Trident Ploughshares/Faslane Peace Camp | 25.06.2004 12:54 | Anti-militarism | World
A wheelchair user was amongst those who breached security by breaking into a top UK nuke base yesterday. Veteran campaigner, Roz Bullen, spent several minutes painting, "No WMD" and other peace slogans on buildings before being arrested.
Press Briefing
24th June 2004
Wheelchair User Breaks Into Nuke Base
Last night anti-Trident protesters again exposed serious flaws in security at the Faslane as three activists, one in a wheelchair, broke into the high security nuclear weapon base.
The three, Roz Bullen from Edinburgh, Morag Forbes and Sue Brackenbury, both from Faslane Peace Camp, entered the base at the north end, cutting a hole in the perimeter fence large enough to admit the wheelchair, made their way without interruption to the inner fence, and were in the process of cutting their way through that when they were detained. They also painted peace slogans, such as “No WMD” on buildings inside the base.
Roz, who relies totally on her wheelchair for mobility, has been charged with causing £200 worth of damage to the outer fence and £600 damage to the inner one. Sue and Morag were charged with causing £200 worth of damage to the outer fence and £600 damage to the buildings. Sue also has physical disabilities and hearing impairments.
The trio, who were released from custody this morning, were delighted with the progress they had made in again exposing poor security at the base and in highlighting UK hypocrisy over weapons of mass destruction.
Roz Bullen explained, “The real breach of security is the global proliferation of nuclear weapons. Trident is totally illegal, immoral and insane. It is time action was taken. Even Saddam Hussein and Colonel Gaddafi will allow weapons inspections, Blair will not.”
This action is just the latest in a series of citizen’s weapons inspections. In April, activists from Trident Ploughshares breached security and broke into the Command and Control Centre for Trident at Northwood Military HQ, and campaigners from the group are amongst those being prosecuted for high profile acts of people’s disarmament at USAF Fairford during the war in Iraq.
For interviews, contact:
24th June 2004
Wheelchair User Breaks Into Nuke Base
Last night anti-Trident protesters again exposed serious flaws in security at the Faslane as three activists, one in a wheelchair, broke into the high security nuclear weapon base.
The three, Roz Bullen from Edinburgh, Morag Forbes and Sue Brackenbury, both from Faslane Peace Camp, entered the base at the north end, cutting a hole in the perimeter fence large enough to admit the wheelchair, made their way without interruption to the inner fence, and were in the process of cutting their way through that when they were detained. They also painted peace slogans, such as “No WMD” on buildings inside the base.
Roz, who relies totally on her wheelchair for mobility, has been charged with causing £200 worth of damage to the outer fence and £600 damage to the inner one. Sue and Morag were charged with causing £200 worth of damage to the outer fence and £600 damage to the buildings. Sue also has physical disabilities and hearing impairments.
The trio, who were released from custody this morning, were delighted with the progress they had made in again exposing poor security at the base and in highlighting UK hypocrisy over weapons of mass destruction.
Roz Bullen explained, “The real breach of security is the global proliferation of nuclear weapons. Trident is totally illegal, immoral and insane. It is time action was taken. Even Saddam Hussein and Colonel Gaddafi will allow weapons inspections, Blair will not.”
This action is just the latest in a series of citizen’s weapons inspections. In April, activists from Trident Ploughshares breached security and broke into the Command and Control Centre for Trident at Northwood Military HQ, and campaigners from the group are amongst those being prosecuted for high profile acts of people’s disarmament at USAF Fairford during the war in Iraq.
For interviews, contact:

Trident Ploughshares/Faslane Peace Camp
Hide the following 8 comments
We need to do more
25.06.2004 15:09
Don't get me wrong I'm all for direct action but this is another one of those empty gestures that achieves nothing.
It didn't illustrate security failures - security worked
It didn't raise awareness - the public is aware that Faslane exists and what is does
It didn't show up any safety issues - just a wire perimiter fence was broken
It didn't get national coverage - the mainstream media didn't care.
Events of this kind always remind of a activist oneupmonship. "Look what we did, aren't we clever"
In all honesty we need to question what we are achieving with so many of the current round of protests.
Red Len
slag slag bitch slag
25.06.2004 16:34
thank you for doing this and reminding me how many tossers there are out there, lest i ever get complacent. i have so many great folk around me right now its easy to forget how poxy some of the cretins are out there, and how much work "we" have ahead of us...
what would you likie people to do, len?
