Ian Neal | 30.06.2004 20:07 | Anti-militarism | London
-Upcoming 911 events and meetings in London
-Introductions of new members and websites and opportunity to link up
-Suggested activities and how we can help each other
-Wider events and news from the 911 truth movement
-Introductions of new members and websites and opportunity to link up
-Suggested activities and how we can help each other
-Wider events and news from the 911 truth movement
Upcoming 911 events and meetings in London
Introductions of new members and websites and opportunity to link up
Suggested activities and how we can help each other
Wider events and news from the 911 truth movement
Subscribe or unsubscribe by email to , please all other emails to or my mobile 07986 616941.
Feedback welcome Thanks. Ian
1-3 covers UK 9/11 actions. Non UK members may wish to skip to section 4. Always keen to hear about other 9/11 networks and activities. Please email details to me.
1. List of video screenings and meetings
1.1 Thursday July 1 @ 7pm Video screening of the Great Deception as detailed here
This is principally aimed at introducing 9/11 truth movement and this network to the residents and users of this Social Centre and inviting discussion and further involvement. The centre is a public space used by political activists who are involved in ‘anti-war’, ‘anti-globalisation’ and ‘anti-capitalism’ movements such as the WOMBLES ( and distribute various anarchist materials e.g. SchNEWS ( The centre is vibrant and well run and is a good opportunity to engage the wider community. Everyone welcome, although it will not be our typical meeting (if we have ever held such a thing). Similarly I will be showing the same video at these locations and dates. Please spread the word, posters on notice boards, announcements on internet forums, word of mouth, etc.
1.2 At the Charterhouse Bar ( on July 12, August 2 and August 16 from 7pm to 830pm. This is a friend’s bar who has kindly agreed to let us screen the video here. The space is not really suitable for meetings, so it is mainly aimed at introducing people to the 911 evidence and the network, a few brief questions and that’s it.
1.3 July 15 @ 7pm at the London Action Resource Centre, 62 Fieldgate Street, London, E1.
This is similar in aims and feel to the occupied social centre, it is a community resource for meetings and mutual learning. The advantage here is that if the users like us (and after our first meeting there is no reason to doubt that they will) there is the possibility that LARC will allow the group to meet regularly free of charge and their tenure is secure. They have a video screen and basic meeting room for up to 30-40, so could be ideal. LARC is the home for various progressive groups including rising tide (
My hope is that with a regular venue, we can publicise events well in advance (rather than the few days notice here, sorry)
1.4 July 27: Date of the release of the 9/11 commissions whitewash. This surely merits some kind of action. I’m open to suggestions.
2. Members, how to link up and get involved and confidentiality
One of the problems with any network is how best to link up and connect people, involve people so that the network is self sustaining and without the network becoming the story. It should be the actions of its members that is the story and the network merely exists to make these actions bigger, more effective and connected to similar actions.
This network exists to link up 9/11 activists in London and around the UK and to link into the wider 9/11 truth movement. This movement is itself part of wider movement that defies naming but in essence is a global people power movement for justice that will sweep away our current corrupt and dysfunctional system dominated by corrupt and dysfunctional global elite. The challenge as I see it is to build up this network and also build up its connections with other networks. As some of the posts in section 4 shows within the 9/11 movement there is a healthy debate as to what evidence, tactics and issues to focus on.
For example 1) Moore vs Icke approaches or 2) Mark of vs various ‘disinformation’ 9/11 sites or 3) the comments within Nico’s post (from 9/11 NYC group) ….
“The focus should be always on two different wings of the movement: A more progressive wing, always open to left- and right wing strategies, tolerance to 9/11 scientific researchers and unconvential ideas.
The other wing, which helped to reach "middle america" is an important part, too, which cannot be dismissed, but should always be able to "hear the other side" as well.
What these examples show is the value of networking and diversity. It shows 1) we are not mad or alone in questioning the official version of 9/11, 2) the value of learning from others experience and not repeating their mistakes, 3) the value of coming together and pooling resources and 4) the variety of approaches being adopted. It also allows you to get involved as much or as little as you want and to choose the activity that most appeals.
Although I can’t share people’s email addresses with each other, the interest and the network is steadily growing and what I can do is list some of the websites of people who have contacted me, since I figure if you have a website you want to be noticed.
If you like what they are doing you can contact them directly and offer support. If you have your own ideas and actions you want help with why not email me, I will post them in the next e-bulletin and I will then forward any expressions of interest to you. You can then set up your own email list for that particular action. In this way the network becomes less reliant on me and more self sustaining. In section 3 I list a number of ways you can get involved if you wish.
So here is the first selection of websites
Ian Henshall publisher of,,
produces an excellent newsletter and has recently placed his second advert (funded by donations) in the Independent exposing the lies of Blair and surrounding 9/11. UK distributor of deception dollars
Nafeez Ahmed, UK based writer of War on Freedom (WoF) (details and Chp 4 available here, biography available here Recently emailed me details of 9/11 coverage on Richard and Judy (UK daytime TV)(anyone see it? I received notice after the event unfortunately). Nafeez and Simon A ( were the only 2 UK activists to attend the San Francisco 9/11 conference. WoF is very well sourced from mainstream media. Chp 4 is excellent at demonstrating prior USG knowledge.
Simon A, amongst other things, is interested in the deaths of David Kelly and other microbiologists and Kerry and the BCCI investigation. Simon (aka thoughtcriminal) is also registered on this forum Simon kindly helped set up this forum for our network ( although I reckon the US site is now probably a better home for web based chat amongst members. Simon will be revisiting how to revamp this site (or is it to amalgamate with other sites eg Breaking news, Simon yesterday interviewed David Ray Griffin and Michael Meacher (further details from Simon)
Tony Rosling, Bristol based journalist and writer and creator of amongst other sites ( Never heard of the bilderberg meetings? Here is a selection of recent news stories Next year promises to be a big year for the UK govt (hosting the G8, EU presidency in June the Commission for Africa, possible Live Aid plus 20, 10 years Comic Relief, UN conference on Millennium Development Goals) and international development agencies led by UK development agencies are planning a major (relatively hard hitting) campaign to focus on global development and justice (more details from me if needed). Against this background, I hear rumours that Bilderberg 2005 may be in the UK FYI.
Still on the global elite, I met with one of the people behind this busy and rather excellent London produced website The collective is also active in community radio/TV/video streaming via this site
If you fancy something more fluffy and spiritual, I attended and linked up with some of the organising people and speakers including Neale Donald Walsch, Elisabet Sahtouris and Jim Garrison at this event Excellent stuff. Distributed 9/11 videos and deception dollars. Collected email addresses. A 2005 London event is probably on the cards. Plus Jane at is on the email list and as always a plug for my personal favourite, Jean Hudon’s excellent newsletters at this site
