ResIstanbul - protests against NATO summit
translation | 28.06.2004 13:58 | Anti-militarism | Globalisation | World
On the 28th and 29th of june politicians and military officials meet in Istanbul for the NATO summit.
For weeks protests against the summit take place in Istanbul and other cities against the NATO summit, globalisation of profiteering and power, as well as against the politics of the turkish government.
Whileas the turkish military and government are keen to get a “piece of the cake” which is called Iraq, a social movement is born on the streets.
About 24000 policemen and the declaration of state of emergency in Istanbul give the impression of Turkey being a proud host of the NATO summit.
For weeks protests against the summit take place in Istanbul and other cities against the NATO summit, globalisation of profiteering and power, as well as against the politics of the turkish government.
Whileas the turkish military and government are keen to get a “piece of the cake” which is called Iraq, a social movement is born on the streets.
About 24000 policemen and the declaration of state of emergency in Istanbul give the impression of Turkey being a proud host of the NATO summit.
At the summit the project of the “Wider Middle East” is discussed, which is to secure militarily the political and economic interests of the rich industrial nations in the Middle East, in North Africa and in central Asia.
Together with the other NATO member states the USA want to decide the project in Istanbul as a component of the NATO doctrine.
In addition Bush wants the other NATO member states to further assistance with his request for stabilisation in Iraq.
Also for the first time seven Eastern European states, e.g. Bulgaria, Romania and Latvia, which joined the military alliance in 2004, are participating.
Officially the Iraq is not to be the main topic of the NATO summit, the Turkish military however clearly wants to ensure that no Kurdish autonomy is desired in the north of the Iraq, but is working instead for Turkish control of the area.
The nearer the summit moves, the stronger the protests and the more numerous the demonstrations in Istanbul and other cities become, The highlight so far was the 17th of june, when in Izmit, Manisa, Eskisehir, Adana, Ankara and in different districts of Istanbul demonstrations and different actions have taken place in which thousands participated.
The protesters do not only want to prevent the NATO summit, but a redistribution of resources and "the same possibilities for all", thus the protests against NATO could become the start for a new social movement in Turkey.
It is difficult to predict how the police will react during the massive marches on the 27th and 28th of june, as they try not to leave a too bad impression to the EU.
Around the NATO summit a protest is expected. Several groups and organisations call for participation at the historical “No NATO” protest in Istanbul.
For the 26th of june migrants protest against the NATO summit in Amsterdam, Berlin, Cologne, Stuttgart, Munich, Paris, Strasbourg, Vienna and London.
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Together with the other NATO member states the USA want to decide the project in Istanbul as a component of the NATO doctrine.
In addition Bush wants the other NATO member states to further assistance with his request for stabilisation in Iraq.
Also for the first time seven Eastern European states, e.g. Bulgaria, Romania and Latvia, which joined the military alliance in 2004, are participating.
Officially the Iraq is not to be the main topic of the NATO summit, the Turkish military however clearly wants to ensure that no Kurdish autonomy is desired in the north of the Iraq, but is working instead for Turkish control of the area.
The nearer the summit moves, the stronger the protests and the more numerous the demonstrations in Istanbul and other cities become, The highlight so far was the 17th of june, when in Izmit, Manisa, Eskisehir, Adana, Ankara and in different districts of Istanbul demonstrations and different actions have taken place in which thousands participated.
The protesters do not only want to prevent the NATO summit, but a redistribution of resources and "the same possibilities for all", thus the protests against NATO could become the start for a new social movement in Turkey.
It is difficult to predict how the police will react during the massive marches on the 27th and 28th of june, as they try not to leave a too bad impression to the EU.
Around the NATO summit a protest is expected. Several groups and organisations call for participation at the historical “No NATO” protest in Istanbul.
For the 26th of june migrants protest against the NATO summit in Amsterdam, Berlin, Cologne, Stuttgart, Munich, Paris, Strasbourg, Vienna and London.
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