The History of the New World Order Movement
Eric James Rainbowlt | 01.07.2004 04:44 | Anti-militarism | Education | London | World
The 222 page PDF e-book (clean and virus free) contains the History of
The New World Order in quite vivid detail. In fact, I think you may
be shocked at the state of affairs now. Thank you for taking a look at
this book and sharing with others around the countryside.
The New World Order in quite vivid detail. In fact, I think you may
be shocked at the state of affairs now. Thank you for taking a look at
this book and sharing with others around the countryside.
Chapter 1 - The "New World Order"; the 'Old World [Economic] Order' with a New Name.
Most of the People of the World have known for several years, some for even decades, of the international "New World Order" banking and Wall Street conspiracy to dominate the entire world even though it has been rarely mentioned in the mass media.
There have been many others in recent history who have valiantly attempted to warn the World's People of the New World Order in its many facets and opened conspiracies, of the real terrorists of our world society - through many books, films, access television reporting, and world-wide short-wave radio broadcasts. This book is a composition of all such knowledge.
Power from any source tends to create an appetite for additional power. It was almost inevitable that the super-rich would one day aspire to not only control their own wealth, but the wealth of the whole world.
To achieve this, the super-rich elite of this era for many decades have been perfectly willing to feed the ambitions of thousands of power-hungry political conspirators in congress (with plenty of money) who have been currently installed in our governments, our universities, and our nationally televised media. In exchange for money, power, and other political favors they have been committed to the overthrow of all existing governments and national borders with the establishment of a central world-wide banking dictatorship.
The congress of the United States government has been completely compromised and paid-off for this government to be able to sponsor terrorism against its own people and have an entirely different set of make-believe, and also paid-off, enemies blamed through the mass media . In this war on terrorism, principally dark skinned Islamic or Muslim People of the Eastern hemisphere have been blamed. The War on Terrorism has been entirely staged for these purposes.
A big part of the end-game plan is for America to be blamed by the rest of world for their overt military aggressions and on the other hand the United Nations is to be made as if it smelt like a rose - despite the UN's fundamentally covert deceptions and previous acts of genocide. (example: Rwanda massacre of 1996)
How did this all come to be?
Article 1 of the American constitution gave congress the power to govern the national currency of the United States of America. However, the Federal Reserve is a private international bank! A privately managed 'treasury department' was not intended to be a part of the constitutional government. This has developed over scores of decades into an enormous problem for those who wish to see freedom live on.
It is as if the congress now handed the power to create our national money over to the board of Federal Express, another privately owned corporation. The board of the new "Fed" would quickly grow insanely rich and powerful and perhaps they too would want to set up a world dictatorship in collusion with the other corrupt private national central banking monopolies currently existing in Europe and Asia: all tied together with the Bank of International Settlements (BIS), the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund (IMF), and the United Nations (UN). { Keep in mind, much of the funding of the United Nations comes through the Federal Reserve board and their subsidiary banks. The UN has not fully installed their system of global taxation as of yet. ( In Hollywood movie lingo: ' The Death Star is not yet operational, Master. We need just a bit more time. ')
In short, quite simply, and practically speaking, the international bankers believe they own the Earth in this current era. They believe they are seemingly untouchable by the many billions of other People on this planet because they practice their financial rule through deception. The proof of this monstrous conspiracy is written into Chapter 2 of this book.
Footnote: The author recommends jumping straight to Chapter 2 at this time.
The domestic and international owners of Federal Reserve have been leeching trillions of dollars off America's free-market economy for over 90 years. They have even been involved with 'funding', that is, 'debt-enslaving-as-well', our wartime enemies, such as Adolph Hitler's reign, in the two World Wars so far. As you will find out they are also funding Osama's reign of 'stage managed' terror today.
Apparently to the corrupt American government and CIA, Osama Bin Laden is pretty tricky person to even interview - much less lock-up. There is not a trace of public dialogue being pursued by either terror-puppet Osama Bin Laden or this lying American government to each other. However it is in private where they are handed their individual scripts by their international banking masters, through the CIA, in order to continuously work together and complete the New World Order goals.
" I would have never agreed to the formulation of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) back in 1947, if I had known it would become the American Gestapo. " - Harry S Truman, (1961), Former United States President
They are conspiring rapidly after September 11th, 2001 because they are afraid. They are afraid of the possibility of the People of this world wising-up and waking-up in droves to this global plot. They are afraid they might lose their privileged power over us if they do not succeed in fully enslaving the rest of Us unto them without any more delay than is necessary. These deceitful souls have all become accomplices in mass murder. Those involved are the collective murdering masterminds of terrorism upon humanity today .