Cem who has attended a couple meetings is spreading the word to amongst Turkish and Kurdish communities, emailed me to inform of this campaign he is also supporting: Iraq Occupation Focus, Campaigning to end the occupation of Iraq,
Dave in Manchester is an active, well informed and helpful somebody with connections to the rave/dance scene ( Trying to reach the UK dance music/festival community has to be worth a go. Dave has been working on a 9/11 audio/visual show to spread the word in clubs, produces 9/11 T shirts and recently returned from this event
Contacts here as well
3. 9/11 activities: invitations get involved
So how can you help
1) Give us a hand with this e-bulletin. As I have demonstrated over the last 6 months I don’t have the time (lots of kids and work) to do this justice and so would really welcome the help of someone else to put a regular bulletin together, plus send me your 9/11 news, actions, views and feedback for inclusion in the next edition. Forward this email to others and build up the network that way. Spreading word of this network on web forums, etc.
2) July 9 UK release action in London. Simon A will be filming and doing interviews on the opening night in London and needs some people to hand out leaflets, demonstration, etc. Further details to follow shortly
3) Something involving Ellen Mariani and Nick Berg who are planning a trip to London in early September. Get the press involved, interviews, etc. Need to start planning now, purpose, venue, etc. More details to follow
4) Showing 9/11 videos. Simon A and I have a selection of 9/11 videos. I am happy to send a copy of the best ones to anyone who emails me. I have found these are the best way to introduce the evidence to people who ‘can’t be arsed’ to read 300+ page book and more hard hitting. I could do with help publicising the free screenings I am holding (emails to TimeOut, etc) plus I would recommend this method to introduce 9/11 to family and friends and of course there is nothing to stop you organising you own screenings.
5) UK conference (similar to SF, Toronto and the planned NYC September events). Several people have mentioned this one. This will take some time and planning and probably warrants a separate email. Anyone interested please email me and we can set up separate email group to discuss and set up a planning meetings.
4. 9/11 activism and news from the US/International
4.1) F911 campaign. Using Michael Moore’s film to raise the profile of 9/11 truth movement.
Dude, there’s more to the story campaign, leaflet for Fahrenheit 9/11 screenings
Suggested leaflet
FAHREN-HYPE 9/11 Moore movie bigger on promotion than cutting edge content By David Icke
4.2) Waves being caused by this book.
Story from Daily Mail on the New Pearl Harbour and and here
The New Pearl Harbour available on line
4.3) for a selection of 911 outreach resources
4.4) The web forum at www.setembereleventh,org. I include this from Nico in New York since Nico clearly has 1) lots of experience in 9/11 activism and 2) international connections and 3) he makes some good points….
Hi My name is Nico Haupt aka ewing2001 from New York.
I started to investigate on 9/11 on the morning of Sep11th at around 8:53 AM EST with two discussion threads on an canadian forum. I mirrored "the attack" and "the investigation continues..." later on my board at The forum at delphiforums is still up, but meanwhile moderated by someone else. In late 2001, i decided to respond politically on, most active in their 9/11 section. In December 2001, i gave my first public lecture about 9/11 , which already included a small chapter about PNAC, especially Paul Wolfowitz and Richard Perle. The event was in a gallery and the patriotic vibes in New York at that time still hot. Therefore only 10 people showed up
Later i followed this as guest in some radio shows, which was much easier. I was later one of the first endorsers of the "people's 9/11 commission", and the "petition to investigate 9/11 oddities", which led into different projects like 9/11 Citizen watch, by Kyle Hence and John Judge, shadowGovernment TV and 9/11 Truth Alliance in New York.
I decided to concentrate on media (activist-) projects but also continued with own investigations, most active with my nickname "ewing2001".
In early May 2002, i organised a 3-day "9/11 skeptics panel" within an artist event from Missy Galore, on Times Square. All participants got hacked one week later. Again, another week later, Mr. Bush confirmed "prior knowledge" ("Bush knew") I became also member and chief editor of the news portal, member at Guerrilla News,, globalresearch and other 9/11 portals.
Since late 2002, our buddies from globalfreepress and SGTV had our own tables at mega rallies, including Washington and New York, where we distributed our booklets, flyers, videos and T-Shirts.
In 2003, i started to support another weekly TV news show on FreeSpeech TV, called "INN World Report", where i'm currently main researcher and responsible for other matters. The show is produced at Walker Stage, by Lenny Charles and Tom Kiely.
One of our many 9/11 related guests had been Sibel Edmonds, Ed Asner, David Ray Griffin, some 9-11 Activists and Families, Retired Air Force Officer Karen Kwiatkowski, 9/11 Truth Candidate John Buchanan, Cynthia McKinney, 911Review's Michael Elliott, Michael Meacher and many others...
In the same year, due to financial problems and unable to find individual self-publishers, i decided to release my 9/11 encyclopedia (2000 key words on 800 pages) free available and online only. It was later integrated into
In late 2003, i started with the first members of New York's 9/11 meetup the 9/11 activist group We decided since then, to held weekly 9/11 truth vigils at Ground Zero. This group is still active and responsible for many popular events, including the fortcoming event with 9/11 victim Ellen Mariani. One of the most impressive members over there is artist, musician, writer and activist Michael Kane ("Clarity"), which i respect for his integrity, patience, passion and intelligence.
In 2004 i was guest at the SF 9/11 Inquiry. One of my personal highlights over there, was to create a mini panel with military analyst Barbara Honegger, about the war drills during and before the Sep11th week, to help pushing these facts into mainstream. Almost two weeks later, finally NORAD started to confirm some of these drills, even though they added their own spin.
My focus was and still is, to keep in touch with international 9/11 truth seekers, investigative researchers and 9/11 activists. On my blog at i reflect weekly the news about this international movement and other investigative and political "highlights" of the week.
Our TV show, INN World Report continues weekly and we're currently have a news portal,, which is still in sneak preview modus and hope to integrate it on our own website very soon. It seems to be also very popular for military-, intelligence and government visitors, too and therefore got twice attacked
Please check out for my own investigative updates as "ewing2001" or "admin" at, in the 9/11 section.
I might have no time to show up here regularly and will not participate in discussions, because of
a) my temper b) no time c) no time
I wish this forum the very best. The focus should be always on two different wings of the movement: A more progressive wing, always open to left- and right wing strategies, tolerance to 9/11 scientific researchers and unconventional ideas.
The other wing, which helped to reach "middle america" is an important part, too, which cannot be dismissed, but should always be able to "hear the other side" as well.
The world is in a bad shape right now and many suggest, that we need a peaceful revolution right now and cannot wait for an election fix or "october surprise" (which real month that ever will be).
Since i'm in regular touch with many of 9/11 truth seekers (~3500 emails a week), I currently can confirm international 9/11 truth activist- and investigative projects in U.S., Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Greece, Iceland, Denmark, Austria, Netherlands, Belgium, England, Scotland, Wales, Russia, Switzerland, Croatia, Czech Republic, Japan, New Zealand, Australia, Brazil, Argentina, Mexico and other countries.
Most of them are not popular yet, but doing great. I know especially of amazing stuff lately in Iceland. There are also many investigative "behind the scene" researchers, who deserves to get bigger props. I try my best to promote them. Keep the good work everybody and bear with me, when i'm grumpy on my own blog or at 9/11 truth alliance.
