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Conveyed the Israeli connection to the the interrogations in Iraq

BBC radio 4 | 03.07.2004 17:49 | Analysis | World

General Janis Karpinski and Wayne Madsen conveyed the Israeli connection to the interrogations in Iraq

General Janis Karpinski and Wayne Madsen conveyed the Israeli connection to the interrogations in Iraq

General Janis Karpinski's segment will be archived under July 3rd, 2004 at the
following URL (after today) if you don't pick up this email until Monday:

Jonathan Davies, Father of Jalal Davis, who is a US soldier standing trial for allegedly abusing prisoners in Abu Graib, on what he thinks happened in the jail.

A full transcript of General Karpinski's interview (which mentioned an Israeli
connection to the interrogations in Iraq and how Rumsfeld conveyed instructions
for the torture/abuse at Abu Ghraib) for 'The Signal' is now linked at the
following URL:

Abu Ghraib Prison Torture Scandal Goes to the Highest Level:


Israeli Interrogator at Abu Ghraib Prison Claim on BBC

BBC radio 4