To the six billion People of the World: We must overcome the current system of private central and world central banking or many billions of innocent people living today without this knowledge or concern could possibly be systematically murdered by a handful of wickedly depraved men at the top; most likely through biological warfare that would blamed on puppet 'terrorists'. By definition, such conspiracies involve all those who would still choose to serve the extremely compromised, corrupt, and thereby illegitimate government out of Washington DC. Together We all certainly face a challenge today that is as deniable as it is daunting.
However, there is a peaceful and practical solution to the treachery of the world banking system that is without bloodshed, famine, or war in its formula. It is for all intents and purposes an economic solution, a combined set of many such necessary and parallel solutions world-wide. As the People of the World overcome the bankers together - the entire world will prosper like never before. This proposed solution is outlined in Chapter 3 of this book. The cost of changing the corrupt private world banking system into a beneficial system will simply amount to be the collective will of the People worldwide.
We, the People of the entire World, must lovingly throw the international and national bankers off and take the reins of our national governments and currencies back into Our own hands again. There is no other workable solution to ending their rule. It is the entire world-wide banking system that is corrupt, not just the current people currently controlling it. Everybody must realize this.
The People of each nation need to rise up and force government and national banking legislative reform. In other words, if you are a country with a privately owned banking system controlling your entire national economy, you need unleash its shackles and throw it off, for the sake your people and of the rest of mankind. All national debts to private and foreign institutions should be graciously forfeited back to them.
The international bankers do not deserve to own the Earth; for they have corrupted souls . All the rest of the People of the Earth should take priority. There will be a new beginning for Us; with Our world history no longer being actively adulterated and forced into global wars by the corrupt interests of the international bankers!
(insert pic of pyramid symbol on back of the $1 dollar bill )
We must arduously remove the power of their ownership of national and global currencies, their power of ownership of the entire mass media: national cable networks, newspapers and magazines; eventually flipping their symbolic pyramid of power on its head worldwide. Then, We, as a People, must erect a level playing field for the lasting benefit of and freedom of All. Wealth will be redistributed. Power and influence will finally be decentralized and restored evenly to the People.
It is possible - even if they choose to slander, kidnap, drug, poison, torture, or murder the author of this book and others first - as they have previously done to others in the past. And if they choose to do that, let this book be the legacy of this author and may that only help spread the message.
" Terrorists don't deserve the same guarantees and safeguards that would be used for an American citizen going through the normal judicial process. " - Dick Cheney
The first step in the inevitable solution is already outlined in this book. And if We choose to do it - they cannot stop Us! Collectively, We can effectively crush their rule over Us; perhaps with each and all of Us individually playing our role with malice to none and only charity to all. Possibly the soldiers in the militaries around the world will agree with the solution after they realize the truth and unload their many weapons, take no further orders, rid themselves of any desire to kill their worldly brothers, and simply go back home to support and protect their wives and their families. This is a big part of a loving solution.
" I was nineteen years old, and I'd always been told to do what the grown-ups told me to do.... But now I tell my sons, if the government calls, ... to use their own judgment, ... to forget about authority ... to use their own conscience. I wish somebody had told me that before I went to Vietnam. " - a U.S. soldier who had participated in the My Lai massacre, in which a company of American soldiers shot to death women and children by the hundreds in a tiny Vietnamese village - Soldier
" The torturers from the start had said that the United States supported them and that was what counted. " - Amnesty International report on Greece in the 1960s under US-supported dictator George Papadoupolus
" The U.S. government officials lie when they talk about human rights. They're a bunch of hypocrites and liars. You can't take it seriously. " - Eqbal Ahmad, Confronting Empire- interviews, p51
In fact, the solution to the banking problem has been performed over a century before. 19th century American President Abraham Lincoln once issued debt-free government money in place of private central bank debt-based money (today the Federal Reserve - a privately owned national bank that dangerously endorses the corrupt banking process of fractional reserve lending). Lincoln issued 200 million dollars worth of debt-free "Greenback" US Treasury Notes.
The debt-free US Treasury money worked splendidly during his presidency, the economy prospered and it helped Lincoln end a civil war; a war that was also instigated by the international bankers - as they conspired to divide and conquer the nation at that time in history. They were afraid the United States of America would become too powerful for them to control; which has always been the international bankers' greatest fear.