This IS a challenging time and we have to get through internal crisises, ups and downs, in- and outside this movement, which already survived many diversions, but always became stronger at the end. I hope, you're self-confident enough, not always to follow the leaders and keep an eye open. There is sometimes more truth to find out, even in a 9/11 truth movement.
Nico Haupt aka ewing2001
New York
4.5) Resource for effective debunking of the 9/11 commission
4.6) Appeal for support to the 911readingroom
Dear 911 Truth Seekers,
As we seek the truth about 9/11, we face many obstacles: American consciousness has been anaesthetized by a complaisant media; the U.S. congress is a flock; former presidents are dying...But I'm confident that the truth about the atrocities of September 11 -- a truth that has largely emerged -- will penetrate the American skull, and will begin to make more and more of an impression on our Congress until a new, powerful and uncompromised Truth Commission is
In the meanwhile, we have to create solid foundations for action: knowledge, networks, media, and persistence. I have been particularly concerned about the knowledge factor. Many many websites have sprung up, and many theories have been offered, many of them credible, and many of them less than credible. Unfortunately telling the difference between the two is often impossible: information is carelessly sourced or linked to defunct web pages. Also, very few
911 websites are designed professionally enough to inspire trust, or to make the key information clear and obvious. is my response to some of these problems. A database of all the most important news stories and documentation related to the unanswered questions of 9/11, the 911ReadingRoom is a foundation for research, be it for books, articles, or other websites,
and is thus an important catalyst for action. News sources, most of which are archived in full, are tagged with over 80 categories, and are searchable and sortable. A small team of editors is scouring the web, libraries, Lexus Nexus, and other avenues for documents. Already, we have nearly 200 documents, and our work is just beginning. The site is easy to use and free of political agit-prop. It should be of great use to journalists and easy for the layperson to use. Soon, visitors will be able to log in and form their own reading lists or bibliographies. There is also an easy way to create "hot" footnotes for any article, so that this bibliography can be used as a sort of universal 9/11 bibliography.
I invite you, first, to visit the site:
Then, I invite you to contribute in any way you can:
• If you see news stories that aren't in the archive, email them to me, either in entirety, or via URL (or use the feedback form on the site)
• become an editor/compiler for the archive
• spread the word to people, journalists, Congress
• link to the site:
• browse, search, sort, and otherwise use it.
If you, or anyone you know, has a librarian inside of them aching to get out, please contact me. We need people to help with many aspects of 9/11 documentation: Freedom Of Information Act requests, finding news reported on the day of 9/11, archiving the sources in Paul Thompson's
Complete 911 Timeline, in the important 9/11 books, and much more.
Finally, if you have any thoughts about how to improve, make it more approachable to more people, or anything else, let me know.
Michael Richardson
4.7) Media campaign to alert media to the 9/11 commission whitewash
Dear 9/11 Truth activists and concerned citizens,
The final 9/11 Commission hearings are scheduled for this Wednesday and Thursday, and will be aired on CSPAN. Ostensibly these hearings will focus on "the 9-11 Plot." However, given the Commission's failure to ask any of the important questions at previous hearings, no credible sources expect them to do so this time. Therefore, this action alert does not ask you to
make another appeal to the commission. Rather it is directed towards the media, at this crucial time, in order to alert them to the fact that the 9/11 commission is a whitewash.
Please participate! The final hearings covering "the 9/11 Plot" combined with the upcoming release of Michael Moore's new film, "Farenheit 911," provide an incredible window of opportunity. The media and the public have never been as skeptical of the official story of 9/11 as they are right now! We provide everything you need in this email, including sample letters and media email addresses.
Towards 9/11 Truth,
Emanuel Sferios
Webmaster, 9/11 Visibility Project
SAMPLE LETTER (Feel free to copy and paste, or use your own words.)
Dear editor/reporter,
The final 9/11 commission hearings are upon us and the important questions as put forth by the 9/11 families have not been asked. Many of these questions pertain to the evidence for Bush Administration complicity in the attacks themselves, and the refusal of the 9/11 commission to address them is indicative of a coverup.
Ostensibly these hearings are supposed to focus on "the 9/11 plot" and the unprecedented failures of our air defense system to respond to the hijacked aircraft. If the commission took their mandate seriously, they would inquire about the wargames that the US Military was
conducting on 9/11.
Wargames? What Wargames?
On the morning of Sept. 11 itself, the U.S. military was conducting scheduled wargames and anti-terror drills that included "airliner hijackings" as well an "errant aircraft" crashing into a government building. As referenced in the articles linked below, these wargames have all been reported in the mainstream media. Certainly they are relevant to the 9/11 plot. If the commission is not a whitewash and truly wants to get to the truth of 9/11, they will ask the hard
9/11 War Games No Coincidence
The Cleveland Airport Mystery
NORAD was conducting a live-fly, hijack Training
For more questions the 9/11 commission is refusing to
ask, please visit the Family Steering Committee website:
For more information on the 9/11 Truth movement, please visit:
Thank you and sincerely,
Below are 72 select email addresses for both mainstream and alternative media outlets, as well as the commission itself. Copy and paste the first one into the "to" field and the rest put into the "bcc" or "cc" fields. (And add your own!),,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
4.8) Call for 9/11 events/actions photos and news
Hi. First of all, let me thank you for your contributions to the 9TM, and permitting your contact info to be published. We just started a new web site, and we could use more content.
We'd like to obtain pictures of your 9/11 event(s) that have the following attributes:
1. Outdoors, with plenty (don't want the blimp to get cut off!) of preferably-blue sky in the shot.
2. Multiple people in the shot, perhaps even looking up at or pointing to the 9/11 blimp.
3. Higher-than-web quality so we can reduce the image to the size we can use.
4. A(n attractive interesting) picture that people will want to look at. By our criteria, the best shots will probably have a definite foreground and background (ie, a sense of depth).
If you know of an upcoming event that will result in an image we can use, it would be helpful if you could inform us of it in advance, so that we will have time to add it to our (as yet unpublished) list of stops on the scheduled blimp tour (which might result in a lot more people showing up at your event...).
Regards, and best wishes for a Constitutional tomorrow,
"First of all, when we walked into the classroom, I had seen this plane fly into the first building. There was a TV set on." - George W. Bush, Jan 5, 2002, referring to the magic TV on which he saw an attack that had not yet been broadcast (The 1st KNOWN video did not surface until the next day!)
4.9) Mark of with views on some “bogus” 9/11 sites. Whether you agree or not it is worth being aware of this
"911 In Plane Site," a new movie by a website called "The Power Hour," mixes accurate material about September 11 with easily disproved, bogus information. It is toxic to the cause of exposing the Bush regime's complicity in 9/11, since much of it is based on poor quality, manipulated photos and misunderstandings.
