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Brum screening of Fahrenheit 911 tonight @ 9:30pm - FREE!

((i)) | 13.07.2004 11:34

Free screening of Michael Moore's latest film, Fahrenheit 911 at Decoy 22 Green St. Digbeth on Tuesday 13th July. Starts @ 9:30pm

"Moore has stated he supports downloading of his work to spread the message.  His fans spent weeks telling us the same thing when we sponsored the “Release The Movie” project (which is dead after the crash, and may or may not come back depending on the author’s wishes).

Let’s see if Moore really wants this to be about the work and NOT the money.

Steal this movie.  Promote this torrent link everywhere.  Let’s get as many people to see this for themselves, and for free, as we can.  Mikey, if you want to sue me, I’m not hard to find.

Thanks to reader Trond for pointing out the link.

Update by Lee: Lest anyone think that Moore disagrees with people downloading his work product, consider this exchange during a press conference.  Moore was asked by a reporter, “When people download your movies without paying for them, do you think it’s a good thing because your message gets out?” Moore’s reply:

I don’t agree with the copyright laws and I don’t have a problem with people downloading the movie and sharing it with people.  As long as they’re not doing it to make a profit, you know, as long as they’re not trying to make a profit off my labor.  I would oppose that."

He then goes on about how he does very welll financially from his books and films, so downloading his movie is really no big deal.  If you would like to see the clip of Moore saying this, you can download the torrent file and check it out yourself.  So, Michael, if you decide to sue us for posting the Torrent for your film, know that we’ll be playing this clip as our defense.  Come on, big boy, sue us."

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13.07.2004 13:21

This right-wing loonies have been spamming this EVERYWHERE on the net.. doesn't seem to have done the box office of the film any damage. Go see the film AND download the file heehee!

Someone who doesn't care!

subvert the bushbots

13.07.2004 16:11

too right, should have said that the torrent was publicised by a load of neo-cons. Unfortunately for them it gives us the opportunity to screen it for free and Moore and co. will still get their money.

Free screenings will attract a different audience to typical cinema goers. We've got no arthouse cinemas left in Brum. The Electric closed without even a squeak of resistance.

Fuck corporate cinema...


Law abiding citizens of the Free Republic lend me your ears!

14.07.2004 08:08

What these sad children have overlooked is that fact that Moore has simply stated his indifference to copyright infringement. That doesn't stop anyone else with a vested interested in this film being able to sue Adolf and his chums for civil damamges and depending on the licensing involved possibly under the Digital Millenium Copyright Act- best get used to shopping at K-mart for the rest of your lives!

I guess the right wing which is such a stickler for law and order need to get better attorneys, if they really were advised that they are acting legally!

My guess is that no-one will want to give these these people the free publicity they seek. Let's see how much "Michael Moore Hates America" grosses? Ladbrookes are giving fantastic odds of it even recouping!

corporate lawyer

the Freepers are foaming at the mouth

11.09.2004 21:22

>> Let's see how much "Michael Moore Hates America" grosses?

F*** all, unless I'm much mistaken.

Full background on this ridiculous trainwreck of a revenge movie is at


God, mind your own damn business

01.04.2005 19:16

Christ people, are you so bored with your lives that you need to spend time worrying about what goes on in our country? We like bush, get over it. And don't give me this crap about how america is destroying the world, because nobody can back any of that shit up. And don't cite "Mother Jones" articles as facts, if you beleive theirs and other such shit you are one severely misguided, brainwashed little dude. I feel for ya man, i feel for ya.

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