This is a quote from the Times of London during Abraham Lincoln's presidency:
" If this mischievous financial policy, which has its origin in North America, shall become endurated down to a fixture, than that Government will furnish its own money without cost. It will have all the money necessary to carry on its commerce. It will become prosperous without precedent in the history of the world. The brains and the wealth of all countries will go to North America. That country must be destroyed or it will destroy every monarchy on the globe! " - Times of London ( during Lincoln's issuing of debt-free United States Treasury Notes )
However, no other debt-free money was issued after the banking elite had Abraham Lincoln assassinated shortly there-after; with the singular exception of John F. Kennedy's delightful executive order re-issue of 200 million dollars of fresh debt-free US Treasury Greenbacks in 1963. This one misdeed alone to the global private banking plutocracy appears to have cost the young President Kennedy his life. (*)
{ (*) Footnote: How the Kennedy family has approved to this day of the many murders committed to their own family: JFK, RFK, and possiby JFK Jr. as well, by the remaining forces of the New World Order is beyond the comprehension of immorality of this one researcher and author and is not covered in this book. May the Love, Light, and Truth of Christ enter their darkened hearts.}
If America is to survive and the "New World Order" conspirators put into check, this corrupt system of leeching on humanity must be finally and quickly removed with the torch of freedom that burns in the souls of every freedom loving individual world-wide.
It is very important for All to realize that the international banking elite are currently planning a large-scale world-wide depression first in the United States that would be much worse, by design, than the Depression the Federal Reserve caused in the early 1930s; when the banking elite previously gained much more wealth and power over the very same time period - a time when the American People were still aloof of the real cause, starving, and losing their homes and businesses. How the international bankers and "The Fed" plan to do this again in America is detailed in Chapter 2.
Our Shared Goal:
The goal of this beginning chapter is to educate the American People especially so they can one day soon strongly force all their representative congressmen and a newly elected "No Federal Reserve! / No private central bank!" administration to engage in restoring the legitimacy of debt-free American money and abolish the privately owned central bank, the Federal Reserve (and its subordinates: the IRS, CIA, etc.) which is, by design of the international bankers, incrementally destroying the American economy and the quality of life of her People; and on a world-scale, creating even larger damage.
The New World Order is all solely for the benefit of the world's banking elite in their quest to dominate and own the entire world and the many peoples of it for their own perpetually selfish purposes. It can not be denied. Denying it would be the equivalent of allowing common criminals to burglarize your home nightly right in front of you.
" The state is the executive committee of the ruling class." - Karl Marx
To the People of America, the fate of the entire world lays in your hands. All other issues concerned with party affiliation: elections, taxes, spending, deficits, or even terrorism itself are not as important of issues for America or the world in general than National Banking Reform. In fact, it is the corrupt banking system that America is still under at the time of distribution of this book that is the primary or root cause of all the before mentioned malices.
" The more you can increase fear of drugs and crime, welfare mothers, immigrants and aliens, the more you control all the people. " - Noam Chomsky, American linguist and US media and foreign policy critic
The international banking system operated by the "money changers", or perhaps better described as the global financial mafia, has for a long time controlled all the major political parties: principally the 'Democratic' and 'Republican' parties in America. Other issues are principally used as distractions from this monster living in our attic.
Issues ranging from elections to international terrorism are truly smokescreens hiding the real monster that is poised to strangle America's future and the liberty of all her People . Only when We, The People of the World, remove the private monopolies over national currencies and the combined resulting power that those of us in generations past have blindly given to the international bankers will legitimacy in national governments be restored.
We should, through grace, forgive our parents, our grandparents, our teachers, and even our pastors for their oversight of this scourge in the past. We should allow Our Heavenly Creator Above to ultimately determine the mortal and eternal fate of each of the conspirators. Yet if the conspirators are indeed found in the court of international public opinion individual accomplices in mass murder, then certainly their massive earthly wealth should be removed and redistributed evenly by various means; rather than for Us to witness simple detainments or time-limited incarcerations for their previous crimes against humanity. They should not live above Our universal laws of thievery and premeditated murder.
It is most important for The People to first expose and then remove the power of the money changers, not strictly concern ourselves over their vast accrued fortunes so far . By removing, from them, the power of their control of our systems of national monies, or perhaps one day soon a global electronic 'cashless' currency, their techniques of perpetually generating vast wealth for themselves, with no worthwhile work or social benefit in exchange for it, will be entirely removed. They will cease their parasitic rule over Us; systems of money will become our servant rather than our master. The kindness and virtue in our hearts will only transform Our World for the better.
If the banking elite and their subordinates simply not understand and appreciate what Our new wide-spread understanding means, their funding should be immediately cut off. It would probably be wisest for humanity to simply stop paying all the privately owned fractional-reserve lending banks altogether immediately on an individual-by-individual basis.
All Americans and all other debt-enslaved nations should rigorously take back their individual countries all in one swift move. All households worldwide should be secured by their occupants and declared debt-free, in step with the consent and support of All the People of the entire World. Only then will peace and increasing abundance come to all the lands as well.
Expressed another way, if society only diminishes the wealth of the elite and We continue to let these money changers retain the power to create and rule over the money supplies of the world, then they will begin to restore their wealth and power over humanity using less ink than contained in one pen!