What is this "pod" attached to the bottom of "Flight 175" and why is it there What is this bright flash seen right before impact of both the North & South Towers. Why did an eye witness report seeing no windows on "Flight 175" a commercial United Airlines jetliner [rebuttal: poor quality, altered images are not a basis for making new, implausible theories of 9/11 conspiracies - they only serve to discredit the proven material that shows it was not a surprise attack and probably was an "inside job" Photoshop is an amazing tool.]
If both towers are still standing, what caused this huge explosion at the base of the WTC complex.[rebuttal: the photo that this references is actually of the collapse of the South Tower, partially obscured by the still standing North Tower. The billowing dust next to WTC 7 is not from a "huge explosion," it is the result of the South Tower collapse dust cloud. This one is extremely easy to rebut.]
How does a plane 125 ft. wide & 155 ft. long fit into a hole which is only 16 ft. across [rebuttal: the hole is about the diameter of the fuselage of the plane. None of the "no plane at the Pentagon" theories Why did firefighters, reporters and other eye witnesses describe a pancake collapse of the WTC [this is true -- there were eyewitnesses who definitely did think the buildings were intentionally demolished. But the "pancake" theory is not intentional demolition. See for a more accurate description.]
Why is there no wreckage or crater from "Flight 77" on the lawn of the Pentagon
[rebuttal: There was lots of tiny wreckage on the lawn. The crater was in the side of the building. Plane crashes at 400 mph into extra reinforced concrete / steel generally don't leave large pieces of wreckage.]
Why were there dozens of reports of bombs & explosions going off in and around the WTC before any buildings collapsed. [There were also reports of explosions at the State Department in Washington and other locations that turned out to have been false.]
How does a 757 exit the Pentagon's 3rd ring & leave a hole approximately 16 ft. across with no visible wreckage. [note: this is an anomaly that is very difficult to explain. If it really is true that the plane did go through several rings of the
Pentagon, that would be strong evidence for the something-other-than-a-plane theory. However, there were way too many witnesses from a variety of backgrounds who saw a large jet at the Pentagon. The real, 100% provable fact of the Pentagon crash, which nobody disputes, is that the Pentagon was hit in the nearly empty, recently reconstructed and strengthened sector, which
minimized casualties. See and for details.]
While it's blatantly obvious that 9/11 was an "inside job," bogus claims based on altered images that make no sense only discredit factual inquiry into "the event that changed the world."
New at an analysis by Eric Salter, refuting several widely-circulated claims about the WTC airliner impacts on 9/11. These include the claims that original video recordings of the impacts were fabricated or altered using computer graphics, that aircraft other than 767s struck the the towers, and even that no planes hit the two towers, the planes supposedly being replaced by super high-tech "holographic" illusions [!]. The analysis shows that these claims, which unfortunately have been lingering around for some time, have no solid basis in the evidence -- video, photographic, or otherwise -- nor any solid basis in logic, and could help to discredit the 9/11 Truth Movement.
The WTC Impacts: 767s or "Whatzits"?
from "Painful Questions" by Eric Hufschmid, page 20 regarding a "blob" seen in some WTC photos that supposedly showed another plane overhead when the second tower was hit
"It is also possible that the blob is just an 'artifact' caused by the software that compressed the video. However, I suspect the person who posted the images deliberately created the blob to make fun of conspiracy theories or to fool people ... the best policy is to ignore theories that are based on compressed images. Demand the original, high resolution images."
Disinformation masquerading as 9/11 Truth exposure
In addition to phony evidence in support of the official conspiracy theory, there is also the problem of bogus material pretending to be investigative journalism that does not bother to present even a scintilla of credible evidence. A few fringe 9/11 websites are now claiming that there wasn't a plane at the World Trade Center north tower (even though the photos of the hole in the tower clearly show the impact of the wings). Some of these "no plane at the north tower" sites include (mirrored at 911uncovered),, and the fairy godmother of this modus operandi - doesn't provide direct links to these sites, which are a mix of accurate material and disinformation -- but they are easy enough to find.
The "webfairy" theories claim that no planes hit the World Trade Center, it was done with missiles and high-tech hologram, and uses video clips that supposedly prove these arguments. The "letsroll911" site claims that a missile was fired at the South tower just before the plane crashed into it, and also uses poor quality photos to "prove" this argument. However, blurry low resolution photos that magically appear two years later are not evidence of alternative views of what happened, they are only evidence of people's unfamiliarity with photo editing software and their gullibility. The "physical evidence" clearly shows that large jets hit the towers - the hole in the side of the North tower (which was hit first) is the size of a 767. And the idea that a missile was fired a split second before the South tower was hit makes no sense, since there was no "need" for this to happen (no tactical advantage for the attackers, since the towers were not anywhere as strong as the sector of the Pentagon that was hit - which had been strengthened against attack immediately prior to 9/11).
The "missile pod at the WTC," "no plane at the WTC" and "plane plus missile" theory are toxic to the cause of 9/11 truth. It is a sign that our political efforts are having an effect -- that these
"theories" (unsupported by any credible evidence) are being distributed to "muddy the waters" to make those who seek to expose the lies of 9/11 as crackpots who have no idea what we are talking about.
There was no extra "pod" that was used to fire a missile from the 767. A quick search on the web will show several sites with photos of 767's with a structure under the plane to hold the wings together. It is sad that 9/11 truth exposers are forced to waste our time dealing with this. There are NO photos with high resolution that show an extra "pod," there is no credible theory to suggest the need for any alleged pod.
The same thing happened during the citizen investigations into the coup against President Kennedy -- people popped up claiming inside knowledge that turned out to be psychotic ravings. One particularly memorable occurrence was during the Jim Garrison prosecution of Clay
Shaw, a CIA agent who participated in the plot against Kennedy - the film JFK covers this episode very well. Garrison's legal team had found a witness who claimed to have participated in meetings with Shaw, Lee Harvey Oswald and others, but on the stand, the man's claims of participation were totally shredded by his claims that he had fingerprinted his daughter before and after she went to college to prove that she was the same person (and therefore, this obviously
insane testimony was used to discredit the genuine evidence that Garrison had used to prosecute Shaw). Shaw was found innocent by the jury (even though subsequent research and official admissions revealed he was CIA), although that jury did admit that there had been a conspiracy to kill JFK, they merely didn't believe that Shaw was a participant.
Bogus 9/11 Truth Sites -- Muddying the Waters with easily disproved phony claims webfairy, physics911, 911hoax, ( is a nice rebuttal of the sloppy work on is a companion site to, the best of the "9/11 physical evidence" sites.), [possibly the strangest 9/11 site], [by the same author as the "blimp" site], letsroll911, 911uncovered
Sent a personal capacity only
Kind regards
Ian Neal
Upcoming 911 events and meetings in London
Introductions of new members and websites and opportunity to link up
Suggested activities and how we can help each other
Wider events and news from the 911 truth movement
Subscribe or unsubscribe by email to , please all other emails to

