Stonehenge Summer Solstice 2004 Pictures
alan lodge [Tash] | 23.06.2004 19:29
A jaunt out to another 'Managed Access' at Stonehenge, at the permission [and conditions] of English Heritage.
I had a nice time, met old friends and some wierd and wonderful people, doing wierd and wonderful things. BUT .... it is not as I would have it.
I had a nice time, met old friends and some wierd and wonderful people, doing wierd and wonderful things. BUT .... it is not as I would have it.
Stonehenge Summer Solstice 2004 Pictures
A jaunt out to another 'Managed Access' at Stonehenge, at the permission [and conditions] of English Heritage.
I had a nice time, met old friends and some wierd and wonderful people, doing wierd and wonderful things. BUT .... it is not as I would have it. The whole policing operation and security policy might seem a little 'over the top' for those just wanting to gather for an overnight party. The operations are more intelligable though, if you have had any experience of the free festivals. In the names of health & Safety, and public order, rules and regs are devised, together with the limits of stay, to stiffle any possibility / attempt to re-establish
"The Peoples' Free Festival of Albion at Stonehenge"
This place has such a history in recent times, that the public demand that there clearly is for a gathering at this time, that has been squashed by force. The police money continues to be spent to resist this idea. Now 20 years since the last proper event there and next year is 20 years since the Battle of the Beanfield
Add it all together and the sum is huge. Other parts of the world hold events like this up to the world. The Kum Mella festival has 15 million participants every four years. The authorities plan for years and turn out in some force, BUT to help those gathering and to help enable the event. This country, well .....
More pictures from this set, on my PhotoBlog at:
More to follow, when I have scanned colour slides and BW negs.
Pictures of last years 2003 events, on various sites at:
UK Indymedia Stonehenge Summer Solstice 2003 Pictures
PhotoBlog at:
and on my webserver:
Stonehenge Solstice 2003 ::
Also, a reminder to check out some ealier work, describing how we have arrived at this phase, in the story, The story so far .. .. ..
Solstice Ritual:
[pdf version]
Operation Solstice:
The Story so far:
My Diary:
A jaunt out to another 'Managed Access' at Stonehenge, at the permission [and conditions] of English Heritage.
I had a nice time, met old friends and some wierd and wonderful people, doing wierd and wonderful things. BUT .... it is not as I would have it. The whole policing operation and security policy might seem a little 'over the top' for those just wanting to gather for an overnight party. The operations are more intelligable though, if you have had any experience of the free festivals. In the names of health & Safety, and public order, rules and regs are devised, together with the limits of stay, to stiffle any possibility / attempt to re-establish
"The Peoples' Free Festival of Albion at Stonehenge"
This place has such a history in recent times, that the public demand that there clearly is for a gathering at this time, that has been squashed by force. The police money continues to be spent to resist this idea. Now 20 years since the last proper event there and next year is 20 years since the Battle of the Beanfield
Add it all together and the sum is huge. Other parts of the world hold events like this up to the world. The Kum Mella festival has 15 million participants every four years. The authorities plan for years and turn out in some force, BUT to help those gathering and to help enable the event. This country, well .....
More pictures from this set, on my PhotoBlog at:
More to follow, when I have scanned colour slides and BW negs.
Pictures of last years 2003 events, on various sites at:
UK Indymedia Stonehenge Summer Solstice 2003 Pictures
PhotoBlog at:
and on my webserver:
Stonehenge Solstice 2003 ::
Also, a reminder to check out some ealier work, describing how we have arrived at this phase, in the story, The story so far .. .. ..
Solstice Ritual:
[pdf version]
Operation Solstice:
The Story so far:
My Diary:
alan lodge [Tash]
Hide the following 9 comments
couldn't rezist
23.06.2004 22:30
I had to doctor it. It seems apt.
.. solidarity
You are like some crackpot religous cult!
