Penelope Swales plays Ex-Grand Banks 18th July
osc | 16.07.2004 11:45
See the post 'Peneolpe Swales plays 1in12 Club 16th July' below for details of who she is. See her live in london on the last date of her uk tour.
Penelope Swales, acclaimed singer/songwriter from australia finishes her uk tour at the ex-grand banks this weekend.
Sunday 18th July
Doors open at 8.00pm 'til late
Ex-Grand Banks Social Centre
156 - 158 Fortess Road
Tufnell Park
London NW5
(directly opposite Tufnell Park tube. Buses: 4, 134, 390, 20, 10)
Contributions: £4 (working) / £2 (not-working/low-waged) or whatever you want to give!!
Food, Cafe Rebelde coffee, Raffle with free drink of your choice
A benefit event in aid of direct action
Sunday 18th July
Doors open at 8.00pm 'til late
Ex-Grand Banks Social Centre
156 - 158 Fortess Road
Tufnell Park
London NW5
(directly opposite Tufnell Park tube. Buses: 4, 134, 390, 20, 10)
Contributions: £4 (working) / £2 (not-working/low-waged) or whatever you want to give!!
Food, Cafe Rebelde coffee, Raffle with free drink of your choice
A benefit event in aid of direct action