Feedback welcome Thanks. Ian
1-3 covers UK 9/11 actions. Non UK members may wish to skip to section 4. Always keen to hear about other 9/11 networks and activities. Please email details to me.
1. List of video screenings and meetings
1.1 Thursday July 1 @ 7pm Video screening of the Great Deception as detailed here

This is principally aimed at introducing 9/11 truth movement and this network to the residents and users of this Social Centre and inviting discussion and further involvement. The centre is a public space used by political activists who are involved in ‘anti-war’, ‘anti-globalisation’ and ‘anti-capitalism’ movements such as the WOMBLES (

1.2 At the Charterhouse Bar ( on July 12, August 2 and August 16 from 7pm to 830pm. This is a friend’s bar who has kindly agreed to let us screen the video here. The space is not really suitable for meetings, so it is mainly aimed at introducing people to the 911 evidence and the network, a few brief questions and that’s it.
1.3 July 15 @ 7pm at the London Action Resource Centre

This is similar in aims and feel to the occupied social centre, it is a community resource for meetings and mutual learning. The advantage here is that if the users like us (and after our first meeting there is no reason to doubt that they will) there is the possibility that LARC will allow the group to meet regularly free of charge and their tenure is secure. They have a video screen and basic meeting room for up to 30-40, so could be ideal. LARC is the home for various progressive groups including rising tide (

My hope is that with a regular venue, we can publicise events well in advance (rather than the few days notice here, sorry)
1.4 July 27: Date of the release of the 9/11 commissions whitewash. This surely merits some kind of action. I’m open to suggestions.
2. Members, how to link up and get involved and confidentiality
One of the problems with any network is how best to link up and connect people, involve people so that the network is self sustaining and without the network becoming the story. It should be the actions of its members that is the story and the network merely exists to make these actions bigger, more effective and connected to similar actions.
This network exists to link up 9/11 activists in London and around the UK and to link into the wider 9/11 truth movement. This movement is itself part of wider movement that defies naming but in essence is a global people power movement for justice that will sweep away our current corrupt and dysfunctional system dominated by corrupt and dysfunctional global elite. The challenge as I see it is to build up this network and also build up its connections with other networks. As some of the posts in section 4 shows within the 9/11 movement there is a healthy debate as to what evidence, tactics and issues to focus on.
For example 1) Moore vs Icke approaches or 2) Mark of vs various ‘disinformation’ 9/11 sites or 3) the comments within Nico’s post (from 9/11 NYC group) ….
“The focus should be always on two different wings of the movement: A more progressive wing, always open to left- and right wing strategies, tolerance to 9/11 scientific researchers and unconvential ideas.
The other wing, which helped to reach "middle america" is an important part, too, which cannot be dismissed, but should always be able to "hear the other side" as well.
What these examples show is the value of networking and diversity. It shows 1) we are not mad or alone in questioning the official version of 9/11, 2) the value of learning from others experience and not repeating their mistakes, 3) the value of coming together and pooling resources and 4) the variety of approaches being adopted. It also allows you to get involved as much or as little as you want and to choose the activity that most appeals.
Although I can’t share people’s email addresses with each other, the interest and the network is steadily growing and what I can do is list some of the websites of people who have contacted me, since I figure if you have a website you want to be noticed.
If you like what they are doing you can contact them directly and offer support. If you have your own ideas and actions you want help with why not email me, I will post them in the next e-bulletin and I will then forward any expressions of interest to you. You can then set up your own email list for that particular action. In this way the network becomes less reliant on me and more self sustaining. In section 3 I list a number of ways you can get involved if you wish.
So here is the first selection of websites
Ian Henshall publisher of,,
produces an excellent newsletter and has recently placed his second advert (funded by donations) in the Independent exposing the lies of Blair and surrounding 9/11. UK distributor of deception dollars
Nafeez Ahmed, UK based writer of War on Freedom (WoF) (details and Chp 4 available here

Simon A, amongst other things, is interested in the deaths of David Kelly and other microbiologists and Kerry and the BCCI investigation. Simon (aka thoughtcriminal) is also registered on this forum

Tony Rosling, Bristol based journalist and writer and creator of amongst other sites (

Still on the global elite, I met with one of the people behind this busy and rather excellent London produced website The collective is also active in community radio/TV/video streaming via this site

If you fancy something more fluffy and spiritual, I attended and linked up with some of the organising people and speakers including Neale Donald Walsch, Elisabet Sahtouris and Jim Garrison at this event Excellent stuff. Distributed 9/11 videos and deception dollars. Collected email addresses. A 2005 London event is probably on the cards. Plus Jane at

Cem who has attended a couple meetings is spreading the word to amongst Turkish and Kurdish communities, emailed me to inform of this campaign he is also supporting: Iraq Occupation Focus, Campaigning to end the occupation of Iraq,

Dave in Manchester is an active, well informed and helpful somebody with connections to the rave/dance scene (

