IndyMedia censored newswire articles
Zinfandel | 01.07.2004 19:19 | Indymedia | Repression | Social Struggles | London
As IndyMedia UK persists in censoring (it likes to play semantics by saying hiding) articles which it prefers you not to think about - they don't suit their agenda - they are being compiled on an IndyMedia Censored page with links to the original articles. Of course IndyMedia UK might eventually remove these articles altogether in which case the censorship case will be closed - ipso facto IndyMedia UK are censors and weild the axe with arbitrary zeal.
Of course it will only be a matter of a very short time before IndyMedia UK (it ever makes me wonder what the 'Indy' bit is supposed to stand for) censors this article, they have and love the power!
Of course it will only be a matter of a very short time before IndyMedia UK (it ever makes me wonder what the 'Indy' bit is supposed to stand for) censors this article, they have and love the power!
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What a truely pathetic waste of energy
01.07.2004 21:28
available. It amazes me that somebody would go to such efforts over Indmedia (rather than for example, monitor and expose the vested interests and editorial manipulations of the corporate media). What this 'IMC watchdog' fails to notice (despite their aparent vigilance) is that Indymedia already provides the service. All posts which are hiden/censored, by the open group of voluntees who attempt to impliment the editorial guidelines (published here) which are designed to maintain the quality of the newswire, are readily viewable by anybody who wish to read the full unmoderated newswire.
not a fair analogy
02.07.2004 12:03
Heh. this rocks.
04.07.2004 23:13
That said, don't come down on them censors too hard either--they ain't cops. They're just trying to keep out the garbage, of which there is plenty. Hell, they deserve thanks for that.
hiding stupid posts=good
watching what gets hidden=good
-Jeff (an indy tech)