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Big Brother - Now in our schools??

Jack Splat | 13.07.2004 15:58 | Education | Repression | Technology | Liverpool

Will Big Brother cameras be introcuded into schools???

A MERSEYSIDE MP has called for CCTV to be installed in all school classrooms to cut the number of false allegations made against teachers. Claire Curtis-Thomas, a Liverpool MP , spoke out as chairwoman of an all-party group investigating claims of mistreatment of pupils and said that cameras were the way forward. The call comes as the number of accusations against teaching staff continues to soar and the conviction rate has fallen. Unions claim that teachers have even committed suicide over false claims.

Mrs Curtis-Thomas said: "There have been quite a number of people in my constituency and the rest of Merseyside that have been investigated over allegations of child abuse in schools. Some have been convicted and some acquitted with some still waiting on their appeals, but that is how I became involved in this group. We're looking not at individual cases but at how the process is handled and how we can improve that."

Big Brother here we come...

Jack Splat


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more survaillance

13.07.2004 17:16

UK: Children Bill to introduce surveillance of every child and record "concerns" about their parents

On 4 March 2004 the government published its "Children Bill". If adopted it will play a central role in the future ID card scheme the prime minister and home secretary are intent on introducing. All children in England and Wales will be given a unique identity number at birth, and entered on to a database where their personal files will record every "concern" that a professional has about them. It will also record "concerns" about their parents. The Bill will allow this to happen without the knowledge or consent of children and parents.

bash street kids

born in chains and everywhere in chains

14.07.2004 16:02

The 'Professional classes'!! How many more lives do these middle class dimwits want to fuck up. I know there are some teachers that try their best but the system does and has encouraged many child hating political careerists ( particularly in the Labour Party e.g parlaiment Hill in North london ) and ex coppers and ex army people that they recruit that I would not want any where near my kids.

These databases will also be used by the EU SIS system no doubt to target dissenters and anybody that realises that bringing up kids in the school propaganda system is a pretty bad idea. A big shout going out to the deranged facist school councillor and school copper at another certain school in North London.

They've already targeted Education Otherwise and traveller schools through their continuous assessment hurdles ( which also help in the commodification of education - markets for expensiove SAT schoolbooks ).

Current and recent UK governments that sell arms, encourage greed, include plenty of bought posts such as Lord 'GM feed your kids shite' Sainsbury as Science Minister, bombs countries, invades countries, starve children through sanctions, lock people up due to the colour of their skin , operate shoot to kill policies, ignore human rights in general etc etc. actually have the audacity to run 'Citizen Classes' in schools. They have a bloody cheek.

Further, with the access to these databases by private companies who develop them e.g. Siemens and subsidaries etc. and the privatisation of school life e.g. Jarvis ( Hello Steve Norris - at least you aren't mayor you cunt ) and other companies that feed kids shit in the school canteen this is just another part of the attack on human rights.

Youy want to complain about aspects of the school. Your kids get a digital record that will be forever used against them. See Statewatch.

I have seen this happen without the use of computer databases. Schools have got away with it, teachers get transferred or promoted, headmistresses get knighted. Parents, particularly if women, get demonised in the tabloids and jailed.

Yes I am angry. This is the tip of the iceberg. We need to organise against this.

Don't trust them

Concerned Mother

the protection racket

14.07.2004 16:24

Save the Children! - Feed a Profesional!

The sinister face of middle england's job creation club.

The greatest danger the defenceless face is the abuse of authority.


Is is for <<PROTECTION>>

21.09.2004 13:20

Oh shit guys
every time I read the British Indy I become more and more scaired of what is gonna follow in the whole world(Britain is always a step in front)
But we all know what is gonna happen, years ago cctv was introduced out the streets (for protection) now athens is full of cameras.
Now cctv at schools(for protection)
In a few years into our houses(for protection)
And progressively none would have problem for a microchip into our body so they can see us by satellite.(for protection)
And then for purposes of thinking prevention and the Queen's safety a micrichip that controls our brain (for protection)
If we don't resist until then we are just watchers!

