government attempting to collect information on lesbian drug usage?
friend | 17.07.2004 00:09
I got this from a mailing list this morning. While it could be a nice and friendly type drug harm-reduction program, it seems like there is active recruitment in the lesbian community to report on drug usage. Reporting to an unnamed government agency and being paid lots of money to do so sounds a little creepy. But maybe this is just some pyramid scheme scam also. Hopefully, it was just well placed spam. Names and direct URL's removed. Below is the email:
To: @.
Subject: Just for the grrrls..
Date: Wed, 14 Jul 2004 14:30:17 +0100
Hi [NAME REMOVED], how you doing? what are you up to? Hope life is treating you
Felt the need to draw your attention to the launch of by far the foxiest
project I’ve ever had the pleasure to helm, which is just for the grrrls
and a specific niche market of girls at that.
This is a project for hedonists, organisers, cunning creatives,
researchers, social butterflies, secretly wild wallflowers, networkers,
motormouths, comediennes, feisty bints, and multimedia geniuses.
If it isn’t for you, you may well know someone it’d be great for, so read
on and let me know what you think. Briefly (cause there’s a lot more
detail to follow but I’m initially sussing out potential interest) it’ll
be good for
*your social life: you’ll get paid (expenses) to go out, socialise and
talk to people, flirt and no doubt get laid lots (if you’re single)
*your career: prestigious project, massive contact-tastic networking
*your confidence levels: NLP confidence coaching and support, having a
brilliant time with a truly Kick-ass team, pushing beyond skill and
shyness barriers
Stuff you’ll be doing:
*big fat research, lots face-to-face in clubs and bars
going to festivals * creating a viral animation/film and website *
blagging and networking * finding out about comedy * contacting celebs and
top cats * writing * sensitivity * guerrilla research (which we’re going
to invent) * flirting * making a massive difference to a minority * PR *
at least one unforgettable paaaaaarty * building relationships * event
management * public speaking * lateral thinking * possible stunt at major
festival next year * imagination * a sense of humour *being a team player
* adventure * brainstorming *lots of coaching
Volunteering was never meant to this much fun – it’s positively sinful!
Other key points:
1.This project involves reporting back to the government, no less, so
we’ve got to make it good.
2.It’s captained by me ([NAME REMOVED]) (and most of you have no idea what that
involves, and boy are you in for a treat/interesting time).
3.I’m looking for 30 16-25 feline females (from all over the UK) to be the
street team for this project. A job/project description will be
circulating shortly. It's application only, not an 'anyone can join'
4.Right, now here’s the thing: to be in this project you need to be a
16-25 year old lesbian. Yup, that’s right. Because this project (currently
dubbed Operation Ginger Cream, though that could shortly do a quickfire
change as one of leading lesbian websites is called – but
I digress) researching drug and alcohol use in the lesbian community.
Ok, ok, you could have done with that info earlier, but, see, I had to do
it that way, right? Because if you’d read that at the top and you’re not
one you know you’d probably have stopped reading.
But you may know someone who is, who this’d be perfect for, a mate or
someone at the LGB soc at your uni or a local group etc. You may be one,
as there are a fair few girls in the street team I’ve yet had the pleasure
to get to know, and we don’t enquire too closely into the sexual
proclivities of the Kikass Street Team, though we have some ideas, (and
we do regularly hear stories that’d make your hair curl).
Know anyone this would suit? Email me back ASAP and let me know – more
details coming down the pipeline toute suite. And if you’re not sure, take
this quiz: (and mind you do, it's funny, as is rest of v. cool site)
Remember: never say never.
To: @.
Subject: Just for the grrrls..
Date: Wed, 14 Jul 2004 14:30:17 +0100
Hi [NAME REMOVED], how you doing? what are you up to? Hope life is treating you
Felt the need to draw your attention to the launch of by far the foxiest
project I’ve ever had the pleasure to helm, which is just for the grrrls
and a specific niche market of girls at that.
This is a project for hedonists, organisers, cunning creatives,
researchers, social butterflies, secretly wild wallflowers, networkers,
motormouths, comediennes, feisty bints, and multimedia geniuses.
If it isn’t for you, you may well know someone it’d be great for, so read
on and let me know what you think. Briefly (cause there’s a lot more
detail to follow but I’m initially sussing out potential interest) it’ll
be good for
*your social life: you’ll get paid (expenses) to go out, socialise and
talk to people, flirt and no doubt get laid lots (if you’re single)
*your career: prestigious project, massive contact-tastic networking
*your confidence levels: NLP confidence coaching and support, having a
brilliant time with a truly Kick-ass team, pushing beyond skill and
shyness barriers
Stuff you’ll be doing:
*big fat research, lots face-to-face in clubs and bars
going to festivals * creating a viral animation/film and website *
blagging and networking * finding out about comedy * contacting celebs and
top cats * writing * sensitivity * guerrilla research (which we’re going
to invent) * flirting * making a massive difference to a minority * PR *
at least one unforgettable paaaaaarty * building relationships * event
management * public speaking * lateral thinking * possible stunt at major
festival next year * imagination * a sense of humour *being a team player
* adventure * brainstorming *lots of coaching
Volunteering was never meant to this much fun – it’s positively sinful!
Other key points:
1.This project involves reporting back to the government, no less, so
we’ve got to make it good.
2.It’s captained by me ([NAME REMOVED]) (and most of you have no idea what that
involves, and boy are you in for a treat/interesting time).
3.I’m looking for 30 16-25 feline females (from all over the UK) to be the
street team for this project. A job/project description will be
circulating shortly. It's application only, not an 'anyone can join'
4.Right, now here’s the thing: to be in this project you need to be a
16-25 year old lesbian. Yup, that’s right. Because this project (currently
dubbed Operation Ginger Cream, though that could shortly do a quickfire
change as one of leading lesbian websites is called – but
I digress) researching drug and alcohol use in the lesbian community.
Ok, ok, you could have done with that info earlier, but, see, I had to do
it that way, right? Because if you’d read that at the top and you’re not
one you know you’d probably have stopped reading.
But you may know someone who is, who this’d be perfect for, a mate or
someone at the LGB soc at your uni or a local group etc. You may be one,
as there are a fair few girls in the street team I’ve yet had the pleasure
to get to know, and we don’t enquire too closely into the sexual
proclivities of the Kikass Street Team, though we have some ideas, (and
we do regularly hear stories that’d make your hair curl).
Know anyone this would suit? Email me back ASAP and let me know – more
details coming down the pipeline toute suite. And if you’re not sure, take
this quiz: (and mind you do, it's funny, as is rest of v. cool site)
Remember: never say never.