24.06.2004 08:42
Starshine People hater
24.06.2004 09:28
24.06.2004 11:16
25.06.2004 12:01
A cult of spirit is preferable to a mass cult of the toxic and stupid.
disgusted of Tunbridge Wells.
25.06.2004 13:55
>lumps of variously moulded toxic plastic
you know what ? (and i dont mean to troll here) but i cant help reflect on that when i look at picture number 14.
Wayhay... Its solstice time... lets get down to this historic monument and just discard our litter/bags/plastic soda bottles all round it.
We're all very "right-on" round here...but some of us cant even take our f**king litter home .
Not very impressive.
I can't disagree
25.06.2004 14:28
I can't entirely disagree with you on that one. I didn't go this year, but I went a couple of years back for a couple of years in a row, and the plastic filth was largely cleaned up (i think), but amongst the up & comings their is a filthy disrespect for nature alomgside a false romantisation of it (proven by the levels of filth left over).
Certainly here in Bristol the filth left after the Ashton Court festival is disgusting, and people do whinge that it's no-longer a free festival, but that's partly because of the cleaners they now need to hire, and of course, that they pay means that many people feel they have a paid up right to strew their filth everywhere.
A classic self-fullfilling narcissistic prophecy. Apart from that it's still a lot less disgusting than te muck the average household churns out on a daily basis. Myself included but I'm trying to improve ;o)
a bunch of rocks and litter bugs...
25.06.2004 15:24
Anyway the point is moron, that it's slightly more than an obsession with a "bunch of rocks". It's also more than 'just a party' - the right to gather is a pretty important one which has come under attack in this country decade after decade from successive different (but not that different :) governments.
Gatherings like this are social occaisions and important communication points. I often meet old frinds that I haven't seen for months, catch up, meet new people, hear about amazing new projects or campaigns etc - and yeah, sure, have a great party.
The convoy people who were attacked almost 20yrs ago in the battle of the beanfield were part of the tens of thousands who had been gathering each year for the Peoples' Free Festival of Albion (at Stonehenge) - the point being that the festival, the gathering, was the main thing, and not stonehenge itself (check the old pictures out to see 70,000 people on nearby land, and stonehenge itself with only a couple of hundred around it). Since then the repression against gatherings and travelling lifestyles in part created stonehenge as the symbolic focus representing the attacks on freedom in this country, as well as a focus for the alternative visions. It is of course also of spiritual significance, and maybe more these days with environmental devestation and climate change all on the increase, and if you can't dig that, well fell a bit sorry for you mate, at least don't have a go at others when they express such views.
Re: disgusted of tunbridge wells / farquar's point:
"Wayhay... Its solstice time... lets get down to this historic monument and just discard our litter/bags/plastic soda bottles all round it. We're all very "right-on" round here...but some of us cant even take our f**king litter home. Not very impressive."
It is certainly an important point. And one worth understanding. The scene you see in the pics has had 20,000 people there all night and all morning... Twenty Thousand! In this context the litter you see in the pic ain't that bad (compare and contrast to city centres or festivals like the cannabis festie in london etc). Also understand that what you see comes from a field with no rubbish points or recycling facilities, accept some at the exit of the field - so there's no where to deposit rubbish, until you leave.
Also, and this is the most important point, the pic 14 you refer to is a picture _during_ the solstice celebration. What you don't see is the hoardes of litter pickers, official and unofficial, from peace stewards to english heritage marshalls to 'ordinary punters' who collect the bagged and unbagged leftovers throughout the morning - so that by the time people leave the area is clean -(for example check out the black and white picture of inside the stone circle from 2003 at to see just how spotless people leave the place).
grumble grumble grumble... some people are never happy :-)
pixie picker
Well done Tash
17.07.2004 14:46
Message to the knob Starshine People hater
What have you done with your life probably just sit there and moan. Well my cult friend of moaning take some time out and look at Tash`s webpage you might lean some think then when you done that hit Google and search cult you might lean even more before you open your mouth