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Arrgh-Ken re-invites al-Qaradawi !!!

GL | 12.07.2004 16:50 | World

London Mayor Ken Livingstone has apparently re-invited the muslim cleric Dr al_qaradawi back in October calling him a 'moderate'.

This just pinched with apologies from 12.7.04

From the Evening Standard 12th July 2004:

"Ken: cleric is welcome back
12 July 2004
Ken Livingstone has created a fresh round of controversy over controversial Muslim cleric Yusuf al-Qaradawi by inviting him back to Britain.

Ignoring the growing outrage over Dr al-Qaradawi's presence, Labour's London Mayor hugged him and offered a personal invitation to return for a three-day conference in October, saying it would be an "honour".

And in angry defiance he rounded on opposition leader Michael Howard and the press claiming they have helped stoke up the alarm over the cleric's London talks with Britain's Muslim community

Ignorance and political point-scoring have fuelled the damning "hysteria", Mr Livingstone insisted.

Dr al-Qaradawi has been heavily criticised after describing suicide bombers as "martyrs" and for his views on homosexuals and women.

The pair were sharing a platform at a City Hall conference on an Islamic woman's right to wear the hijab head-dress. More than 250 European Muslim delegates broke into applause at the invitation and its provisional acceptance.

Dr al-Qaradawi said he "welcomed" the invitation to attend the European Social Forum, a collection of thousands of voluntary and faith groups from across Europe, at Alexander Palace.

Speaking through an interpreter he said: "I would like this invitation. I would hope to meet him (Mr Livingstone) again."

Mr Livingstone said: "On behalf of the people of London, I would like to apologise to the Sheikh for the outburst of xenophobia in sections of the media.

"It is not the first time it has happened. Many of us have been victims of this in the past when the press write speeches that were not made from a meeting you never attended."

Mr Livingstone's vehement defence of Dr al-Qaradawi continued with an attack on Mr Howard.

He said: "The leader of the opposition, having been Home Secretary on the occasion when professor al-Qaradawi came to this country five times and did not see it was necessary to ban him then, suddenly has a knee-jerk reaction to ban him now that we have a Labour Government.

"Perhaps the people who told him that the Sheikh is not a threat to peace or tolerance are the same people who have said the same to our Home Secretary?
"The Sheikh is a moderate, held in respect throughout the world. He preaches moderation and tolerance to all faiths throughout the world."

Green MEP Jean Lambert pulled out of the conference - called Hijab, A Woman's Right to Choose - rather than share a platform with him. The day-long event, organised by the Muslim Women Society and the Muslim Association of Britain, launched an international pro-hijab campaign.

Gay rights campaigners stood outside City Hall holding banners declaring "Qaradawi endorses Stoning of Gays" and "Defend Muslims, Fight Muslim Homophobia".

Peter Tatchell, of gay rights group OutRage!, said: "He is not a fit and proper person to be invited here to City Hall as an honoured guest of the mayor.

"It is an insult to every man and woman in London that he has been given a platform.

"Ken Livingstone would not give a platform to the BNP. Why is he giving one to this man?"

Darren Johnson, a Green London Assembly member, joined the protest and said: "As an Assembly member, I am absolutely outraged that City Hall is being used as a platform for someone with such hateful views.

"Most Muslims in London are going to reject these hateful views."

Dr al-Qaradawi has been banned from the US since 1999.

His supporters say he is a well-respected and moderate scholar whose comments have been taken out of context by opponents.

But others, including Jewish groups, have described him as a "thoroughly unwelcome visitor" who should be thrown out of Britain.


The campaign to get Ken to revoke the invite and or get the Government to ban any
future visits starts NOW I hope......



Hide the following 8 comments

Hope he comes

12.07.2004 17:20

How many seriously religious figures ain't homophobic! Homophobia ain't a reason to go denying entry to the country just as much as it would be unreasonable to refuse entry because someone is homosexual... you'd have to refuse the Popes next visit! Homosexual rights are important but not at the expense of removing the right of others to speak and certainly at these times not at the expense of backing down to the likes of the Sun and the Daily Tails trashy xenophobic campaigns. The rest of the world aint suddenly gonna accept gay and lesbians and if we dont build bridges with the rest of the world then you'll have no chance to ever change those places in the future. Never thought I'd say it but nice one Ken.


that isna supposed to read as....

12.07.2004 17:27

that isna supposed to read as.... a way of saying the Pope is homosexual.. not that I'd care if he had been.... think he's too old to be anything at all these days.


nice theory... but

12.07.2004 17:51

So... this cleric advocates violence against gays and lesbians... because he's ignorant of homosexuality? He's never been exposed to homosexuals? If he meets some, it might lead to more acceptance?

He also advocates beating women (although not in the face or 'sensitive areas', yaay!). I presume he has met women before? Perhaps if we allow him to beat enough women, he'll get it out of his system.

Not convinced about the 'building bridges' theory. There are plenty of people building bridges between homosexuals and Muslims, including Muslim gays and lesbians. But al-Qaradawi isn't one of the bridge builders.


but nothing

12.07.2004 18:14

I don't reckon you'll ever change his mind, but you wont change anyone elses by refusing his entry. That's just unreasonable, who else do you want to refuse entry to Mr Gatekeeper? The rest of the world aint so thouroughly enlightened as the British and hence dont have the same moral views, well what a surprise! Your comments with regard to treatment of women and gays expose something we are all not happy with but changing deeply rooted cultural norms is not going to happen just because Ken 'doesn't' invite some bloke over, however changing the less inground perceptions of our culture can be changed by actually inviting him. Change is better than none in the current situation.



12.07.2004 20:03

Let him in - and confront him

don't throw him a party, disrupt his meetings

don't hail him as a scholar and a leader, expose him as an ignorant hateful bigot

don't pretend that a bit of PR spin can cover up his track record of violence and hatred, hold him to account


all that's fine....

12.07.2004 20:25

If you want to protest his meetings fine.. I have no problem with that. I like to disrupt meetings sometimes myself. He is a scholar and a leader however, I'm afraid you've got no getting around the fact, which is why he's being invited in the first place.

This political move though is about Iraq and the war on terror blarney, it's nothing to do with gay rights and shouldn't even be interpreted so, coz that's just hijacking the root and primary reason for his invite, which I believe (although I guess you don't) is primary to gay rights in iraq... one thing at a time perhaps.

See yer verbatim



12.07.2004 21:02

If anything it is "outrages'" intolerance towards Muslim/Jewish/Christian beliefs that is obvious when they try to prevent freedom of speech of a scholar who didn't even mention gays.


al-Qaradawi is a diamond geezer, really nice bloke

13.07.2004 00:59

al-Qaradawi didn't mention homosexuality, apart from saying that he thinks it is a disease.

al-Qaradawi has said a number of times that he believes that only cure for this disease is death.

Hey, he says these things, but he's a nice guy really. Maybe he likes newts too - as long as they're not Jewish lesbian newts, obviously.

It's not his fault he's a violent, racist, homophobic, misogynistic hatemonger. Nick Griffin, all is forgiven. Ken Livingstone says that you can preach hate all you like if you convert to Islam.

he's a scholar of hatred and a leader of fascists