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Asylum Seekers Evicted in Glasnevin, Dublin

Naysa Tormey - Dublin Tribune | 09.07.2004 20:52 | Migration | Repression | London | World

Thirty Asylum Seekers Evicted by Bailiffs supported by Gardai from Claremont Court, Glasnevin, Dublin at 5.45pm GMT

Thirty asylum seekers awaiting information confirming that they can stay in Ireland has been refused at the High Courts in Dublin.

Bailiffs and Gaurdi moved in quickly afterwards to evict families from their homes on Claremont Court, with parents being carried out and children screaming while other residents looked on in shock.

This has been the first in a series of court cases to remove those who have falsely claimed asylum in the Irish Republic after residents claimed that some of those who had claimed asylum in the Republic were seen dealing in class A substances which in the Irish Republic have made very clear that anyone who has sought asylum in the Republic of Ireland who abuses its hospitality will be removed.

several of those evicted are spending the night at the Bridewell Gardai Station in Dublin and several others are presently at Mountjoy Jail awaiting a flight back to their country of origin, this has come about after a Gardai operation which has lasted for over 18 months into drug trafficking in the Free State.

Those arrested who insist they are not a part to the drug trafficking gang intend to appeal the decision of the High Court Judge (Justice O'Connell) there will be more news on this tonight on RTE 1 at 10.30pm GMT

Naysa Tormey - Dublin Tribune
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11.07.2004 11:25

Why have you posted this here? they were drug dealers selling class A drugs ie heroin and coke.They were arrested and their children were removed from and extremely dangerous situation.They got the same treatment that any drug dealers would get and once they`ve served their prison term they should be deported because its clear that the do not deserve refugee status from a country whose citizens they are killing.


Thats news to me

16.07.2004 14:41

I live in Dublin. How come I never heard about this. I think this is a false story posted here to slander immigrants.


Something to destroy immigrants.

29.08.2004 23:39

this is absolutly unacceptable to the people and justic of this country. why is it that nobody heard about this? wouldn't it be good fare for everybody to read and hear about the news? why should the news circulate only in the police and justice vicinity and never allow's the public to have their say on the issue.we all know that drug dealling is bad but looking at it fairly why people chose this way is that, things re expensive most expecially the house rents and to worsing the whole situation there is no jobs and followed by racism. Most expecially this racism issue,when u go out there to look for a job you are not going to get it because of your race then, i have seen so many issues like that whereby the immigrant goes out there to look for a job but he/she will never get it. please i would like to know why. This country should take example from other countries like the united kingdom where equal rights and justies prevail but here not. so i think all this stories are just being set up to assasinate the immigrant karracter before the people of this country.

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Justifying drug dealing...?

08.09.2004 14:24

Stewart, you appear to condone drug-dealing (by Asylum-seekers) judging by the content and tone of your article. Fucking typical. It doesn't matter how badly they are allegedly treated or how few job prospects there are (for all) dealing Class A substances is just not acceptable. The Government were right to deport them.

I have actually heard this before. The front page of the Sunday World (Ireland's leading Sunday tabloid) carried the headline "Nigerian gang in E70m crack fortune", or something similar. There have been several articles like this in the tabloids since late last year, typically Africans dealing drugs to Africans in Moore St, Parnell St.
You would know this if you were Irish or a Working-class Dubliner.....