Contacts here as well
3. 9/11 activities: invitations get involved
So how can you help
1) Give us a hand with this e-bulletin. As I have demonstrated over the last 6 months I don’t have the time (lots of kids and work) to do this justice and so would really welcome the help of someone else to put a regular bulletin together, plus send me your 9/11 news, actions, views and feedback for inclusion in the next edition. Forward this email to others and build up the network that way. Spreading word of this network on web forums, etc.
2) July 9 UK release action in London. Simon A will be filming and doing interviews on the opening night in London and needs some people to hand out leaflets, demonstration, etc. Further details to follow shortly
3) Something involving Ellen Mariani and Nick Berg who are planning a trip to London in early September. Get the press involved, interviews, etc. Need to start planning now, purpose, venue, etc. More details to follow
4) Showing 9/11 videos. Simon A and I have a selection of 9/11 videos. I am happy to send a copy of the best ones to anyone who emails me. I have found these are the best way to introduce the evidence to people who ‘can’t be arsed’ to read 300+ page book and more hard hitting. I could do with help publicising the free screenings I am holding (emails to TimeOut, etc) plus I would recommend this method to introduce 9/11 to family and friends and of course there is nothing to stop you organising you own screenings.
5) UK conference (similar to SF, Toronto and the planned NYC September events). Several people have mentioned this one. This will take some time and planning and probably warrants a separate email. Anyone interested please email me and we can set up separate email group to discuss and set up a planning meetings.
4. 9/11 activism and news from the US/International
4.1) F911 campaign. Using Michael Moore’s film to raise the profile of 9/11 truth movement.

Dude, there’s more to the story campaign, leaflet for Fahrenheit 9/11 screenings

Suggested leaflet
FAHREN-HYPE 9/11 Moore movie bigger on promotion than cutting edge content By David Icke

4.2) Waves being caused by this book.

Story from Daily Mail on the New Pearl Harbour

The New Pearl Harbour available on line

4.4) The web forum at www.setembereleventh,org. I include this from Nico in New York since Nico clearly has 1) lots of experience in 9/11 activism and 2) international connections and 3) he makes some good points….
Hi My name is Nico Haupt aka ewing2001 from New York.
I started to investigate on 9/11 on the morning of Sep11th at around 8:53 AM EST with two discussion threads on an canadian forum. I mirrored "the attack" and "the investigation continues..." later on my board at The forum at delphiforums is still up, but meanwhile moderated by someone else. In late 2001, i decided to respond politically on, most active in their 9/11 section. In December 2001, i gave my first public lecture about 9/11 , which already included a small chapter about PNAC, especially Paul Wolfowitz and Richard Perle. The event was in a gallery and the patriotic vibes in New York at that time still hot. Therefore only 10 people showed up
Later i followed this as guest in some radio shows, which was much easier. I was later one of the first endorsers of the "people's 9/11 commission", and the "petition to investigate 9/11 oddities", which led into different projects like 9/11 Citizen watch, by Kyle Hence and John Judge, shadowGovernment TV and 9/11 Truth Alliance in New York.
I decided to concentrate on media (activist-) projects but also continued with own investigations, most active with my nickname "ewing2001".
In early May 2002, i organised a 3-day "9/11 skeptics panel" within an artist event from Missy Galore, on Times Square. All participants got hacked one week later. Again, another week later, Mr. Bush confirmed "prior knowledge" ("Bush knew") I became also member and chief editor of the news portal, member at Guerrilla News,, globalresearch and other 9/11 portals.
Since late 2002, our buddies from globalfreepress and SGTV had our own tables at mega rallies, including Washington and New York, where we distributed our booklets, flyers, videos and T-Shirts.
In 2003, i started to support another weekly TV news show on FreeSpeech TV, called "INN World Report", where i'm currently main researcher and responsible for other matters. The show is produced at Walker Stage, by Lenny Charles and Tom Kiely.
One of our many 9/11 related guests had been Sibel Edmonds, Ed Asner, David Ray Griffin, some 9-11 Activists and Families, Retired Air Force Officer Karen Kwiatkowski, 9/11 Truth Candidate John Buchanan, Cynthia McKinney, 911Review's Michael Elliott, Michael Meacher and many others...
In the same year, due to financial problems and unable to find individual self-publishers, i decided to release my 9/11 encyclopedia (2000 key words on 800 pages) free available and online only. It was later integrated into
In late 2003, i started with the first members of New York's 9/11 meetup the 9/11 activist group We decided since then, to held weekly 9/11 truth vigils at Ground Zero. This group is still active and responsible for many popular events, including the fortcoming event with 9/11 victim Ellen Mariani. One of the most impressive members over there is artist, musician, writer and activist Michael Kane ("Clarity"), which i respect for his integrity, patience, passion and intelligence.
In 2004 i was guest at the SF 9/11 Inquiry. One of my personal highlights over there, was to create a mini panel with military analyst Barbara Honegger, about the war drills during and before the Sep11th week, to help pushing these facts into mainstream. Almost two weeks later, finally NORAD started to confirm some of these drills, even though they added their own spin.
My focus was and still is, to keep in touch with international 9/11 truth seekers, investigative researchers and 9/11 activists. On my blog at i reflect weekly the news about this international movement and other investigative and political "highlights" of the week.
Our TV show, INN World Report continues weekly and we're currently have a news portal,, which is still in sneak preview modus and hope to integrate it on our own website very soon. It seems to be also very popular for military-, intelligence and government visitors, too and therefore got twice attacked
Please check out for my own investigative updates as "ewing2001" or "admin" at, in the 9/11 section.
I might have no time to show up here regularly and will not participate in discussions, because of
a) my temper b) no time c) no time
I wish this forum the very best. The focus should be always on two different wings of the movement: A more progressive wing, always open to left- and right wing strategies, tolerance to 9/11 scientific researchers and unconventional ideas.
The other wing, which helped to reach "middle america" is an important part, too, which cannot be dismissed, but should always be able to "hear the other side" as well.
The world is in a bad shape right now and many suggest, that we need a peaceful revolution right now and cannot wait for an election fix or "october surprise" (which real month that ever will be).
Since i'm in regular touch with many of 9/11 truth seekers (~3500 emails a week), I currently can confirm international 9/11 truth activist- and investigative projects in U.S., Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Greece, Iceland, Denmark, Austria, Netherlands, Belgium, England, Scotland, Wales, Russia, Switzerland, Croatia, Czech Republic, Japan, New Zealand, Australia, Brazil, Argentina, Mexico and other countries.
Most of them are not popular yet, but doing great. I know especially of amazing stuff lately in Iceland. There are also many investigative "behind the scene" researchers, who deserves to get bigger props. I try my best to promote them. Keep the good work everybody and bear with me, when i'm grumpy on my own blog or at 9/11 truth alliance.
This IS a challenging time and we have to get through internal crisises, ups and downs, in- and outside this movement, which already survived many diversions, but always became stronger at the end. I hope, you're self-confident enough, not always to follow the leaders and keep an eye open. There is sometimes more truth to find out, even in a 9/11 truth movement.
Nico Haupt aka ewing2001
New York
4.5) Resource for effective debunking of the 9/11 commission