If you love your country, or at least love your own freedom, then please put aside a few more hours and help preserve liberty and prosperity for All. We must undergo no less than a global community transformation of world thinking while expressing mutual charity for All. There truly is no other practical solution than to end the rein of the international bankers over All of Us.
Please re-read the following paragraph after you have read and understood the review of history outlined in Chapter 2 and concede that it is indeed only factual and undeniable. Again, denial at this point will only bring Us, the People of the World, the salt of the Earth: continued tyranny, an awful increase in bloodshed, unsightly and lasting destruction, and the loss of freedom for all families; all but preserved only for a few elite families who would then perpetually aspire to forever financially dominate and sculpt the entirety of Our World to their own selfish designs.
The only reasonable cure for the abominable scourge of the international bankers who are now above and in complete control of our national governments of the world is to take this power away from them.
People of the World, these are but a handful of greedy, debased, and faceless men and think very low of the common people and our world society; men who conspire secretly and further intend widespread war, starvation, and death upon you and your families for their profit. Is there not but a greater "wakeup-call"?! Thanks be to you.
In Summary:
The elite international banking class, a very slim minority of humanity, have long gained control of our governments. These people have long planned for the triggering of a quick and ever deepening domino-effect collapse of the global economy in order to completely own it and enslave the World's surviving people into their " New World Order ". Injecting tiny microchip radio transmitters into you and your babies at birth is a part of the next stage of their plan. The terror of September 11, 2001 was of their design. This book goes into the prior history leading up to the event; setting the stage and painting the big picture.
To know in detail how the global elite and the illegitimate governments of the world including: the government of the United States, the government of Israel, the government of Great Britain, the government of Germany and others to varying degrees world-wide participated in carrying out the terrible events of September 11th and their subsequent actions, the author highly recommends All the People of the World to view the 2 hour, 41 minute documentary 911 - The Road To Tyranny, produced by Alex Jones of Austin Texas in April of 2002.
" The US Vice-President, Dick Cheney, revealed in a television interview over the weekend that President George Bush had given an order last Tuesday for the military to shoot down any civilian aircraft that disregarded instructions from air traffic control and appeared to be a threat. The fourth hijacked plane, United Airlines Flight 93 from Newark to San Francisco, was thought to be on its way to Washington but crashed in rural Pennsylvania following some kind of altercation between the hijackers and a group of passengers determined to thwart their plans. The rumors that this plane was shot down are based on the fact that debris was found up to eight miles from the crash site, that one of the passengers talking on a mobile phone reported hearing an explosion and seeing a plume of white smoke in the cabin, and that eyewitnesses saw a second aircraft in the sky at the time of the crash. " - The Independent, London, England, September 20, 2001
" We stare at TV screens and try to comprehend the suffering in the aftermath of terrorism. At the same time, we're witnessing an onslaught of media deception. Silence, rigorously selective, pervades the media coverage of recent days. ABC News analyst Vincent Cannistraro helped to put it all in perspective for millions of TV viewers. Cannistraro was in charge of the CIA's covert aid to Afghan guerrillas. In other words, Cannistraro has a long history of assisting terrorists-first, Contra soldiers who routinely killed Nicaraguan civilians; then, mujahedeen rebels in Afghanistan ... like Osama bin Laden. How can a longtime associate of terrorists now be credibly denouncing "terrorism?" It's easy. All that's required is for media coverage to remain in a kind of history-free zone that has no use for any facets of reality. " - Norman Solomon, Creators Syndicate, September 13, 2001
" War doesn't fall out of the clear sky. Like every other human undertaking, it requires preparation; to make it a possibility and then a reality, the care and cooperation of many are needed. It is desired, prepared for, and proposed by those men and powers who stand to gain by it. Either it brings them direct cash profit, as in the case of armaments industry (and as soon as war breaks out, how many previously harmless industries become war industries, and how automatically money flows their way!), or it brings them advantage in the form of prestige, respect, and power, as in the case of unemployed generals and colonels." - Hermann Hesse: Author (1877-1962)
" Once a government resorts to terror against its own population to get what it wants, it must keep using terror against its own population to get what it wants. A government that terrorizes its own people can never stop. If such a government ever lets the fear subside and rational thought return to the populace, that government is finished. " - Michael Rivero, of
Freedom lover Alex Jones, and dear Friend, offers the entire documentary for download from his website with no charge when visiting and or Eric Rainbowlt's information portal:;. {Alex airs a daily, M-F, emergency global short-wave-radio broadcast on 3.210 Mhz, nightly from 9pm to midnight, US Central Standard Time. His daily show also airs over the internet and on a small syndicated radio network, The Genesis Network, }
By understanding the history of how international private central banks have manipulated the history of mankind, you will also become an expert in true world history. This is not simply the history of governments and their endless propaganda stated the public, but the true story of how international privately owned banks have always sought to control all governments and the world-wide press. As you will see, private banks have covertly ruled over the largest governments, especially the United States government, surprisingly since near its inception. This is actually a much bigger problem than may simply meet the eye, without this knowledge, today.
