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Pilot who shot down Flight 93 on September 11th named

Phil Jayhan | 28.06.2004 21:32 | Anti-militarism | Indymedia | Repression

"At 9:35, the Happy Hooligans, the Air Guard flying the F-16s were ordered to take the plane out. And they took it out from 9:35 to 10:00" - Colonel Don de Grand-pre.

"At precisely 0938 hours, an alarm was sounded at Langely Air Force Base, and those whom were on call, drinking coffee, were scrambled. Thus the 119th Fighter Wing was off for an intercept.

They, the Happy Hooligans, a unit of 3 F-16 aircraft, were ordered to head toward Pennsylvania. At 0957 they spotted their target; After confirmation orders were received, A one Major Rick Gibney fired two sidewinder missiles at the aircraft and destroyed it in mid flight at precisely 0958;

He was awarded a medal from the Governor one year later for his heroic actions. As well as Decorated by Congress on 9/13/2001. The Happy Hooligans were previously stationed in North Dakota, and moved to Langley Air Force base some months before 911 occured on a "Temporary assignment."

Major Rick Gibney did as he was ordered and did nothing criminal. He was merely following orders, of which he had no choice. Please do not harrass this man or bother him for doing what his CO & ultimately George Bush, ordered him to do. Major Rick Gibney has no reason to feel guilty nor regret following orders. The fault lies with his superiors, and a one, certain President George Bush who planned and engineered 911. Please do not heap any kind of abuse onto this man, a crack fighter pilot, one of the best in our nation, for doing what he was trained and ordered to do. He is a good man, honest and full of Integrity as well as unlimited discipline. He is a patriot, and was lied to and deceived.

He had no way to know that this plane wasn't a 'hostile.' Nor could he have. The fault lies with his superiors, and President George 'Dubya' Bush.

Flight 93 has now been forever solved by truth, and honest reporting and investigating, from!

Major Rick Gibney, please do not read this as anything but the truth that the world deserves to know as true history. You played a part, but it was your superiors who deceived both you and everyone else regarding Flight 93. I didn't relish printing your name, as your innocent of any evil doing. yet it's history, and truth, and the world deserves to know.

And your safer now that this truth is out there, than if it was not.

But the world would appreciatte an honest reply and statement from you on this issue, but only when your able and ready.

The source of this information Mr. Gibney was very careful to point out your high quality of charachter and lack of malice or malfeasance in these issues. Your integrity is no way harmed by these revelations, as you were ignorant of the total picture of what was happening that day, and following orders as you were trained to do in an emergency.

I apologize for having to print your name, but felt it neccessary for both the truth to come forward, and your own safety.

Major Rick Gibney..."Lets Roll"

Phil Jayhan


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Has this macho hero crap been exposed?

28.06.2004 23:53

If the nonsense about heroes overpowering nasty arabs armed with box-cutters has been exposed as yet another tail-end fraud


bad news

29.06.2004 00:13

I think its a shame for this guy that they named him, but also, why in the fsck would they give him, and would he want to receive... a medal !

I mean its hardly a celebration situation and hardly a courageous one.

Say, fire a coupla missiles at that defenceless large target over there.

I suppose they want him to fell ok about shooting it down.
He shouldn't feel bad (if thats possible) - because chances are, more lives would have been lost if he hadn't...but - its hardly something to start pinning tin on people over !


Big Lie

29.06.2004 09:27

hoob - The significance of this is that according to the official story, as 'dh' states, is that the passengers and crew overcame the hijackers and the plane crashed in the struggle. That the debris was scattered for miles was a clear indication that the plane had not been in one piece before it hit the ground. The official story doesn't mention the plane being shot down.

If the official story about Flight 93 is false, how does that leave the credibility of the rest of the story, the veracity of which is already in tatters. Bad news for the guy? Sure, because unless he comes out in the open soon he will either be killed in a car accident or be legally silenced like the two FBI agents who were clients of attorney David Shippers and countless others.

It seems that although Colonel Don de Grand-pre has confirmed this story it is still single source and should be handled with care but it might be another straw on the big lie's back.


is this true

29.06.2004 11:41

This story seems to have originated on the lets roll site and all the other sites have copied it like this posting
SO how are we to know if it is true or just a work of fiction?
If it is true then it will be allover the left media soon but can anyone shed any more light over where it originated from.Before everyone gets all excited about it like with the Mirror pictures lets have some more evidence.

There are so many different conspiracy theories but lets have the truth or if it is only a rumour then say so.


First Mention of Happy Hooligans

29.06.2004 12:31

The interview with Colonel Don de Grand-pre in which he first asserts that the pilot who shot the plane down was from the 'Happy Hooligans' was on 29th February 2004 and the transcript can be found here:

Don't expect any coverage in the left media, sis. We are all mad, don't forget. If the story reaches their conscious in any way it will be packaged up to fit in with the core official event.


Colonel Don de Grand-pre

29.06.2004 13:04

also thinks that Israel has launched nuclear weapons at Iraq.



29.06.2004 14:19

Let's wait and see if there are any denials from Major Rick Gibney, the Happy Hooligans, the USAF, the Pentagon or indeed the US Government. It is unlikely of course because as with all the other snippets of incrimination they would prefer not to talk about it. God forbid that Bush might be wrong-footed by a kid writing for a school newsletter.


Don't jump the gun!

29.06.2004 19:41

"... an article from a September 11 website states that Gibney was not scrambled to track Flight 93, but that he was flying into New York. The article states,

Derrig, Maj. Dean Eckman and Capt. Craig Borgstrom scrambled from Langley Air Force Base, Va., to protect the nation's capital. Maj. Rick Gibney took off from Fargo to fly the New York emergency management director from Montana to New York."


This page shows all events that either reference, or are referenced by, the event '9:30 a.m.'.
9:30 a.m. Complete 911 Timeline
The three F-16s scrambled toward Flight 77 get airborne. [9:30, NORAD, 9/18/01, 9:30, ABC News, 9/11/02, 9:35, Washington Post, 9/12/01] The pilots' names are Major Brad Derrig, Captain Craig Borgstrom, and Major Dean Eckmann, all from the North Dakota Air National Guard's 119th Fighter Wing but stationed at Langley.

