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watcher | 15.07.2004 14:49

BBC documents the racist lies of the BNP and give platform to Griffin on Newsnight!

Firstly Newsnight are giving Nick Griffin the BNP Fuhrer a platform after the BBC documentary into the BNP tonight.

The documentary is on at 9.00pm on BBC one which has some shocking insight into the Nazi BNP:

Also we need to lobby NEWSNIGHT as there should be "NO PLATFORM FOR FASCISTS":







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No platform?

15.07.2004 16:37

I'm not sure about the 'no platform' issue. I used to agree with that, it seemed right to stop fascists spreading their filth when they seek to deny others equal rights.

However it rather does seem that whenever they open their gobs they make themselves look like idiots so maybe we should be encouraging them to speak up and thereby shoot themselves in the foot a bit more.

It's a difficult issue, but if the documentary tonight is anything like the news reports of it, let's show these tossers to the world as they really are then maybe people will activate against them more.


Mercury Kev

Just seen documentary

15.07.2004 21:24

And the BNP are shown to be the hate-filled small-time criminal racist impotent thugs we know them to be, whose best shot seems to be shooting watered down dogshit through somebodies letterbox with a kids waterblaster repeatedly or proud of kicking some 'pakis' head in when he was down. Pure ungrounded psycho wankers as we know them to be
And no doubt infiltrated thoroughly already by intelligence service agents and payoffs to the very top

How do they line up then with the respectable rulers of our society who play out their fantasies of shooting and blowing up Muslims by the thousands, who hole up hundreds upon hundreds of 'Pakis' in torturing hellholes without charge or hope, who create major terrorist events then blame it on the muslims.

These are in essence fucked-up kids playing out the fantasies that their 'elders and betters' are playing out in real and serious terms

Hey, I'm from Bradford and know this shit


Ol' Dual-Eyes is back

15.07.2004 23:02

The nost notable factor of Griffin's appearance on Newsnight, apart from his accusation that banjo-strummer bearded curly-haired Bradford organiser was a 'Leftist' ie in these wierdo's lexicon Military Intelligence plant, no doubt wore sandals and ate muesli
was the revelation that he is a swivel-eyed mismatcher with odd eyes -just like Bowie and Blair A syphillitic trait to the maximum


Stop these Nazis

16.07.2004 09:17

Unite Against Fascism:

Stop the BNP (Searchlight):



16.07.2004 10:43

is there any synchronisity between labour party PR disasters and media focus on the BNP?

- -

What did we learn ?

16.07.2004 12:16

I am not sure what the point of the expose was. Sure it showed the BNP to be facist thugs but did anybody really not know that ?

There was talk of "exposing the real BNP not the new people friendly verson" but I would be amazed if anybody would judge a political party that is founded on a race argument as being anything other than offensive. The BBC also decided to take the unprecidented step of releasing no advance information on the program to the TV listings magazines ensuring it received more coverage that it would have done.

I smell a rate here and like the previous poster wonder if this was just the right time for attention to be diverted from Labour. A deal with the BBC ?


Younger generations don't know

16.07.2004 12:31

Hi Journo

I think the assumption that 'everyone knows about...' is a complacent one. I was at college with someone who told me he voted BNP because it was the only party with a British flag on it. I hear activists all the time make comments like 'everyone knows what's going on in Palestine','everyone knows about factory farming', etc. I think a lot of people who vote BNP have no idea what they are really about. Their website does not focus on race.


I disagree

16.07.2004 15:32

Sorry Ricki I have to disagree. I just don't believe the UK population is that thick. In fact I think one of the failings of the activist (and most of all the Green movement) is the terrible "We know everything - you know nothing" arrogance.

Sure there may be one or two or don't grasp walking and chewing gum but they form a very small minority. In my experience people are a lot brighter than we give them credit for.

I have always advocated giving the likes of the BNP a platform rather than attempting to stop them talking and broadcasting, when people hear their message, they judge them and reject them.

As always my view is "Trust the people"


it's not elitist to recognise lots of people know as little as you used to

16.07.2004 16:49

Rikki is right to say many people know very little about the sort of political issues discussed on IMC. Not because they're thick, Journo, but because they're not especially interested in politics, or think they aren't. Just like most of us before we became interested, so no grounds for feeling superior.

And getting back to the point, Rikki is right that most people will not vote for an openly racist/fascist party. That's why the BNP hide behind suits and spin, and why it's only ever the 'on-message' Griffin who goes on TV. So the BBC doc is useful, because it showed the truth and that will have shocked some people who will think twice about getting involved with them.

Unite Against Fascism:


Mainstream influence

16.07.2004 16:53

Thing is, papers like the Mail and the Sun give the BNP much credence and support.
griffin said as much when he mentioned littlejohn and hitchens on newsnight last night.

daniel gurney