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Message to the Irish Government

1714 | 29.06.2004 09:02 | Culture

Dear President/Prime Minister,
In the spring of 1886, thousands of Catalans signed a Message in Support of the Irish People that was forwarded to Charles Stewart Parnell, then the most senior political figure in Irish politics. He replied to the Message through his secretary, Edward O’Sikley.

At a point in history when both our nations lacked freedom, Catalans wished to express their solidarity with the Irish people as they struggled to regain their national rights. The Message concluded with an expression of hope that solidarity between our two nations would endure for evermore.

Recalling that sentiment, the Catalans now again address the Irish people, as r]presented by you, their President, at a time when Ireland - long established as an independent republic within the European Union - has assumed the Presidency of the European Union in the first half of 2004.

The Catalan people congratulate the Irish on their Presidency and note with satisfaction that the Irish Presidency Programme intends to facilitate the entry of new states to the EU as a matter of priority and to maintain “freedom, security and justice” among the peoples of Europe. Moreover, we are delighted that your programme proposes to encourage European citizens “to become much more involved in those processes that affect their lives”. In light of this, we are confident that you, as President of Ireland, will understand our great disappointment that the elaboration of a new Europan Constitution and the present configuration of Europe do not guarantee us, the Catalan people, rights as a nation or accord official status to our language - Catalan - which is today spoken by almost eleven million Europeans.

To reinforce the mutual sympathy felt historically between our countries, we would ask you, as President of Ireland, to support our national and linguistic rights as Catalans just as we fully supported the attainment of the rights of the Irish nation one hundred and eighteen years ago.

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Great website

29.06.2004 13:09

Their website is great, and they are right, the European constitution should recognise the right to speak Catalan in the European parliament.
The Catalan language is spoken by 10 million of europeans which is more speakers than other countries with right to use their language in the European parliament, like Denmark, Finland, Latvia, Lithuania, and etc...


No more nation state violence

29.06.2004 22:00

You're having a laugh aren't you. More right wing republican bollocks? I agree everyone should be able to speak whatever language they want, however, your spin confuses the Irish People and the Irish State. Lets have no borders whose only rationale can be for the exploitation of the poor by the rich. I think Bertie may have wanted to import a bit of cheap Polish labour etc. but perhaps you should check the rest of the Eurostate program re homelessness, corpoparate activity and the property market for example.

The dominant factions of the planet ( ie. the corporates and the state controllers ) are artificially splitting the dominated masses. e.g The 80% vote of bigotry re the Irish constitution. A big thanks going out to the corrupt mainstream media. Well done you bought bastards.

homage to catalonia