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Weed FM

- - | 27.06.2004 19:17 | Liverpool

broadcasting now in Liverpool on 106.1FM

new pirate station broadcasting fridays / sundays.

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Community Radio Needs You

27.06.2004 20:38

The community radio movement has grown worldwide over the last 30 years establishing a new tier of broadcasting that is challenging the traditional public and commercial sectors.

But just as community radio in the UK is starting to finally get a foothold, intense lobbying from the commercial sector to restrict community radio could limit its growth and even possibly kill it at birth....

... for full article and lots of links, click here:



30.06.2004 15:32

So just why should people listen to it? Many other community groups who want to get licences are tarred by the same brush as such pirate radio stations. They serve no use, get no listeners these days and only seem to annoy. Calling it Weed FM? Grow up.



30.06.2004 17:57

And why wouldn't people listen to community radio? So that they can check out the latest garbage the record industry calls music, and listen to the very latest adverts advertising the very latest shite on Radio 1 or Virgin Radio?!

No thanks! More community radio!


little green men

30.06.2004 21:05

you actually listened to the station? great music, no ads, local product. apparently interferes with the signal for Emap's Kerrang on 105.8. a bonus.

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Arr, Jim lad

03.07.2004 11:59

"So just why should people listen to it?"

Because we play music that is simply NOT catered for on mainstream radio.
Where else can you hear some heavy dub reggae followed by a trance remix of Pink Floyd?

"Many other community groups who want to get licences are tarred by the same brush as such pirate radio stations."

If your community group wants to pay thousands of pounds for a RSL which will give you one month on the air, enough power to transmit for a few miles and restrictions on what you can play/say, then go for it.
OTOH, you could spend around £500 on a decent illegal rig, have a radius of 50 miles and get away with it for months.
Your choice, man.

"They serve no use, get no listeners these days and only seem to annoy."

6000 texts in our first 2 months on air would seem to prove you wrong.
The accepted statistic in the radio biz is that only 1% of listeners can ever be arsed to send feedback, so we certainly -do- have listeners.

"Calling it Weed FM? Grow up."

It's about time the government grew up and legalised a herb which has caused ZERO deaths in over 5000 years of usage, yet continues to reap millions from tobacco and alcohol which cause millions yearly. 'Nuff said.

Weed FM is on air from 9pm Friday until midnight Sunday on 106.1 FM around Liverpool.
Skin up and tune in.

Doctor Dub

Perfect Saturday Afternoon

03.07.2004 14:23

Well I'm having a good Saturday afternoon listening to it! Keep it up.


weed fm has a massive amount of listeners.

06.07.2004 12:36

gem proves he is a total fool by saying weed fm has no listeners .thats like me saying indymedia has no readers .well over 6,000,000, million people smoke weed in uk. you fool .

the little green man.
mail e-mail:

Fool here!

09.07.2004 09:10

6,000,000 million. Or 6Billion. That'll be the world's population living in the UK smoking weed then! Ha ha. Maybe you should have put the smoke down before you started typing?!

So, you meant 6 Million. That'll mean you think that just because there are 6million smoking it they will all want to listen to your station? Get serious. I like football but don't watch every match.

My main point is that by trying to pass yourself off as community radio when you have no proof that the local community wants you, and by doing it through illegal methods, it means that those people who really do have a radio-station idea that the local community would support will find it harder to get the licence.

Again, get a life.


community radio

09.07.2004 13:26

>>My main point is that by trying to pass yourself off as community radio when you have no proof that the local community wants you, and by doing it through illegal methods, it means that those people who really do have a radio-station idea that the local community would support will find it harder to get the licence.

where's the proof for this? sounds like the EMap press office talking to me or maybe Soul FM who get 105.8 in august...

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19.07.2004 18:06

Even though i'm not a Weed smoker i still enjoy the wide variety of music they play. Makes a change from the constant diet of manufactured pop and adverts that the local ILRs churn out.

A refreshing change if you ask me. Roll on next weekend!



31.07.2004 01:10

HI isnt it about time radio was about entertainment.
not focus groups marketing meetings and the great lord MONEY
legal stations cater for large groups thats how they make money (the ONLY thing that interests them!)
rsl? what a joke meaningless ways for people to waste their time and money!
the only person I have ever heard describe an rsl as good was someone who ran one (LOL)
you all moan about pirates... but where would your industry be without them??
home light and third?
we are facing a very real dilema today.. a dilema of fast ads plastic music and an unbeleivable sameness of all the stations!
if piracy can help reduce the boredom and shake the legal stations up a bit then I for one am all in favor!

mail e-mail: CAT@DOG.COM

re: weed fm

02.08.2004 14:21

personally i can not see the problem with weed fm its not black focussed just into good music aint harming anyone not costing you anything (and good while its lasts) thanks you little green man and friend for lightening up the summer. (and no i dont smaoke da weed) freedom of speech is the issue here not cow tow for an rsl down the dial (saga is next up)

mail e-mail:

u mongs

01.10.2004 11:38

weed fm is the best radio station out there the rest r shit smoke the weed

mail e-mail:

free the little green man and free the weed

23.10.2004 17:08

free the weed and free the little green man

2th pic