Return Me to the Table of Contents
Chapter 2 - The History - How the Money Changers gained control over America
Most of the People of the World have known for several years, some for even decades, of the international "New World Order" banking and Wall Street conspiracy to dominate the entire world even though it has been rarely mentioned in the mass media.
There have been many others in recent history who have valiantly attempted to warn the World's People of the New World Order in its many facets and opened conspiracies, of the real terrorists of our world society - through many books, films, access television reporting, and world-wide short-wave radio broadcasts. This book is a composition of all such knowledge.
Power from any source tends to create an appetite for additional power. It was almost inevitable that the super-rich would one day aspire to not only control their own wealth, but the wealth of the whole world.
To achieve this, the super-rich elite of this era for many decades have been perfectly willing to feed the ambitions of thousands of power-hungry political conspirators in congress (with plenty of money) who have been currently installed in our governments, our universities, and our nationally televised media. In exchange for money, power, and other political favors they have been committed to the overthrow of all existing governments and national borders with the establishment of a central world-wide banking dictatorship.
The congress of the United States government has been completely compromised and paid-off for this government to be able to sponsor terrorism against its own people and have an entirely different set of make-believe, and also paid-off, enemies blamed through the mass media . In this war on terrorism, principally dark skinned Islamic or Muslim People of the Eastern hemisphere have been blamed. The War on Terrorism has been entirely staged for these purposes.
A big part of the end-game plan is for America to be blamed by the rest of world for their overt military aggressions and on the other hand the United Nations is to be made as if it smelt like a rose - despite the UN's fundamentally covert deceptions and previous acts of genocide. (example: Rwanda massacre of 1996)
How did this all come to be?
Article 1 of the American constitution gave congress the power to govern the national currency of the United States of America. However, the Federal Reserve is a private international bank! A privately managed 'treasury department' was not intended to be a part of the constitutional government. This has developed over scores of decades into an enormous problem for those who wish to see freedom live on.
It is as if the congress now handed the power to create our national money over to the board of Federal Express, another privately owned corporation. The board of the new "Fed" would quickly grow insanely rich and powerful and perhaps they too would want to set up a world dictatorship in collusion with the other corrupt private national central banking monopolies currently existing in Europe and Asia: all tied together with the Bank of International Settlements (BIS), the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund (IMF), and the United Nations (UN). { Keep in mind, much of the funding of the United Nations comes through the Federal Reserve board and their subsidiary banks. The UN has not fully installed their system of global taxation as of yet. ( In Hollywood movie lingo: ' The Death Star is not yet operational, Master. We need just a bit more time. ')
In short, quite simply, and practically speaking, the international bankers believe they own the Earth in this current era. They believe they are seemingly untouchable by the many billions of other People on this planet because they practice their financial rule through deception. The proof of this monstrous conspiracy is written into Chapter 2 of this book.
Footnote: The author recommends jumping straight to Chapter 2 at this time.
The domestic and international owners of Federal Reserve have been leeching trillions of dollars off America's free-market economy for over 90 years. They have even been involved with 'funding', that is, 'debt-enslaving-as-well', our wartime enemies, such as Adolph Hitler's reign, in the two World Wars so far. As you will find out they are also funding Osama's reign of 'stage managed' terror today.
Apparently to the corrupt American government and CIA, Osama Bin Laden is pretty tricky person to even interview - much less lock-up. There is not a trace of public dialogue being pursued by either terror-puppet Osama Bin Laden or this lying American government to each other. However it is in private where they are handed their individual scripts by their international banking masters, through the CIA, in order to continuously work together and complete the New World Order goals.
" I would have never agreed to the formulation of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) back in 1947, if I had known it would become the American Gestapo. " - Harry S Truman, (1961), Former United States President
They are conspiring rapidly after September 11th, 2001 because they are afraid. They are afraid of the possibility of the People of this world wising-up and waking-up in droves to this global plot. They are afraid they might lose their privileged power over us if they do not succeed in fully enslaving the rest of Us unto them without any more delay than is necessary. These deceitful souls have all become accomplices in mass murder. Those involved are the collective murdering masterminds of terrorism upon humanity today .
To the six billion People of the World: We must overcome the current system of private central and world central banking or many billions of innocent people living today without this knowledge or concern could possibly be systematically murdered by a handful of wickedly depraved men at the top; most likely through biological warfare that would blamed on puppet 'terrorists'. By definition, such conspiracies involve all those who would still choose to serve the extremely compromised, corrupt, and thereby illegitimate government out of Washington DC. Together We all certainly face a challenge today that is as deniable as it is daunting.