4.6) Appeal for support to the 911readingroom
Dear 911 Truth Seekers,
As we seek the truth about 9/11, we face many obstacles: American consciousness has been anaesthetized by a complaisant media; the U.S. congress is a flock; former presidents are dying...But I'm confident that the truth about the atrocities of September 11 -- a truth that has largely emerged -- will penetrate the American skull, and will begin to make more and more of an impression on our Congress until a new, powerful and uncompromised Truth Commission is
In the meanwhile, we have to create solid foundations for action: knowledge, networks, media, and persistence. I have been particularly concerned about the knowledge factor. Many many websites have sprung up, and many theories have been offered, many of them credible, and many of them less than credible. Unfortunately telling the difference between the two is often impossible: information is carelessly sourced or linked to defunct web pages. Also, very few
911 websites are designed professionally enough to inspire trust, or to make the key information clear and obvious.

and is thus an important catalyst for action. News sources, most of which are archived in full, are tagged with over 80 categories, and are searchable and sortable. A small team of editors is scouring the web, libraries, Lexus Nexus, and other avenues for documents. Already, we have nearly 200 documents, and our work is just beginning. The site is easy to use and free of political agit-prop. It should be of great use to journalists and easy for the layperson to use. Soon, visitors will be able to log in and form their own reading lists or bibliographies. There is also an easy way to create "hot" footnotes for any article, so that this bibliography can be used as a sort of universal 9/11 bibliography.
I invite you, first, to visit the site:

Then, I invite you to contribute in any way you can:
• If you see news stories that aren't in the archive, email them to me, either in entirety, or via URL (or use the feedback form on the site)
• become an editor/compiler for the archive
• spread the word to people, journalists, Congress
• link to the site:

• browse, search, sort, and otherwise use it.
If you, or anyone you know, has a librarian inside of them aching to get out, please contact me. We need people to help with many aspects of 9/11 documentation: Freedom Of Information Act requests, finding news reported on the day of 9/11, archiving the sources in Paul Thompson's
Complete 911 Timeline, in the important 9/11 books, and much more.
Finally, if you have any thoughts about how to improve, make it more approachable to more people, or anything else, let me know.
Michael Richardson

4.7) Media campaign to alert media to the 9/11 commission whitewash
Dear 9/11 Truth activists and concerned citizens,
The final 9/11 Commission hearings are scheduled for this Wednesday and Thursday, and will be aired on CSPAN. Ostensibly these hearings will focus on "the 9-11 Plot." However, given the Commission's failure to ask any of the important questions at previous hearings, no credible sources expect them to do so this time. Therefore, this action alert does not ask you to
make another appeal to the commission. Rather it is directed towards the media, at this crucial time, in order to alert them to the fact that the 9/11 commission is a whitewash.
Please participate! The final hearings covering "the 9/11 Plot" combined with the upcoming release of Michael Moore's new film, "Farenheit 911," provide an incredible window of opportunity. The media and the public have never been as skeptical of the official story of 9/11 as they are right now! We provide everything you need in this email, including sample letters and media email addresses.
Towards 9/11 Truth,
Emanuel Sferios
Webmaster, 9/11 Visibility Project

SAMPLE LETTER (Feel free to copy and paste, or use your own words.)
Dear editor/reporter,
The final 9/11 commission hearings are upon us and the important questions as put forth by the 9/11 families have not been asked. Many of these questions pertain to the evidence for Bush Administration complicity in the attacks themselves, and the refusal of the 9/11 commission to address them is indicative of a coverup.
Ostensibly these hearings are supposed to focus on "the 9/11 plot" and the unprecedented failures of our air defense system to respond to the hijacked aircraft. If the commission took their mandate seriously, they would inquire about the wargames that the US Military was
conducting on 9/11.
Wargames? What Wargames?
On the morning of Sept. 11 itself, the U.S. military was conducting scheduled wargames and anti-terror drills that included "airliner hijackings" as well an "errant aircraft" crashing into a government building. As referenced in the articles linked below, these wargames have all been reported in the mainstream media. Certainly they are relevant to the 9/11 plot. If the commission is not a whitewash and truly wants to get to the truth of 9/11, they will ask the hard
9/11 War Games No Coincidence

The Cleveland Airport Mystery

NORAD was conducting a live-fly, hijack Training

For more questions the 9/11 commission is refusing to
ask, please visit the Family Steering Committee website:

For more information on the 9/11 Truth movement, please visit:

Thank you and sincerely,
Below are 72 select email addresses for both mainstream and alternative media outlets, as well as the commission itself. Copy and paste the first one into the "to" field and the rest put into the "bcc" or "cc" fields. (And add your own!)

4.8) Call for 9/11 events/actions photos and news
Hi. First of all, let me thank you for your contributions to the 9TM, and permitting your contact info to be published. We just started a new web site, and we could use more content.
We'd like to obtain pictures of your 9/11 event(s) that have the following attributes:
1. Outdoors, with plenty (don't want the blimp to get cut off!) of preferably-blue sky in the shot.
2. Multiple people in the shot, perhaps even looking up at or pointing to the 9/11 blimp.
3. Higher-than-web quality so we can reduce the image to the size we can use.
4. A(n attractive interesting) picture that people will want to look at. By our criteria, the best shots will probably have a definite foreground and background (ie, a sense of depth).
If you know of an upcoming event that will result in an image we can use, it would be helpful if you could inform us of it in advance, so that we will have time to add it to our (as yet unpublished) list of stops on the scheduled blimp tour (which might result in a lot more people showing up at your event...).
Regards, and best wishes for a Constitutional tomorrow,

"First of all, when we walked into the classroom, I had seen this plane fly into the first building. There was a TV set on." - George W. Bush, Jan 5, 2002, referring to the magic TV on which he saw an attack that had not yet been broadcast (The 1st KNOWN video did not surface until the next day!)
4.9) Mark of with views on some “bogus” 9/11 sites. Whether you agree or not it is worth being aware of this
"911 In Plane Site," a new movie by a website called "The Power Hour," mixes accurate material about September 11 with easily disproved, bogus information. It is toxic to the cause of exposing the Bush regime's complicity in 9/11, since much of it is based on poor quality, manipulated photos and misunderstandings.