25.06.2004 16:37
how do you know they weren't trying to get in further to do something else?
having said that, trident ploughshares do seem to be becoming one of the sort of greenpeace type groups who like to brand their actions - publicising their group and their members whilst not really acknowledging the work of others - as though the only way of doing this kind of thinig is as part of an organisation - THEIR organisation.... iykwim?
i'd really like to know what you think they should have done iinstead?
Why breaking into a nuke base is neccessary...
25.06.2004 19:29
2) Disrupting work in the base is inevitable when these actions happen. A bandit alarm goes off, and workers must stop what they are doing and go into buildings...
3) Trident Ploughshares is just one of a large number of groups involved in the peace movement in the UK, and in fact these particular campaigners have served prison sentences, and are residents of Faslane Peace Camp - a hub of anarchist, environmental and peace activism in Scotland.
4) It was a MASSIVE security breach, had they been terrorists they could have done much harm (and its worth recognising Roz was in a wheelchair (!), though obviously the real security breach is the global proliferation of nuclear weapons
5) This action was carefully timed to occur in the few days that US and UK are negotiating renewal of the NPT, and there is much discussion in journals such as New Scientist as to the development of new nukes
6) This action occurred on the day a new commander took over at Faslane, making a boasting speech at how good security was in the base...!
So stop slagging of those who are working for change, and get off your ass!
Yes, but . . . .
28.06.2004 09:25
If we want to achieve change it will not be by protests of this kind, the camp at Faslane is an irrelevant one in the same way the Camp at Greenham Common became an irrelevance. Long term established camps of this kind make no diference to those in the base, they do not raise public awareness because after a very short time the public ignore them, the mainstream media treat them like a joke and in the end they simply become a place for people to live an alternative lifestyle. (Not in itself a bad thing just not viable a a protest action)
Trident Ploughshares has been around for a long time, it has received financial, practical and spirital support from a number of people (including me) and what has it achieved?
We continue to confuse real change with stunts.
Red Len
28.06.2004 10:20
Do us all a favour "Len", fuck off and explode.
Irrelevant comments from a self-promoting lifestylist
28.06.2004 16:31
-Actually I think you'll find a lot of people aren't aware of Faslane at all. There are even people locally who think that "only" conventional weapons are stored at Faslane. Sort of a case of "don't mention the nukes" which is why we feel the need to publicise our actions and remind people what their taxes are paying for. (That and the fact that we're shameless media tarts and self-promoters, well I am anyway :p ).
*"It didn't get national coverage - the mainstream media didn't care."
-It's already been pointed out that this isn't true, but in any case, isn't the apathy of the mainstream media (part of) the reason that sites like Indymedia exist?
*"Events of this kind always remind of a activist oneupmonship. "Look what we did, aren't we clever""
-Um, not really, I normally post about actions to show how easily they can be achieved. (Tho obviously not to incite others to illegal activity, anarchists being such great respecters of the law). Everyone can do direct action, and at the peace camp we always welcome new faces.
*"the camp at Faslane is an irrelevant one in the same way the Camp at Greenham Common became an irrelevance."
-Have you ever been? Who is it irrelevant to exactly? Not the MoD anyway, if the amount they spend on surveillance of campers is anything to go by. What about the sailors who come to camp when they're having doubts about being in the military and need a sympathetic ear? Or the anti-nuke locals who regularly visit, and are glad that there's a loud dissenting voice in their militarised community? And actually, a lot of people who used to work in the base or the navy are now anti-war activists, so we must be having some effect on them....
*"in the end they simply become a place for people to live an alternative lifestyle"
-Yes, of course the only reason I'm here is to be "alternative", not because of any political reasons at all. Of course I could have chosen from any number of less political alternative communities, but then I do so love having my phone calls listened to, having a police file and constantly being told that I'm just a selfish lifestylist and not a real activist at all. Oh, and of course I never wash and am constantly on drugs, even when travelling to the dole office with my dog on a string.
*"In all honesty we need to question what we are achieving with so many of the current round of protests."
"If we want to achieve change it will not be by protests of this kind"
-Finally something I almost agree with. Yes, of course we should be questioning and evaluating our actions - if you are doing so Len, let's hear some of your ideas for what we should be doing next. And no, we won't achieve change only by direct action alone. But that doesn't mean we shouldn't be using it as one tactic out of many.
[Usual postscript - visitors always welcome at Faslane Peace Camp, call us on 01436 820 901 or send us an email for more info. If you want to use us as a base for your own self-promoting, pointless base infiltrations, we'd be delighted -].
P.S. Some sections of this post may be sarcastic.
nice one!
29.06.2004 20:03
Jess x