However, there is a peaceful and practical solution to the treachery of the world banking system that is without bloodshed, famine, or war in its formula. It is for all intents and purposes an economic solution, a combined set of many such necessary and parallel solutions world-wide. As the People of the World overcome the bankers together - the entire world will prosper like never before. This proposed solution is outlined in Chapter 3 of this book. The cost of changing the corrupt private world banking system into a beneficial system will simply amount to be the collective will of the People worldwide.
We, the People of the entire World, must lovingly throw the international and national bankers off and take the reins of our national governments and currencies back into Our own hands again. There is no other workable solution to ending their rule. It is the entire world-wide banking system that is corrupt, not just the current people currently controlling it. Everybody must realize this.
The People of each nation need to rise up and force government and national banking legislative reform. In other words, if you are a country with a privately owned banking system controlling your entire national economy, you need unleash its shackles and throw it off, for the sake your people and of the rest of mankind. All national debts to private and foreign institutions should be graciously forfeited back to them.
The international bankers do not deserve to own the Earth; for they have corrupted souls . All the rest of the People of the Earth should take priority. There will be a new beginning for Us; with Our world history no longer being actively adulterated and forced into global wars by the corrupt interests of the international bankers!
(insert pic of pyramid symbol on back of the $1 dollar bill )
We must arduously remove the power of their ownership of national and global currencies, their power of ownership of the entire mass media: national cable networks, newspapers and magazines; eventually flipping their symbolic pyramid of power on its head worldwide. Then, We, as a People, must erect a level playing field for the lasting benefit of and freedom of All. Wealth will be redistributed. Power and influence will finally be decentralized and restored evenly to the People.
It is possible - even if they choose to slander, kidnap, drug, poison, torture, or murder the author of this book and others first - as they have previously done to others in the past. And if they choose to do that, let this book be the legacy of this author and may that only help spread the message.
" Terrorists don't deserve the same guarantees and safeguards that would be used for an American citizen going through the normal judicial process. " - Dick Cheney
The first step in the inevitable solution is already outlined in this book. And if We choose to do it - they cannot stop Us! Collectively, We can effectively crush their rule over Us; perhaps with each and all of Us individually playing our role with malice to none and only charity to all. Possibly the soldiers in the militaries around the world will agree with the solution after they realize the truth and unload their many weapons, take no further orders, rid themselves of any desire to kill their worldly brothers, and simply go back home to support and protect their wives and their families. This is a big part of a loving solution.
" I was nineteen years old, and I'd always been told to do what the grown-ups told me to do.... But now I tell my sons, if the government calls, ... to use their own judgment, ... to forget about authority ... to use their own conscience. I wish somebody had told me that before I went to Vietnam. " - a U.S. soldier who had participated in the My Lai massacre, in which a company of American soldiers shot to death women and children by the hundreds in a tiny Vietnamese village - Soldier
" The torturers from the start had said that the United States supported them and that was what counted. " - Amnesty International report on Greece in the 1960s under US-supported dictator George Papadoupolus
" The U.S. government officials lie when they talk about human rights. They're a bunch of hypocrites and liars. You can't take it seriously. " - Eqbal Ahmad, Confronting Empire- interviews, p51
In fact, the solution to the banking problem has been performed over a century before. 19th century American President Abraham Lincoln once issued debt-free government money in place of private central bank debt-based money (today the Federal Reserve - a privately owned national bank that dangerously endorses the corrupt banking process of fractional reserve lending). Lincoln issued 200 million dollars worth of debt-free "Greenback" US Treasury Notes.
The debt-free US Treasury money worked splendidly during his presidency, the economy prospered and it helped Lincoln end a civil war; a war that was also instigated by the international bankers - as they conspired to divide and conquer the nation at that time in history. They were afraid the United States of America would become too powerful for them to control; which has always been the international bankers' greatest fear.
This is a quote from the Times of London during Abraham Lincoln's presidency:
" If this mischievous financial policy, which has its origin in North America, shall become endurated down to a fixture, than that Government will furnish its own money without cost. It will have all the money necessary to carry on its commerce. It will become prosperous without precedent in the history of the world. The brains and the wealth of all countries will go to North America. That country must be destroyed or it will destroy every monarchy on the globe! " - Times of London ( during Lincoln's issuing of debt-free United States Treasury Notes )
However, no other debt-free money was issued after the banking elite had Abraham Lincoln assassinated shortly there-after; with the singular exception of John F. Kennedy's delightful executive order re-issue of 200 million dollars of fresh debt-free US Treasury Greenbacks in 1963. This one misdeed alone to the global private banking plutocracy appears to have cost the young President Kennedy his life. (*)
{ (*) Footnote: How the Kennedy family has approved to this day of the many murders committed to their own family: JFK, RFK, and possiby JFK Jr. as well, by the remaining forces of the New World Order is beyond the comprehension of immorality of this one researcher and author and is not covered in this book. May the Love, Light, and Truth of Christ enter their darkened hearts.}
If America is to survive and the "New World Order" conspirators put into check, this corrupt system of leeching on humanity must be finally and quickly removed with the torch of freedom that burns in the souls of every freedom loving individual world-wide.
