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breaking news - mon 28th june - Iraq 'Handover' already happened

info | 28.06.2004 07:10 | Anti-militarism

mon 28th june 04

radio is reporting the rubber stamp of official handover of power in iraq due for wed 30th has occured already.



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RE: Fake handover

28.06.2004 08:20

Goodbye Paul Bremer. Everything else stays the same? 140,000 troops, no changes to basic laws allowed (privatised economy, no media criticism of Iraq etc).

Brian B

A smart move

28.06.2004 09:14

This is a smart move, without doubt there would have been large scale attacks on the old day of handover. I would be surprised if there are still any people who think the attacks in Iraq are any sort of resistance but now accept these are religious extremists fighting for a theocracy and remnants of the Saddam regime desperate to avoid justice. For example, Le Monde recently identified the remamnants of the Saddam regime as being responsible for at least half of the recent attacks on Iraqi targets.

I supported regime change because I was appalled that a fascist dictator like Saddam was still allowed to continue killing. Power is returning to the Iraqi people and for that we should be happy.

I realise that there will be some who still adopt the knee jerk, "If it's American it must be wrong" approach and there will be posts listing the US support of Saddam in the past, the desire to control the oil etc however the fact remians that the UK / USA coalition has removed Saddam from power and has from today has returned power to the Iraqi people.

Peter Richards

Zarkawi captured!!!

28.06.2004 09:18

wow what a day for the US Uk eh?

how staged is this bullshit?

160 000 troops and 15 000 more coming soon from the US
UK are semding 3000

this is the biggest extortion racket ever made...
The Bush Blair Mafia are securing the area on the price of OIL.

Captain Wardrobe


28.06.2004 09:31

First off, Saddam wasnot a 'fascist' per se, he was a Stalinist. Probably splitting hairs though as far as his brutality goes.

Secondly, this constant propaganda, oft repeated unthinkingly, that *all* resistance is either Ba'athist of Fundamentalist because *some* of it appears to be is nonsense. Are the people of fallujah all 'foreign fighters' or 'Ba'athists' - did the Brutality of the occupation have nothing to do with the uprising? Currently, Iraq is little better off than under Saddam. Electricity and Water are nearly back to *sanctions* levels! The new Iraqi PM has suggested he will declare martial law to protect the freedom of Iraqis (looks like he's been taking lessons from Blunkett's idealising).

Saddam was an evil fucker. That does not give 'us' a licence to be comparably bad.


Water and Power

28.06.2004 10:36

"Currently, Iraq is little better off than under Saddam. Electricity and Water are nearly back to *sanctions* levels"

I am sick of reading statements like these. Water and Electricity supply are at unprecedented levels all through Iraq. (source UN). Only recently the US 2nd Engineering Unit in Qasar established full water supply to the entire region, something that had not been achieved in 20 years!



28.06.2004 10:42

UNBELIEVABLE: AL Zarqarwi reported caught on BBC news 24 on 28th June : the SAME DAY as Iraq handover while these hostages remain missing, the report was quickly retracted! it appears you can't have a kidnapper captured while the hostages are still in captivity...oops!

mmmm...I smell FEEL GOOD PSYOPS!
you can hear it now...Wait until the beheadings!

US: Al-Zarqawi captured 28-06-2004, 09:37am
Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, the man believed to be leading the resistance in Iraq, has been captured, the US military said Monday. Al Zarqawi was America's most wanted man in Iraq. He is believed to have been behind a number of kidnappings and beheadings. Reports indicated he had been captured in the town of Hilla, south of Baghdad. The area is under the responsibility of Polish forces. ( albawaba〈=e&dir=news

Zarqawi Capture Denied- 28-06-2004, 10:46am (UK)
The US military today denied that Jordanian-born terrorism suspect Abu Musab Al-Zarqawi had been caught. “That is false,” said an aide to Brigadier General Mark Kimmit, the deputy chief of operations. “I can tell you that Zarqawi has not been arrested. We just checked with the unit.” Al-Zarqawi was rumoured to have been picked up in Hillah, a predominantly Shiite city 60 miles south of Baghdad, the scene of a bloody car bombing on Saturday night that killed about 20 people.

Al-Zarqawi: An American False Flag Operative

Captain Wardrobe

hand over power starts arse

28.06.2004 12:19

peter ricards claim that the US has transfered power to iraq as from today.

can't help but feel there are alot of guliable people around. US govt lied about the reason why we went to war and now they continue their lies about handing over power and people still believe them. you can draw comparsion with battered wives who beleive their husbands lies that they will not hit them again only to continue to be the victim at a later date.

The US will control iraq's oil, its borders, and ecomony. it will retain 140,000 troops in the country.some handover

iraq's puppet ministers will be still under the command of the US and we will continue to see killing and torture.

the resistance against the occupation grows as public opinion in iraq grows against occupation.

Peter my fall for the bullshit propoganda, but iraq still threatens to be the new vietnam.

red letter