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RESPECT | 12.07.2004 19:33
Was a candidate for Leicester election injured in motorway crash? how does that effect the running of the election, would it be cancelled if a candidate is injured or killed.
We saw a badly wrecked red car on road about half ten, looked very serious it had hit the side of the motorway, said on the radio he was a well known housing campaigner in the city and lived in the toxteth area of liverpool.
Leicester election was also mentioned and he was going their as part of the campaign in the election, also heard something about arthur scargil and socialist labour movement, is that a new party? It is a standing candidates in leicester? Would that mean the votes will go to Respect if the candidate is now in hospital? does that mean the election gets cancelled.
Leicester election was also mentioned and he was going their as part of the campaign in the election, also heard something about arthur scargil and socialist labour movement, is that a new party? It is a standing candidates in leicester? Would that mean the votes will go to Respect if the candidate is now in hospital? does that mean the election gets cancelled.