It is very important for All to realize that the international banking elite are currently planning a large-scale world-wide depression first in the United States that would be much worse, by design, than the Depression the Federal Reserve caused in the early 1930s; when the banking elite previously gained much more wealth and power over the very same time period - a time when the American People were still aloof of the real cause, starving, and losing their homes and businesses. How the international bankers and "The Fed" plan to do this again in America is detailed in Chapter 2.
Our Shared Goal:
The goal of this beginning chapter is to educate the American People especially so they can one day soon strongly force all their representative congressmen and a newly elected "No Federal Reserve! / No private central bank!" administration to engage in restoring the legitimacy of debt-free American money and abolish the privately owned central bank, the Federal Reserve (and its subordinates: the IRS, CIA, etc.) which is, by design of the international bankers, incrementally destroying the American economy and the quality of life of her People; and on a world-scale, creating even larger damage.
The New World Order is all solely for the benefit of the world's banking elite in their quest to dominate and own the entire world and the many peoples of it for their own perpetually selfish purposes. It can not be denied. Denying it would be the equivalent of allowing common criminals to burglarize your home nightly right in front of you.
" The state is the executive committee of the ruling class." - Karl Marx
To the People of America, the fate of the entire world lays in your hands. All other issues concerned with party affiliation: elections, taxes, spending, deficits, or even terrorism itself are not as important of issues for America or the world in general than National Banking Reform. In fact, it is the corrupt banking system that America is still under at the time of distribution of this book that is the primary or root cause of all the before mentioned malices.
" The more you can increase fear of drugs and crime, welfare mothers, immigrants and aliens, the more you control all the people. " - Noam Chomsky, American linguist and US media and foreign policy critic
The international banking system operated by the "money changers", or perhaps better described as the global financial mafia, has for a long time controlled all the major political parties: principally the 'Democratic' and 'Republican' parties in America. Other issues are principally used as distractions from this monster living in our attic.
Issues ranging from elections to international terrorism are truly smokescreens hiding the real monster that is poised to strangle America's future and the liberty of all her People . Only when We, The People of the World, remove the private monopolies over national currencies and the combined resulting power that those of us in generations past have blindly given to the international bankers will legitimacy in national governments be restored.
We should, through grace, forgive our parents, our grandparents, our teachers, and even our pastors for their oversight of this scourge in the past. We should allow Our Heavenly Creator Above to ultimately determine the mortal and eternal fate of each of the conspirators. Yet if the conspirators are indeed found in the court of international public opinion individual accomplices in mass murder, then certainly their massive earthly wealth should be removed and redistributed evenly by various means; rather than for Us to witness simple detainments or time-limited incarcerations for their previous crimes against humanity. They should not live above Our universal laws of thievery and premeditated murder.
It is most important for The People to first expose and then remove the power of the money changers, not strictly concern ourselves over their vast accrued fortunes so far . By removing, from them, the power of their control of our systems of national monies, or perhaps one day soon a global electronic 'cashless' currency, their techniques of perpetually generating vast wealth for themselves, with no worthwhile work or social benefit in exchange for it, will be entirely removed. They will cease their parasitic rule over Us; systems of money will become our servant rather than our master. The kindness and virtue in our hearts will only transform Our World for the better.
If the banking elite and their subordinates simply not understand and appreciate what Our new wide-spread understanding means, their funding should be immediately cut off. It would probably be wisest for humanity to simply stop paying all the privately owned fractional-reserve lending banks altogether immediately on an individual-by-individual basis.
All Americans and all other debt-enslaved nations should rigorously take back their individual countries all in one swift move. All households worldwide should be secured by their occupants and declared debt-free, in step with the consent and support of All the People of the entire World. Only then will peace and increasing abundance come to all the lands as well.
Expressed another way, if society only diminishes the wealth of the elite and We continue to let these money changers retain the power to create and rule over the money supplies of the world, then they will begin to restore their wealth and power over humanity using less ink than contained in one pen!
If you love your country, or at least love your own freedom, then please put aside a few more hours and help preserve liberty and prosperity for All. We must undergo no less than a global community transformation of world thinking while expressing mutual charity for All. There truly is no other practical solution than to end the rein of the international bankers over All of Us.
