Ungrateful Poor Still Hungry After Food Drive
Angie | 13.07.2004 08:27 | Repression | Cambridge | London
Ungrateful Poor Still Hungry After Food Drive
some where in the back woods of Canada - Community Leaders in this upscale hamlet were appalled today to learn that depite last week's successful community canned food drive, The poor remained hungry. "We worked and worked, but there just seems to be no pleasing some people," said homemaker Elaine Wist, president of the whinniamucka Lions Club. One donor was aghast. "I gave a whole case of beef stew," said April Morovski. "That's what they, eat, stew, right?" Next year the community plans to hold a clothing drive instead. "Most of the girls have lots of things to get rid of," said Wist. "I have a whole bunch of last year's stuff that's, like, ick."
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