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Embassy of Greece sending out infected e-mails

Free Simon Chapman Campaign (Member) | 23.06.2004 11:22 | Indymedia | London

The press office at the Embassy of Greece have been sending e-mails to members of the public who sent e-mails in protest over their countries treatment of Simon Chapman who was released earlier this year without charge.

As you all may be aware of how Simon Chapman was treated by the Greek police, being beaten up, fitted up and stuck in a squalid prison, many of you sent e-mails in protest to the Greek Embassy for his release after viewing footage of the Greek police placing items into a black holdall which included petrol bombs and a hammer and placing this holdall beside Simon who with others spent many weeks on hunger strike, protesting their innocence.

The campaign was successful and Simon was released without being convicted of any offence in Greece, he has been able to return home to his family and friends in the U.K. unfortunatly the press office at the Embassy of Greece are not satisfied with this outcome and they've been involved in sending out malicious e,mails infected with various viruses including the MY DOOM virus.

Those of us who have PCs should run a security check on our home computers to see if they've been infected and those of us recieving mail from the pressoffice@greekembassy shouldn't open any attatchment unless they have a security package on their computer which blocks potential attacks.

The press office at the Embassy of Greece should be warned that continued harassment of U.K. citizens and those who campaigned for the release of Simon Chapman will result in legal action being taken against the Greek Embassy.

If any other person involved in the campaign to free Simon Chapman has had similar e,mails can they post up on this newswire as soon as possible, so that if this continued harassment by employees within the press office at the Embassy of Greece continues we can notify the right firm of solicitors to take legal action against the Greek Embassy in due course.

Free Simon Chapman Campaign (Member)


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Check the headers

23.06.2004 14:23

I get loads of viruses sent to me every day - 99% are spoofed email addreses, and come from proxies


Re: Embassy of Greece sending out infected e,mails

23.06.2004 14:28

Several others who sent e,mails to the Embassey in protest to Simon Chapman's inprisonment in Greece have had similar attacks to their computers, there have also been e,mails suggesting that you've won a huge sum of money from a Greek Lottery, this message has an attatchment which contains the MY DOOM virus and the heading reads each time PRESS OFFICE

Free Simon Chapman Campign

dont automatically resort to paranoia

23.06.2004 14:36

The apalling fact is that 1 in 5 of computers are infected with at least 1 virus. Some of these viruses are getting very smart. Once your PC is infected, the virus typically searches for every email address it can find in your web cache, address book, html, word and text files and automatically forwards itself on to them. Not only that, but in order to cause maximum confusion, many viruses will also forge where they're originating from, so in fact, these could be coming from someone you know who happens to have both your address and the Greek embassy's address floating around somewhere on their PC. Or it could be that the Greek embassy has been accidentally infected because of a piss poor IT department. Or one or more of their amateurish employees may indeed be deliberately sending out viruses to bolshy activists. You wouldn't stand a cat in hell's chance of ever proving the latter.

If you don't already have any antivirus software running on your windoze box (why not?) then you can download a freebie one here:
or here:

You could also be very surprised by the amount of spyware that dodgy websites have installed on your PC or that you've allowed to be installed by blindly clicking on every flashy link that you see. Go here:
to download an excellent spyware remover.

Or if you have a friend who knows how to install and run Linux then you could get them to convert your box to that for far greater security and peace of mind.


Check carefully before launching any legal action!

23.06.2004 15:28

B careful B4 U sue anyone.. almost all contemporary virii 'spoof' the senders address by randomly picking another address from the infected PCs address books or sent items folder. If you receive an infected e-mail claiming to be from the greek embassy (or any other for that matter) it could just as possibly be from the PC of someone who has sent them an e-mail.

Of course, if they are coming from there you should be able to prove it, as long as you find enough cases, but you'd still have problems proving it was deliberate.. their PC's could have been accidentally infected.. and even if you could show that it was a deliberate campaign you have the not insignificant issue of diplomatic immunity, AFAIK embassies play by different rules to even their host countries :-/

Good Luck,


PS: Secret services worldwide routinely run SIGINT on all embassies incoming/outgoing voice & data traffic. If U send them mail, you WILL end up on lists! ;]

mail e-mail: r0g(at)