 18:26

Hi Nazimedia! How's it going today.

Just trawling through the trash here and i stumbled across this:

"Jews seem not to be able to understand what citizen of a country means.they are racist"
Oh, the irony. Welcome Orwell's universe.

"I say whoever says things like what sharon said and spreads racist hate and discrimination should be trialled as a criminal and put away for ever"
a) what did Sharon say exactly?
b) See u in jail.

Thanks for popping in to Nazimedia, Nick Griffin.



19.07.2004 21:23

Anti-Semitic article.

and by the way how can you say... Sharon is trying to "start a fire in a foreign country ,something the jews have been doing directly or through the USA secret services for ages"

Hello, wake the fuck up, over 510 anti semitic attacks in 6 months in france before sharon said these comments you stupid shit. The fire had already started in is burning in full might.

and stop with your bullshit Jews=CIA conspiracy bullshit. The last time I saw this stuff written was on a far right website.

healthy criticism welcome, anti semitic tirades are not.


red-green axis

20.07.2004 08:46

There's now no difference between 'left' anti-semitism masquerading as anti-zionism (like this article) and the right wing anti-semitism found on Combat 18 or Stormfront websites.

In fact, the only way you can separate the two is in terms of action. Ultra-right attacks on Jews are fortunately less common than they once were - while the Red-Green axis (i.e. the extreme left and Islamist neo-nazis) carries out an organised campaign of daily attacks on Jews, murdering, assaulting, burning synagogues, smashing gravestones etc.


the zionist trolls are out

20.07.2004 11:06

... in force on this one!

As yet though, they have failed to explain why it is the racist xenophobic policies of a government led by a major war criminal and determined homocidal/genocidal butcher are not under [their] spotlight?

French citizens - who are also jewish - have expressed their outrage at sharons manouvering.

Religious jews - well grounded in exactly what committments a person makes to be in the running for being considered a good religious jew - condemn the racist colonialist expansion policies of zionists.

All are nazies or self haters (phew, that's a relief then).

These zionist trolls remind me of the bible belt fanaticism of certain 'fire & brimstone' faux christians, lacking as they do any real insight into the religion (and the underpinning of philosophy that accompanies it) they masquerade under. No argument is too importent or obvious for them to ignore.

And as for the figures suggesting a furious round of anti-semitic attacks - is it any safer in israel?

Besides, when one studies the methodolgy of the report in question, one begins to get a feel for the self serving agenda that it propagates, consisting of talking up the faintest hint of offence from those that 'suffered' anti-semitic attacks, ignoring the significant efforts of authorities and individuals to build bridges and address the problems of multicultualism. In fact, the whole basis of their argument seems to be that multicultualism has failed (becuase it is not universal and perfect) and therefore the jews (except the self haters of course) must seek safety in mono-cultualism and strict religious segregation.

And this is seen as a progressive argument?

In reality its all about demographics. sharon knows that the jewish state is shrinking and increasingly unpopular with jews as well as non jews from around the world. At the same time, the great plan for the 'palestinianisation' of the middle east is failing - placing the aggressive stance of israel in the direct firing line from previously moderate/realistic politics and political groupings.

The 'break in case of scrutiny' anti-semitic escape clause is ragged, tired and increasingly counter-productive, progressive thinkers from all sides of the hydra like problems facing the ME are begining to turn towards the only solution of choice - swallow pride, face down hubris and live together in the best for all scenario of tolerance and social justice.

In short the wheels are falling off the zionist bandwagon - expect more hysteria and underhand machinations from those in whose interests it is to maintain division and intolerance.

mail e-mail:

jackslucid isn't lucid

20.07.2004 12:52

Yes, because you need to be a 'zionist troll' to point out that the article is NAKEDLY anti-semitic and the same kind of thing rountinely posted to neo-nazi websites.

