The Hand over of power - a step towards democracy?
The Iraq Solidarity Campaign (UK) | 04.07.2004 13:25 | Social Struggles
The early inauguration of the Interim Iraqi Government (IIG) has been hailed by the occupiers as a step towards a “free democratic, prosperous and sovereign Iraq”. But what does this supposed sovereignty actually mean?
The early inauguration of the Interim Iraqi Government (IIG) has been hailed by the occupiers as a step towards a “free democratic, prosperous and sovereign Iraq”. But what does this supposed sovereignty actually mean?
- The occupation of Iraq remains in place; 138, 000 US troops will remain in the country for the indefinite future. The 10,000 prisoners being held by the US – except for Saddam Hussein – will continue to be held, without charge, trial or justice!
- Iraq’s ministries have been formerly handed over to the IIG, but real power lies with the network of advisers and commissions appointed directly by the US administration!
- US officials have hinted that the elections, scheduled for next January, might have to be delayed. Meanwhile, the US reserves the right to ban individuals and political parties from participation.
What sort of democracy allows the banning of parties on the whim of a foreign power?
No attempt to stabilise Iraq will be successful while the US/UK are expropriating the entire nations wealth. Rampant unemployment, energy shortages, the lack of security, and all of the other realities of life in Iraq today are direct consequences of the colonisation of the country.
As long as the occupation continues, resistance will continue, whether peaceful or not. The justification of continuing the occupation – “if we leave now, there will be a blood bath” has now worn as thin as the excuses of weapons of mass destruction - Iraq already is a blood bath!
The only solution is the complete withdrawal of all Western troops and genuine sovereignty for Iraq.
Yours sincerely,
Mr. Paul Levy
Ms. Debbie Hilal
The Iraq Solidarity Campaign (UK)
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The Iraq Solidarity Campaign (UK)