What is this "pod" attached to the bottom of "Flight 175" and why is it there What is this bright flash seen right before impact of both the North & South Towers. Why did an eye witness report seeing no windows on "Flight 175" a commercial United Airlines jetliner [rebuttal: poor quality, altered images are not a basis for making new, implausible theories of 9/11 conspiracies - they only serve to discredit the proven material that shows it was not a surprise attack and probably was an "inside job" Photoshop is an amazing tool.]
If both towers are still standing, what caused this huge explosion at the base of the WTC complex.[rebuttal: the photo that this references is actually of the collapse of the South Tower, partially obscured by the still standing North Tower. The billowing dust next to WTC 7 is not from a "huge explosion," it is the result of the South Tower collapse dust cloud. This one is extremely easy to rebut.]
How does a plane 125 ft. wide & 155 ft. long fit into a hole which is only 16 ft. across [rebuttal: the hole is about the diameter of the fuselage of the plane. None of the "no plane at the Pentagon" theories Why did firefighters, reporters and other eye witnesses describe a pancake collapse of the WTC [this is true -- there were eyewitnesses who definitely did think the buildings were intentionally demolished. But the "pancake" theory is not intentional demolition. See

Why is there no wreckage or crater from "Flight 77" on the lawn of the Pentagon
[rebuttal: There was lots of tiny wreckage on the lawn. The crater was in the side of the building. Plane crashes at 400 mph into extra reinforced concrete / steel generally don't leave large pieces of wreckage.]
Why were there dozens of reports of bombs & explosions going off in and around the WTC before any buildings collapsed. [There were also reports of explosions at the State Department in Washington and other locations that turned out to have been false.]
How does a 757 exit the Pentagon's 3rd ring & leave a hole approximately 16 ft. across with no visible wreckage. [note: this is an anomaly that is very difficult to explain. If it really is true that the plane did go through several rings of the
Pentagon, that would be strong evidence for the something-other-than-a-plane theory. However, there were way too many witnesses from a variety of backgrounds who saw a large jet at the Pentagon. The real, 100% provable fact of the Pentagon crash, which nobody disputes, is that the Pentagon was hit in the nearly empty, recently reconstructed and strengthened sector, which
minimized casualties. See

While it's blatantly obvious that 9/11 was an "inside job," bogus claims based on altered images that make no sense only discredit factual inquiry into "the event that changed the world."
New at an analysis by Eric Salter, refuting several widely-circulated claims about the WTC airliner impacts on 9/11. These include the claims that original video recordings of the impacts were fabricated or altered using computer graphics, that aircraft other than 767s struck the the towers, and even that no planes hit the two towers, the planes supposedly being replaced by super high-tech "holographic" illusions [!]. The analysis shows that these claims, which unfortunately have been lingering around for some time, have no solid basis in the evidence -- video, photographic, or otherwise -- nor any solid basis in logic, and could help to discredit the 9/11 Truth Movement.
The WTC Impacts: 767s or "Whatzits"?

from "Painful Questions" by Eric Hufschmid, page 20 regarding a "blob" seen in some WTC photos that supposedly showed another plane overhead when the second tower was hit
"It is also possible that the blob is just an 'artifact' caused by the software that compressed the video. However, I suspect the person who posted the images deliberately created the blob to make fun of conspiracy theories or to fool people ... the best policy is to ignore theories that are based on compressed images. Demand the original, high resolution images."

Disinformation masquerading as 9/11 Truth exposure
In addition to phony evidence in support of the official conspiracy theory, there is also the problem of bogus material pretending to be investigative journalism that does not bother to present even a scintilla of credible evidence. A few fringe 9/11 websites are now claiming that there wasn't a plane at the World Trade Center north tower (even though the photos of the hole in the tower clearly show the impact of the wings). Some of these "no plane at the north tower" sites include (mirrored at 911uncovered),, and the fairy godmother of this modus operandi - doesn't provide direct links to these sites, which are a mix of accurate material and disinformation -- but they are easy enough to find.
The "webfairy" theories claim that no planes hit the World Trade Center, it was done with missiles and high-tech hologram, and uses video clips that supposedly prove these arguments. The "letsroll911" site claims that a missile was fired at the South tower just before the plane crashed into it, and also uses poor quality photos to "prove" this argument. However, blurry low resolution photos that magically appear two years later are not evidence of alternative views of what happened, they are only evidence of people's unfamiliarity with photo editing software and their gullibility. The "physical evidence" clearly shows that large jets hit the towers - the hole in the side of the North tower (which was hit first) is the size of a 767. And the idea that a missile was fired a split second before the South tower was hit makes no sense, since there was no "need" for this to happen (no tactical advantage for the attackers, since the towers were not anywhere as strong as the sector of the Pentagon that was hit - which had been strengthened against attack immediately prior to 9/11).
The "missile pod at the WTC," "no plane at the WTC" and "plane plus missile" theory are toxic to the cause of 9/11 truth. It is a sign that our political efforts are having an effect -- that these
"theories" (unsupported by any credible evidence) are being distributed to "muddy the waters" to make those who seek to expose the lies of 9/11 as crackpots who have no idea what we are talking about.
There was no extra "pod" that was used to fire a missile from the 767. A quick search on the web will show several sites with photos of 767's with a structure under the plane to hold the wings together. It is sad that 9/11 truth exposers are forced to waste our time dealing with this. There are NO photos with high resolution that show an extra "pod," there is no credible theory to suggest the need for any alleged pod.
The same thing happened during the citizen investigations into the coup against President Kennedy -- people popped up claiming inside knowledge that turned out to be psychotic ravings. One particularly memorable occurrence was during the Jim Garrison prosecution of Clay
Shaw, a CIA agent who participated in the plot against Kennedy - the film JFK covers this episode very well. Garrison's legal team had found a witness who claimed to have participated in meetings with Shaw, Lee Harvey Oswald and others, but on the stand, the man's claims of participation were totally shredded by his claims that he had fingerprinted his daughter before and after she went to college to prove that she was the same person (and therefore, this obviously
insane testimony was used to discredit the genuine evidence that Garrison had used to prosecute Shaw). Shaw was found innocent by the jury (even though subsequent research and official admissions revealed he was CIA), although that jury did admit that there had been a conspiracy to kill JFK, they merely didn't believe that Shaw was a participant.
Bogus 9/11 Truth Sites -- Muddying the Waters with easily disproved phony claims webfairy, physics911, 911hoax, (

Sent a personal capacity only
Kind regards
Ian Neal
Ian Neal
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