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Who owns beauty? Sexy Girls reposte, (IMF)

IMF | 12.07.2004 16:25 | Indymedia


The original Sexy Girls post was...

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Good stuff !

12.07.2004 22:28

This seems like a very interesting contribution to the webite.



for example, it is very difficult to see why it has been censored.


Nah I think they were probably right to hide it...

19.07.2004 18:29

It definitely constitutes as a rant... obviously it may well really get up some clones nose who would ignore the rant and let it sit on the newswire if they agreed but I cant deny it constitutes a rant - it should have been posted as a response but I love the picture too much to post it as a response. I'll come up with some other way to get the point across instead. To be honest I'd rather there was some quality control even if I dont agree with it.... everyone needs an editor. However if it was hidden coz it was sexist they need their headz looking at.