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U.S. politicians SCARED in Rio (by Latuff)

Latuff | 24.06.2004 22:46

Photo by Brazilian photographer Samuel Tosta.

U.S. politicians not welcome in Rio de Janeiro
U.S. politicians not welcome in Rio de Janeiro

Debate with representatives Suzana Mendoza (Democrat, Illinois) and Erik Paulsen (Republican, Minnesota) about U.S. elections in UERJ (Rio de Janeiro State University) was interrupted yesterday by students who thrown water, flour and eggs. In the picture, a protestor (Hey, it's me!) is throwing fake "Anthrax" (flour) against Republican representative Erik Paulsen.

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25.06.2004 17:37

When you throw flour, water, and eggs at them they dion't allow it.

When they throw bombs at children, it's not a problem for them.

I wionder why the world doesn't believe them?

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stupid brazilians

26.06.2004 18:57

It is just a shame that the ones that criticize US for their actions are the first ones to do the same nonsense. whatever the message they tried to send to the US, they ought to lissen themselves. I feel Sorry for the sad episode, I feel sorry for the US polititians that came upon invitation, and I feel sorry for the stupid people that feel proud for been stupid.

Shamed Brazilian


26.06.2004 19:17

I'm sorry but that's a fucking stupid stunt to pull. Faking a terrorist attack is pretty disgusting and only discredits the cause by blurring the line between legitimate dissent and real threats - playing straight into the hands of those who would like to crush any criticism of US policies.


Stupid Kids

26.06.2004 19:38

Thanks Andrew, for your comment! Althoug I think it is hard, I just wish people could understand that the stupid movment those kids did does not represent Brazilian people at all... just a small group of non-informed sick kids.

Also, this is a good exemple of how easy is to destroy a reputation of someone, just by acting like thay did....

Shamed Brazilan

Quit being so judgemental!

27.06.2004 03:44

The US state are quite capable of organising their own fake terror alerts, so there's no way you can blame protesters for making repression easier. Actually, the more false alarms we have, the less people will believe it's a real incident the next time cops try to crack down.

In my book, any action is better than no action. If you can't shut down the whole conference, why not do the best you can to at least cause a stir? This isn't a disgrace, it's breaking the enforced seriousness and "business as usual" of bourgeois ritual.


Death to US imperialism!!! If you support Bush, stay prepared to the revenge!!!

02.07.2004 06:11

To all the US fascists that support Bush´s policies:
This occured is only a little sample of the hate and inconformity that are caused by
the US fascist and genocide external policies, even in countries that havent a strong
anti-american tradition. Its a consequency of the bloody actions of the Republican fascist-protestant George Bush and their damned "war-falcons".
If the US people think that is right and justifiable to bomb woman and children for oil, torture prisioners, disrespect ONU resolutions, attack indepent countries as "precaution", and maintain men without judgemanet in torture chambers, If you, american citizen, agree with this, you are not a citizen of a country but a fascist-opressor soldier of the US blodty Empire againt all the free world. If you think like this, stay prepared for the violent answers. If the US people accord to this in the next elections, so must be prepared to the violent revenge of the victims of their murders and crimes in all the world.
Pay attention US humans and thinker (cause your president in so dumb and idiot as a donk):
´Cause this fascist asshole spread hate for your country and people in all the world...
If you think someday to visit Rio de Janeiro or another beautifull summer city wherever in this world, think about: the actions of your government create a image of yourself too in the foreign countries. And if your representant is a empty-mind, mutherfucker murderer just like Mr. Bush, certainly this image never will be a good one. With you support Bush stay prepared for the hate and revenge that you will cause in all parts of the world!!!
If you want to be welcome in foreign countries don´t be a stupid fascist just like your actual president nd don´t support their actions, or tomorrow, you can be received with eggs too...

eyewitness of the Episode in Rio de Janeiro (FUCK THE CIA)
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Death to US imperialism 2: stupid mind-colonized "Shamed Brazilian"

02.07.2004 06:36

I fell sorry that a stupid mind-colonized "Shamed Brazilian" critisized studants and workers to throw eggs and flour in a representant of the fascist party of Bush, as in the same time your fascist troops murdered woman and children with bullets (even with radioactive ammunition), bombs and missiles... I think that these stupid brazilian have no sense of justice and dimension of the violences...
The message that the protesters tried (and certainlly achieved) send to the representant of the Republican Party was clear: "US bloody fascists, you are not welcome here" and was expressed in their slogan: "O Bush, presta atenção, a UERJ não é o Iraque não" (or, "Oh Bush, pay attention, the UERJ (The University) is not the Iraq no")
Stupid Shamed Brazilian: go to live in US "democracy"! I only wish that you haven´t a arab appearance, cause you can to be lauched in a torture chamber without a judgement, disrespecting thr Genebra convention and all the international laws...
Make a effort the think a little sometimes idiot!

It is just a shame that the ones that criticize US for their actions are the first ones to do the same nonsense. whatever the message they tried to send to the US, they ought to lissen themselves. I feel Sorry for the sad episode, I feel sorry for the US polititians that came upon invitation, and I feel sorry for the stupid people that feel proud for been stupid.

Shamed Brazilian

a eyewitness of the episode in Rio de Janeiro
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Fuck the US imperialism!!! 3

02.07.2004 07:22

Aos colonizados puxa-sacos de yankees que escreveram algo aqui: usem a cabeça para racionar ao menos um pouquinho de vez em quando ao inves de usa-la de decorar as "geniais" falas de filmes hollywoodianos... Antes de mais nada cabe dizer no ocorrido a democrata Mendoza falou até o fim de sua intervenção. Foi quando o representente de Bush (o debate, na realidade era um palanque eleitoral para as eleições nos EUA) ia começar a falar é que as faixas foram estendidas e as palavras de ordem foramn gritadas... Não há nada que um fascista WASP e republicano fala que possa ser aproveitado. Não foi discutido com a comunidade acadêmica a seção de espaço numa Universidade pública para campanha de um facista como o Sr. Bush. Isso é um absurdo e um desrespeito.
Democracia não é dar a palavra a um representante do quer existe de mais reacioário, fascista e genocida no planeta e, sim, discutir com toda a comunidade acadêmica se este infeliz indivíduo deveria estar ali.
Se assim fosse teria sido evitado um "debate" onde todos os que assistiam ou eram estudantes do mestrado obrigados a estar ali ou pessoas claramente hostis a tudo o que o desprezível Sr. Erik Paulsen, como representante de Bush, defenderia. Não havia duvidas a esse respeito: iso, portanto, não era um debate.


Cansei de escrever em inglês pq não tenho motivo para me comunicar numa lingua simplória de bárbaros medíocres, que sequer tem uma raiz linguistica propria para palavras como "Escola" e "Hospítal" tendo em vista que esses so entraram em contato com instituições proprias de povos civilizados ao adentrar na história ocidental fazendo a unica coisa que são otimos em fazer: destruir (nesse caso o Imperio Romano)

FUCK THE WASPs (like the Mr. Pausen...) the US imperialism and the Republican assholes
(Isso é para que os estupidos e limitados fascistas yankess possam entender...)

Testmunha ocular do ocorido no Rio de Janeiro e arremessador de ovos
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contradictions 2

06.07.2004 06:22

Dear friends Andrews and "sham/ed(ing) brazil/ian"
You compare eggs with bombs and we are stupids ?!
?! ... !!? (eggs have strong efect sometimes)

Especialy to Andrews: since some years we use to put fire on England flags toghether with the yankees, we meet us.

Orlando Costa(I was there)
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