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Reclaim the streets-Hull

Durriti | 23.06.2004 15:07 | Culture | Free Spaces | Globalisation | London

Reclaim the streets-Hull
26th June@12
Meet up in Pearson Park

Reclaim the Streets is a global, decentralized direct action movement which uses street parties to take back public space - the street - from cars, corporations and the police state, and to return it to the public for socializing, bicycling, art, food, dancing, music, theatre, dialogue, community and creativity.

We think that life should be lived in the streets, not just in cars, living rooms, and cubicles. The streets connect us, they are a shared common space, and thus it is vital that we reconsider our relationship with them, and the way we hurry through them inside rolling steel cages, only to disappear into partitioned apartments, commercial spaces, into isolation. By stepping into the streets – together – we reclaim our humanity, and we breathe life back into an all too sterilized world.



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do you have a contact?

25.06.2004 14:28

Heya y'all,

great to hear noises from Hull - been a while. Do you have a contact address I could send fliers for the Earth First! summer gathering to, presuming there's interested folk around? It' s in the East Midlands, 4-9th August.
If you don't want to put it up on Indymedia, email it/send it to us - contact details on

good luck and have fun on Saturday

love n rage


Activists in Hull? where? need some contact details!

04.01.2005 19:32

umm, title kinda covers it i think!

paul rush
mail e-mail:

very poor

24.01.2006 13:57

About as likely to work as an old man's arse.
