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9 Ladies campaign win in the High Court

Davey | 22.06.2004 21:02 | Ecology | Sheffield

Today a High Court judge ruled that Stancliffe Stone (owned by Marshalls) do not automatically have the right to re-open the two quarries near the nine ladies stone circle on Stanton Moor in the Peak District.

The judge classified the old quarries as being disused under the 1995 Environment Act, which means that Stancliffe Stone now have to apply for permission to quarry. This could only be granted subject to stringent conditions. Possibly not the end, but definitely a first round victory!



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with love and respect

23.06.2004 02:34

well done.

who says you wont save the world eh?

i think you are all sooo gooooood!!!

peace and loving trust, rez and yummy vegan munchies to y'all

rod ai fishboy respect you all stay organic wee love it. 4real

yeah for you

23.06.2004 09:46

This is fantastic news.

blackwood boris

Good News!

23.06.2004 10:49

Great news! Does anyone know the score on stuff happening at blackwood at the moment? (is there a contact email?)



23.06.2004 15:04

As far as I know there are still some people going up there but I'm not sure if there are any camps. I believe a group of people went up there a couple of weeks ago pixieing and digger diving.

Well I'm thinking of it I noticed a full page advert in The Independent calling for Alistair Darling (Transport Minister) to build an extra lane on all of the major motorways. Can't remember which day. I try to scan it later and post it here.

We should contact the Independent to make it clear that it is unacceptable to take funding of this sort etc.. I write up a story and post it later



23.06.2004 17:23

made (what would otherwise have been) a very shit day, sweet..



24.06.2004 11:50

But this is far from over. The site is waiting to hear what the Peak Park are going to say as this is just a court case victory in reference to the quarry being dormant or not. It just puts more bargaining power into the hands of the peak park. The peak park could still allow marshalls to quarry... just under more stringent measures....... so its all still up in the air and is definately not over yet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
