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Oxford: Funeral of Dr Mike Woodin

posted by eileen | 11.07.2004 17:10 | Oxford


Mike Woodin's funeral procession

Green Councillor Dr. Mike Woodin's funeral procession will start from Reeves
and Pain undertakers, Abingdon Road, Oxford 1:30pm prompt on Monday 12th
July bound for Wolvercote Cemetery. People will be on bicycles or on foot
respecting Mike's own wishes.

Feel free to decorate your bikes with green ribbons.

Further information from Craig Simmons:

posted by eileen


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Read Mike's book "Green Alternatives to Globalisation"

11.07.2004 23:07

Just before Mike diagnosis of illness was confirmed in the spring he finished his book "Green Alternatives to Globalisation", co-written with Dr Caroline Lucas MEP.

It is a clear and powerful critique of the Bretton Woods institutions and the forces behind economic globalisation, which bravely and lucidly sets out a positive way forward for communities across the world, based on economic localisation within an internationalist context, a progressive and realistic alternative to mere protectionism or autarky and a credible challenge to the myth of the inevitability of the status quo.

Read it, argue about it - and just do it.

"Woodin and Lucas set out an eloquent and passionate argument which not only challenges the convenient assumption that economic globalisation is inevitable, but which also explodes the myth that globalisation benefits the poor." Vandana Shiva

Pluto Press, ISBN 0745319327