Please re-read the following paragraph after you have read and understood the review of history outlined in Chapter 2 and concede that it is indeed only factual and undeniable. Again, denial at this point will only bring Us, the People of the World, the salt of the Earth: continued tyranny, an awful increase in bloodshed, unsightly and lasting destruction, and the loss of freedom for all families; all but preserved only for a few elite families who would then perpetually aspire to forever financially dominate and sculpt the entirety of Our World to their own selfish designs.
The only reasonable cure for the abominable scourge of the international bankers who are now above and in complete control of our national governments of the world is to take this power away from them.
People of the World, these are but a handful of greedy, debased, and faceless men and think very low of the common people and our world society; men who conspire secretly and further intend widespread war, starvation, and death upon you and your families for their profit. Is there not but a greater "wakeup-call"?! Thanks be to you.
In Summary:
The elite international banking class, a very slim minority of humanity, have long gained control of our governments. These people have long planned for the triggering of a quick and ever deepening domino-effect collapse of the global economy in order to completely own it and enslave the World's surviving people into their " New World Order ". Injecting tiny microchip radio transmitters into you and your babies at birth is a part of the next stage of their plan. The terror of September 11, 2001 was of their design. This book goes into the prior history leading up to the event; setting the stage and painting the big picture.
To know in detail how the global elite and the illegitimate governments of the world including: the government of the United States, the government of Israel, the government of Great Britain, the government of Germany and others to varying degrees world-wide participated in carrying out the terrible events of September 11th and their subsequent actions, the author highly recommends All the People of the World to view the 2 hour, 41 minute documentary 911 - The Road To Tyranny, produced by Alex Jones of Austin Texas in April of 2002.
" The US Vice-President, Dick Cheney, revealed in a television interview over the weekend that President George Bush had given an order last Tuesday for the military to shoot down any civilian aircraft that disregarded instructions from air traffic control and appeared to be a threat. The fourth hijacked plane, United Airlines Flight 93 from Newark to San Francisco, was thought to be on its way to Washington but crashed in rural Pennsylvania following some kind of altercation between the hijackers and a group of passengers determined to thwart their plans. The rumors that this plane was shot down are based on the fact that debris was found up to eight miles from the crash site, that one of the passengers talking on a mobile phone reported hearing an explosion and seeing a plume of white smoke in the cabin, and that eyewitnesses saw a second aircraft in the sky at the time of the crash. " - The Independent, London, England, September 20, 2001
" We stare at TV screens and try to comprehend the suffering in the aftermath of terrorism. At the same time, we're witnessing an onslaught of media deception. Silence, rigorously selective, pervades the media coverage of recent days. ABC News analyst Vincent Cannistraro helped to put it all in perspective for millions of TV viewers. Cannistraro was in charge of the CIA's covert aid to Afghan guerrillas. In other words, Cannistraro has a long history of assisting terrorists-first, Contra soldiers who routinely killed Nicaraguan civilians; then, mujahedeen rebels in Afghanistan ... like Osama bin Laden. How can a longtime associate of terrorists now be credibly denouncing "terrorism?" It's easy. All that's required is for media coverage to remain in a kind of history-free zone that has no use for any facets of reality. " - Norman Solomon, Creators Syndicate, September 13, 2001
" War doesn't fall out of the clear sky. Like every other human undertaking, it requires preparation; to make it a possibility and then a reality, the care and cooperation of many are needed. It is desired, prepared for, and proposed by those men and powers who stand to gain by it. Either it brings them direct cash profit, as in the case of armaments industry (and as soon as war breaks out, how many previously harmless industries become war industries, and how automatically money flows their way!), or it brings them advantage in the form of prestige, respect, and power, as in the case of unemployed generals and colonels." - Hermann Hesse: Author (1877-1962)
" Once a government resorts to terror against its own population to get what it wants, it must keep using terror against its own population to get what it wants. A government that terrorizes its own people can never stop. If such a government ever lets the fear subside and rational thought return to the populace, that government is finished. " - Michael Rivero, of
Freedom lover Alex Jones, and dear Friend, offers the entire documentary for download from his website with no charge when visiting and or Eric Rainbowlt's information portal:;. {Alex airs a daily, M-F, emergency global short-wave-radio broadcast on 3.210 Mhz, nightly from 9pm to midnight, US Central Standard Time. His daily show also airs over the internet and on a small syndicated radio network, The Genesis Network, }
By understanding the history of how international private central banks have manipulated the history of mankind, you will also become an expert in true world history. This is not simply the history of governments and their endless propaganda stated the public, but the true story of how international privately owned banks have always sought to control all governments and the world-wide press. As you will see, private banks have covertly ruled over the largest governments, especially the United States government, surprisingly since near its inception. This is actually a much bigger problem than may simply meet the eye, without this knowledge, today.
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Chapter 2 - The History - How the Money Changers gained control over America
Eric James Rainbowlt