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Oxford's Women in Black hold vigil against the occupation

eileen (text and pics), Women in Black (leaflet) | 18.07.2004 11:50 | Anti-militarism | Repression | Oxford

On Saturday 17 July, Oxford 'Women in Black' held their first vigil against Israel's illegal occupation of the Palestinian Territories

Extract from a flyer by Oxford Women in Black:
Extract from a flyer by Oxford Women in Black:


Oxford’s Bonn Square sees the first ‘Women in Black’ vigil

On Saturday 17 July a group of around two dozen women, all dressed in black and holding giant black hands or placards, stood silently in Bonn Square for just over an hour, while one or two of their number handed out leaflets to passers-by. The aim of the vigil was to protest against the illegal Israeli occupation of Palestine. Many local people stopped to talk with the leafleters and expressed support for their aims. Heartened by the success of this dignified demonstration, the organisers, the Oxford women’s group NOW, have decided to hold regular Women in Black vigils in the future. The next one will be held on July 31, probably in Bonn Square again, but hopefully with less aerial bombardment by the pigeons.
Above, I have scanned in a copy of the leaflet, and reports from other people may be added later.

eileen (text and pics), Women in Black (leaflet)
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Report from another Woman in Black

19.07.2004 08:32

Saturday 17th was a special day as we held the first Oxford Women in Black
[WIB] demonstration. We stood in Bonn Square, a little over 20 women, 14
holding large black hands with Stop the Occupation in English, Arabic and
Hebrew in white writing. We held a silent vigil for one hour while others
gave out leaflets explaining why we were demonstrating.

There was a mostly positive response with people and children from many
countries wanting to know why we were demonstrating. Some were obviously
moved by the silent women dressed in black. These demonstrations will be
repeated - the next one in a fortnight and then at the end of August when
the issue will be the occupation of Iraq. We believe that this is a good way
to get people to realise the urgent need for justice in the Palestinian West
Bank and Gaza. This can only happen with the actual withdrawal of Israeli
troops who illegally occupy land that the UN has told them to return to the

Sarah L (posted by eileen)

Girrrl Power

19.07.2004 17:22

Well Done Ladies :o) I think the fact that you were all women added some power to the demonstration. Why don't you guys do this on South Parks road too? (Not for palestine of course).

Lovely Boy

Next Women in Black Vigil

28.07.2004 12:52

The next Women in Black will be held on Saturday 31st July, again at Bonn Square at 2,15 (to start at 2.30pm) until 3.30pm. Please join us so we have a good turnout. Wear black. Please note this is a SILENT vigil.

Pam Parsons
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