Claim 1. Jews are racist.
Claim 2. Jews pretend to be sufferers and abuse the kindness of the world to realise their own secret perverted plans.
Claim 3. Jews have been attempting to 'start a fire' in foreign countries.
Claim 4. Jews are liers, prerverts, violent (sic)
Claim 5. 'i would do away with them [Jews] as fast as i can'

Notice the use of the term Jews, not Zionist, but Jews.

jackslucid, this article contains the same language and sentiments as neo-nazi propaganda against Jews - please explain how you came to a different conclusion.


Who benefits from this lie . . .

20.07.2004 14:25

"Red-Green axis (i.e. the extreme left and Islamist neo-nazis) carries out an organised campaign of daily attacks on Jews"

So who benefits from this lie . . .

Zionists? Only if they like covering the tracks of the fascist right and thus ensuring continuous antisemitism . . .
The fascist right? Yep, make out its all them lefties carrying out racist attacks and they can carry on with antisemitic business as usual.

Further up this very newswire ( is a post advertising a counter-mobalisation against Al-Mahajiroun AND the National Front, organised by Anti-Fa, the er, far left then. This myth that there's some secret alliance between leftists and islamic fundamentalists is completely baseless and only serves the racist right: neo-nazi groups and Ariel Sharon primarily.

WOLF - look everyone a WOLF! [snigger]

completely baseless? No - and it's no secret, either!

20.07.2004 15:58

No-one thinks it's all left wing groups conspiring with the reactionary Islamists, least of all me. But the fact that some do is undeniable.

"This myth that there's some secret alliance between leftists and islamic fundamentalists is completely baseless"

Because it's not a secret. Ask Qaradawi and Livingstone.

"no one has found it worth noting that, for the first time since the Enlightenment, a section of the left is allied with religious fanaticism and, for the first time since the Hitler-Stalin pact, a section of the left has gone soft on fascism.

At first glance, Respect - the Unity Coalition (the name under which the Muslim Association of Britain and the SWP have united) offers the best chance the far left has ever had of winning a European seat. One million people demonstrated in London against the war last year - two, if you believe the march organisers."

from 'Respect: Saddam's Very Own Party' by Nick Cohen (Cohen is a dirty Jew name! Is he a Yahud?)



20.07.2004 16:16

Obviously being left wing doesn't automatically mean you can't like religious nutters. Livingstone/Qaradawi is an example, although Livingstone has recently rejoined neoliberal new labour and his GLA mob are busy turning the London ESF (European Social Forum) into a tourist attraction, so how 'leftist' he is is debatable, he seems more a machiavellian pragmatist to me, hence his dodgy alliances.

As to RESPECT, I'm not a fan of theirs but the MAB are hardly fundamentalists, not very nice conservatives yes, but not fundamentalists.

However, the point I was making is that the alleged crisis of antisemitism in europe, and France in particular, is barely anything to do with left wing groups. It is still predominantly the usual suspects from neo-nazi groups.

For example, I know members of the ISM who are also some of the most dedicated antifascist activists. However, it suits the Israeli state to dismiss legitimate leftist criticism of it's policies by alleging it masks an illegitimate agenda of antisemitism, which is largely nonsense.

Of course there are left wing antisemites, but they are not significant in numbers, and to claim "Red-Green axis (i.e. the extreme left and Islamist neo-nazis) carries out an organised campaign of daily attacks on Jews" is just nonsense. Livingstone may like Qaradawi but he hardly attacks jews daily, and nor do the SWP and their cronies as far as I am aware.

WOLF - look everyone a WOLF! [snigger]

An by the way

20.07.2004 16:23

I'm not defending the original article, which is an antisemitic tirade. However, one anonymous post on an open publishing newswire hardly justifies statements like

"There's now no difference between 'left' anti-semitism masquerading as anti-zionism (like this article) and the right wing anti-semitism found on Combat 18 or Stormfront websites."

The argument that 'some antisemites pretend to be antizionist and so all antizionists are antisemites' does not pass the most basic tests of logic.

WOLF - look everyone a WOLF! [snigger]